Valarjar Champion's Greatsword Nerfed: Refund Us

what are you going on about?
oh that.
what derailment. you only making this thread to basically stamp your feet because you didnt get the response you wanted from cs. your NOT gonna get a different response because blizzard DOESNT REFUND TRADING POST ITEMS. and you purchased it over a year ago.

They should. Its a premium currency they have been trying to monetize a few times now. ( In before NO,NO,NO it wasn’t monetizing it was buying a wrist mog and getting extra)

If they change items that are from a premium currency they should offer refunds in said currency…


Blizzard’s official response is that the Trading Post model viewer is functionally useless and they’ll change your items in the future with no recourse.

Blizzard: “Things can change. I’m sorry if that is so distressing to you”


They’re under no obligation to do so as per EULA and the support article specifically says they do not do refunds.

What they need to do is FIX IT and put it back to the way it was. If it’s getting the Archivists Elegant Bag treatment, it’ll take forever to fix. If it’s a Taivan type thing due to pixelation, they need to TELL US THAT and then FIX IT.


He said ‘they should’ lol.

Quoting the EULA is absurd. People are asking for recompense, not saying they have a legal right to it. The weird lawyering on here by people who rush to defend Blizzard is so strange.

I made this thread when it was changed last year. Again, there’s a difference between ‘I dont want this anymore’ and ‘the item I purchased is no longer available to me in game’


Pretty sure that’s in the EULA everyone scrolls past. Blizzard reserves the right to make changes to their game if/when they see fit. That’s not to diminish your point. It does suck that you were thinking you were going to get an item that was a particular appearance and that it would stay that way. But, unfortunately, hostility to the consumer is the way of business these days. If only everyone could take the example of the CEO/owner of Arizona Tea, the business world would be a better place. Maybe the globe in general. Hopefully enough people complain such that they pull stuff out of version control, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

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We don’t even know if it was an intended change. The Archivists Elegant Bag wasn’t intended. And they removed Taivan for a while to fix his pixelation. Let’s not get dramatic. There’s no hostility here by the company.

No one is planning to sue them over this… what is it with people in their late 30s and mid 40s bending over backwards to blindly defend cooperation’s?

Is it some reddit born illness that thinks people refer to courtrooms for every grievance?


No one is defending anything. Did you not understand what they said? Or read it? No one even mentioned a lawsuit.


now your just trolling.
their official stance is that they dont refund trading post items and that items are subject to change. I READ THROUGH THE THREAD DONT GET GIVE ME NO NONSENSE about what they did and didnt say mister.,


Welcome to the club. This thread: The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1) was started nearly seven years ago when the issue in question popped up. It has been continued in this thread: The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 2)
Ion actually said that change was “unintentional” and that they were “working on a fix.” And yet, it hasn’t been fixed (and probably won’t be).

I totally agree with your premise that items shouldn’t be changed after players have purchased them. But I feel obligated to tell you you’re tilting at windmills. Good luck though. Everyone should have a dream, even if it’s an impossible one.


Again, not true.

The post was locked at 12:11 Eastern.

I had no post in this thread from then until 1:36 Eastern, 2 minutes after someone replied to me.

Most certainly seems like the case, especially with specific users on here begging to be on Blizzard’s good side for Forum Good Boy Points by defending it at all costs.

But I still enjoy bringing attention to it.


so you just proved me right. good going.

The opposite, actually.

I didn’t “bump the thread” around “EXACT SAME TIME AND OR SHORTLY AFTER YOUR CS THREAD WAS LOCKED” as you claimed.

I didn’t post for another 80 minutes and that was only after someone replied to me.


LOL yeah I see he lied with that one, considering nowhere did Orlyia say it was Blizzard’s official stance that the model viewer at the Post is useless.

The model viewer was fine. The model purchased was what was viewed. A bug or change to the model happened later.


If the model viewer doesn’t properly model what I’m purchasing then it is functionally useless.


I’m not familiar with the bag episode, but I also fail to see how changing the model/texture/transform of an item can be unintended, especially if that item is unique in game (not sure if it is or not, but you’d think so being a product in the shop). You’d also think QA would have caught such a change… but, we know how that story ends.

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Their QA staff got gutted, so we get basically none of that nowadays.


Luckily it doesn’t matter because we have a slate of users here to rush and tell you how you shouldn’t get any kind of recompense.

Blizzard doesn’t even have to say it, their sycophants will.


My guy, you are welcome to ask for it, but per their terms, they aren’t obligated to give you anything.

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