Valarjar Champion's Greatsword Nerfed: Refund Us

Hate to burst everyones bubbles, but it’s blizzard’s intellectual property and they can do what they see fit with it…You’re not even spending real money…jeez…

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You are not entitled to the refund. Like with FOMO-items, you agreed in the EULA that you forego any rights, because you do not own these items and Blizzard can do with them whatever they want.


So glad I didin’t buy this. Not only was it super low rez for a legion mog (looks like it belongs in vanilla), but its ridiculous length meant it was too long for anything but a Tauren. Glad it’s been fixed to bring it into line with rest.

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i hope they unnerf the size on the various weapons they nerfed this patch
pretty weaksauce blizzard
just like the heritage armor unlocking for boosted characters just betraying my vision for a reward for altaholics

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There’s a truly demented pov on this site that must protect blizzard at all costs.

I never said I had legal rights to a refund lmao. I said this deserves a refund since they changed the item I purchased to something entirely different.

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I’m with you here and your pleas but you have foregone any entitlement - and you better get used to it. I’m absolutely not protecting the incompetence showing by Blizzard but give you a reality check.

They did such things in other games too (HotS comes into my mind with the Nova-skin) and you paid actually money back then. You have no rights, you lost them by signing the devil’s contract.

“Sorry you signed an EULA therefore you cannot criticize the game nor ask for improvements at any time, ever, in perpetuity”

This is how your mind actually works?

Blizzard sold something then completely changed it months later. There’s every reason to request a refund for it.

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This is how the company works and you agreed upon it. It’s a “You”-problem, how you Americans love to put it. Feel free to vent about how unfair this is but next time read the contract. They can do whatever they want and you’re powerless against it, unless you rally thousands of people together on reddit and get your will. Good luck.

Surreal comment lol

I’m not taking them to court I’m offering a suggestion.

Get over yourself.

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They do not care what an ant thinks. You need to mobilize people in your favor. This is how things have always worked in WoW. One ant is no problem, thousands of them are.

Why do you believe you speak for them then…?

You come off as a priest speaking about the will of his god.

Agreed. People in here like “It WaS fReE cUrReNcY”

AND??? If one KNEW that sword was going to be reduced in size by like 50%, they would have SAVED that free currency for something else worthwhile. NOW it just feels like a waste and mass refunds of that currency should be issued, or they need to enlarge the sword again. Plain and simple.


I speak only with one person here.

It’s a public forum.

You want a refund on free stuff? well that then would be a refund of Nothing. Good job you got it!

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No you are not…you are trying to weirdly speak for a massive corporation its weird.

Its kind of hard to make the case its free with how hard they push selling tender in the cashshop. Sure its not buying tender its “buying a wrist slot” but that is just to add a buffer from the clap back of selling it directly.

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You really need to improve your reading skills:

Where exactly do I defend or speak for a “massive cooperation” in my quote? If you don’t like that the company can treat you like dirt, then don’t agree to the EULA. We all signed it to access the game and the developers can do whatever we want, if we like it or not.

When did they add tender to the cash shop?

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I learned early on in life that once someone wants to argue semantics you already won and to just take the win.

They include it in multiple bundles the most aggressive being when they sold tender alongside a wrist transmog recolor…

Yes, you can be contrarian and say “that isn’t selling tender the tender is a bonus” I just don’t think anyone would be moved by it.

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This is a public forum. If you can’t argue, then don’t post here and hope to get away when you slip every time.

They also completely changed the backpack from Archivists. It’s no longer a cool red backpack. It’s now a trash can with some tools in it.

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