Vampire Class

Hemomancer/Blood mage is something I highly support. But as for the whole Vampire thing, there are vampire elves.

I could imagine a hemomancer having a self healing tank spec with high hp and lots of, you guessed it, self heals. A standard dps dot class like shadow or affliction. And a damage to healing healer spec like disc.

Mmm the closes thing we have I think might be a Death Knight if you consider their one spec is “Blood”.

That being said, you have San-layn. The darkfallen or vampyr elves that were former blood elves. I could see them as an allied race rather than an actual class.

I think I’d rather see a warden added as a class.

My Alliance char is dinging 100 tonight! I’ve been shamefully ignoring Bipzi these days…

So I admit I don’t know how the San people are alliance side, but that brings up a point. If you want to bring them into the fold… how? As a race, Blizz said they don’t want neutral races like they did with the Panderan anymore… so that rules that out. OP is talking about them as a class… is there actually enough abilities to work with on that to justify a class? What races could play them? Are you ready for vampire Gnomes? (I’d roll one! lol )) In the lore, the SanVamp’s are ONLY Blood Elves… so you would be talking about adding a 5th elf thingie to the mix somehow?

Logistically how would this be done that wouldn’t feel so on the nose? Do we really need more elves at this point?

imo mechanically there’s way too many specs that have life on hit and that also come with mindless gameplay like Fury/DH. I really like the esthetic of San’layn and Inquistors from Divinity 2 but I always feel like they end up being really annoying in pvp

As we have one elf too many, the class would be accessible only to 4 core races on each faction: Human Draenei Gnome Worgen on alliance, Tauren Troll Goblin Orc on Horde. As Worgen and Tauren are (as of this expac) completely OOC for the overall theme arc for their given factions, they will be swapped upon class selection. Finally, Tauren for the Alliance, as Baine so wants to be.

Twilight is a story for stupid teenage girls with a dry plotline and terrible mythos. It butchered vampire lore. Most people that enjoy vampires don’t take that terrible series seriously, and most people asking for this stuff look down upon it heavily.

A better place to look for valid mythos would be Castlevania on Netflix right now. Hopefully that series begins to cleanse people’s minds of the garbage that is twilight.

Also I support San’layn. Not a vampire class. Having it be only for those races would honestly make me quit the game after seeing San’layn as the primary vampyr only to deny elves the class. Big no thank you and big never.


sprinkles Glitter all over Castlevania


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Fun fact: Glitter thing is because the “vampires” in twilight are made of stone.

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But it illustrates a point! Once the glitter is put on something, you can never get it all off! Twilight is now a part of the whole vampire thing forever more. You’ll never get rid of it!

Dang it, now I got glitter on me.

It’s not for the sake of being a glittervamp. Honestly, Twilight couldn’t be further from my watchlist. I just find it difficult to spread the class among more of the current/allied races without having a bias one way or another. If Blood Elves were to be included, that would give room for Void Elves. And giving those two races Vampire would be shrieking pretty vampires.

Yeah not only is it the glitter thing, it’s the terrible characters and “vegetarian” nonsense. It is just so frustrating being a fan of that particular mythical humanoid only to have that slapped in my face every time I try to have a conversation x.x

It’s like if a dinosaur fan was always met with: “Oh, so you must really love Barney. That is the one thing all of you people obsess over”.

Funny fact, I just remind dino fans now that Dino’s are now known to be overgrown chickens. Ehehehehehehe

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You do realize that the first vampires in WoW are blood elves, right? That’s like giving everyone but humans the worgen curse.

Fair enough but have you seen a chicken rip apart a mouse?

Warning: A chicken hunts and kills a mouse, don’t watch if easily offended. No blood or nothin… why are you even playing wow if this offends you?


I get that. I do. Think about how many Elf Threads we have in this forum alone. I’m not trying to add to it, but also not trying to break the game’s balance either. I dunno, Cloth Tank. Mid range. High threat. Can’t really add more because I’m taking away from somewhere else.

Alright. Well, I’ll just leave you be then and say I both disagree and don’t support the idea. There’s ways that it could be interesting but not in the way I see it here. I apologize, and I’m just one voice in the ocean of GD anyway.

Despite my disagreement, however, I do hope you get some form of what you want in the game and we will see in the end what happens. I’ll leave you alone from here though and let you brainstorm ideas since I’ve got nothing more to add. Cheers!

don’t gotta swallow sword. Your opinion and input has equal weight. If we limit it to elf races, then there may be hate thrown into the idea. If it gets hate, it doesn’t happen. stupid reality.

What is a “mid-range” tank? A tank that no one would play, because it isn’t tanky enough?

Uh, like a Warlock?

I’m mean, honestly, this sounds like a warlock spec, more than a new class. They have drain life already, and some “blood” flavored abilities.

We’ll end up with another demon hunter, aka “mobile-rogue” class. I honestly hope that they never add another class to the game. At this point I don’t see what they could add that wouldn’t just be a slight variation on an already existing class.

I’d rather see them invest development in making the existing classes feel even more unique and distinct.

I’ll say one more thing. If this ever becomes a thing, I personally would like it open to blood elves, for obvious reasons.

However I do not think it should be restricted to elves by any means, and it would be a cool chance to explore the vampyr curse in WoW a bit further, as we know it can hit Vry’kul, humans, and Blood elves. Who knows who else can become one at this point. Maybe a whole chunk of races, like DK. Also, like DK and DH, this class could have vampire features like red/black eyes, fangs, and bat-like ears.

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