Vampire Class

Think it should be a class type? I mean, we got werewolf the race, so why not a vampire class? When is undead balance going to be complete? There’s plenty of spirits and zombies. We’re missing Vampires. I mean, mummies have their own dungeon (old silithus I think).

Where would it fall, you ask? Mid-Range Tank. It can only equip cloth, but has naturally high hp. Plenty of taunts and threat generation. It wouldn’t exactly have a dps or healing spec, but that’s just information to be fleshed out at a later point. Abilities could include Forsaken’s Devour Corpse (renamed Sanguine Refreshments)


I’m not sure it’s wise to just try to add class types just “because it’s something that we haven’t used yet.” There should be a pretty decent lore reason for it, and vampires haven’t really had any sort of relevance in the Warcraft universe other than the oddball thing here and there.


I can see your point, but if you want to go into lore, Arthas and his immediate generals were death knights with lungs. essentially, living dead. Vampires. They weren’t dead ala Sylvanas, nor were they necromancer revived souls.

Why a vampire class, based on having a werewolf race…?

Also, I don’t think we need more edgy hero classes


edgy would require something harder than Cloth. I’m keeping my balance in check

Just play a Hunter, they already suck


hunter can’t pull threat without using animals. Without them, Hunter is essentially Mage with Mail.


Yea, but there are various flavours of the Undead in fantasy, it ain’t all about vampires and for the most part, the Warcraft Undead aren’t really of the vampire variety other than a few exceptions. They just aren’t really written that way.

Yes… I did say the oddball thing here and there, and San’layn qualify for that oddball classification.

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so would a better class title be ‘Lichborne’? Since technically a lich and a death knight are two different things.

Werewolf race and Vampire class? Do you want a Worgen vampire? lol

I’m not exactly sure what you mean by that. I mean you already have Death Knights. Arthas was just a not-dead death knight. Even his title of the “Lich King” was a little weird since Lich’s weren’t that big a population of the Scourge. I know Blizz said they don’t want to make a neutral race that can then choose between the Horde or Alliance again, so that sorta rules out playable liches…

not really. I’d honestly like a BloodPyre (blood elf) or even a NightPyre.

…you compared a class to a race…

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I would be upset if Alliance got to be werewolves and vampires. Only way I would I could go for vampires as a class is if Horde got an undead Worgen or some other such werewolf type. Right now closest thing to vampires are the San’layn for the Horde which could fit the undead AR.

In the San’layn thread I talked about how a vampire class would be far better then a single race having them but I also said only if Horde got some undead werewolf type.

Only Horde getting vampire race :+1:

Only Horde getting undead werewolf race and both factions getting vampire class :+1:

Only Alliance getting werewolves race and both factions getting vampire class :-1:

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weren’t the Silverpine werekin not immune to the plagues of Undeath? Shouldn’t Worgen Death Knights fall under this jurisdiction? If so, then if they choose this class, would you approve if a worgen rolling vampyre/pire was forced into an instance of Shadowfang Keep, leading to pledge to Sylvanas?

They seem to have quite a few characters under their belt who have made quite an impact on the lore throughout several expansions. I wouldn’t categorize that as an “oddball” subgroup.

Not trying to argue with, or disprove, you. Just providing a correction to your comment. As much as you don’t want to acknowledge them, they exist and are relevant to the story arc.

In fact, they’re actually a big part of the BFA story too. Granted, it’s only on the Alliance side (which is annoying,) but they’re there.

As much as I LOVE the idea of an entire vampire class, it ain’t happening. Everybody but me fell out of love with vampirism after Twilight came out. Blood DK is all we’ve got.

If vampires become a class then I want werewolves for Horde. I don’t care how we get them but it needs to be equal on this one thing. Werewolves and vampires are enemies, not sure about WoW lore, but giving a faction both and the other faction only one is wrong.

I won’t play Worgen even if they did become Horde but it’s the principle. Keep werewolves and vampires separate or give both to both factions.