Vampire Class

also it’s own class mount akin to Druid flight form/wolf form.

Cloud of bats would be really cool for that.

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Blood mage would be so sweet. I’m not against a vampire race either but I like the idea of it being something available to all races. There is a lot of lore around it like we know the sandfury trolls used blood magic, Orcs did on Draenor, we met a Gnome Blood mage in blasted lands. I’d wish it would be a healer type of class as well.


Out of curiosity since I am not the best with lore on this. What exactly is it that made them into vampires to begin with? You said they are a type of scourge right? Did the lich king do this?

That is unknown, the origin of the blood curse is currently not anywhere in game. It’s heavily hinted however that the Vry’kul have something to do with it.

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Night Elf Mohawk class confirmed.

Blood dk with blood drinker, that is all

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Isn’t it already a spec for Death Knights?


Want to play a vampire class? Roll a:

  • Shadow Priest (Vampiric Touch, Vampiric Embrace, San’Layn)
  • Fury Warrior (Bloodthirst)
  • Warlock (Drain Life, Drain Soul, Summon Succubus
  • Blood Death Knight (Blooddrinker)
  • Demon Hunter (Vengeance Mastery: Felblood, Soul Fragments)

You’re welcome.


you,… don’t know lore all too well do you.
While “Vampires” are undead, not all undead are “Vampires”.
The most vampire-like undead are San’layn, who seem to derive power from drinking blood and have a thirst for it. There’s also the more viral and disease-like Vampyrs in Stormheim which originate in ancient Vrykul necromantic magics.

For a “Class of Vampires” you’re looking for Blood Death Knights.

Druid wolf form is just a Worgen

It’s also been said outright that the Nathrezim (aka Dreadlords) are a sort of “psychic” vampire, feeding on minds and souls rather than blood…thus placing warlocks and demon hunters along similar lines.

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They also fill the aesthetic fairly as well. They even turn to bats when they die, and are probably a reference to the more “Demonic” side to vampires in pop culture.

The next class needs to be a mail wearing class,like a support bard type,it is a playstyle that could wrk in wow and atm has no real class to fill it imo.

Not to mention the ability to influence/mind control/seduce the vulnerable; the nathrezim definitely play a lot more into the psychological aspect, as well.

Blood dk is waiting for you.


The San’layn (sometimes spelled in lowercase, also known as the Darkfallen) are vampyr blood.
I can go for this or vampire.

If basic vampire, It would be cool to have vampires align with the forsaken on horde side. To make programming easier, only BEs could be chosen and you would be exiled from your home, but still friendly, and follow Sylvanis. The lore should have them be against biting Tauren, Pandas, Goblins and Trolls, as part of their race mentality and taste preference.

If alliance, they should align with Greymane and choose to follow him. No Pandas again, or Draenei, and to make modeling easier, only Void Elves. This will give the two smaller psudo races a chance to grow more powerful, but each should still have a race leader vying for power.

Someday, I wouldn’t mind having all factions move more to race based city states and have small City based power grabs on a month long theme from time to time or shard based so that you can choose a point in time to play against a city or go back to main faction time and raid with your guild.

Other city state races could also go to the shard of city battles.

Have you played through the entire alliance story arc for BFA? The San’layn play a pretty integral part in opposing your faction.

I don’t really think they’re the stereotypical type of vampire you’re referencing. There is more information in the link I provided.

Also, there’s an entire wing of ICC (icecrown citadel) dedicates solely to them. One of the queen’s mechanics actually turns the player into a vampire too … so maybe you might be onto something regarding the fact of having other races get “infected” or some such. :vampire:t2:‍♂

I wanted to reply to you after you had asked about this (I unfortunately got put on a temporary forum vacation, which I’m not going to get into literally minutes after you had responded.) They’re not actually a part of the Alliance, more so they play an active part of opposing them. They’re a part of the Horde and the Alliance have to try to stop them.

What’s weird is they’re not once mentioned for the Horde story arc. Which makes absolutely no sense to me. Once you complete the story, I’d be interested to know what you think about them?

Racial: +500 Leech

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Sanlayn or the Vampire Humans for legion would be the way to go

as for vampires, blood death knights are probably the embodiment of the class. Dead and drink blood.