Thanks Marohnak, you really get the point about the army of alts meta being toxic for collectors and the burn out of some time waste mounts that don’t provide any progress, i really like your response there, we need a more friendly approach for all players from 1 character to multiple as I mentioned on comment above Blizzard mentioned something similar regarding low alts doing the love is in the air event but they took the awful decision to make the event worst since Legion, I could see the scenario of removing the dailiy lockout , so alts are not required but it’ll be just a sloot machine causing frustation among players.
As collector I prefer clear goals, I’ll still be sub for different activities, Devs don’t need to implement this weird RNGs that are really extreme, actually I used to play more Blizzard games but if you want to collect in WoW, that consumes a lot of time, instead of providing challenges, Devs usually just provide time sinks.