Valarjar Champion's Greatsword Nerfed: Refund Us

inb4 Cheeseburger XL hammer gets nerfed to a toy claw hammer.

Big sword justice…we will never forgive or forget.

For sweet big sword justice. Do the right thing BlizZard!!!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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hots nova amazon skin buyers:

we’re still waiting for our 15$.
that you STOLE FROM US BLIZZARD and replaced with a lie.
yeah you guys aint ever getting refunded.

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LOL I said that the first day it was posted that Mace coming out it will get slapped like the Greatsword did…

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Apparently, this sword is still small. Was hoping 11.0.7 might fix it.


I think it is a lost cause at this point. But I will continue to mourn its loss and the ruin it brought to my Fury xmog.

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It has been since it was changed.

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We can always hope.


I’ll bump your thread.

I’m still sour over this as well. I made a background for my computer with my character holding this sword like Guts, using Narcissus addon. The current sword is unusable. With the the shrink, the sword looks too pinched in.

Change it back or refund us, Blizzard.

And yes my current toon rep you see in the picture has a Karen haircut.


Not a lost cause as long as I am on the case.

I am surfing and riding the waves. Here I am.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Tried to transmog this today…still small.


Have they announced any plans to return this to its original glory or refund those who purchased it with tenders in 11.1?

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Hoping Customer Support can help

Edit: The official Blue response, and the strange anti-consumer coterie of extremely online forum poster hangers-on, is that the trading post model viewer is entirely useless and there’s no guarantee that what you purchase is something you’ll still have even 2 months later: “Things can change. I’m sorry if that is so distressing to you”

Just roll the dice each time and hope what you buy sticks, I guess.


For sweet justice we need to rally and circle those wagons big boy sword justice. We as a WoW community need to stick together. Together we are a force multiplier as a positive WoW gaming community.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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It’ll be difficult.

There’s an active cohort of forum power users who will defend Blizzard at every opportunity in return for Forum Good Boy Points and status within their weird offshoot discord communities which they use to coordinate mass flaggings of contrary opinions.


I agree with the request to reverse the change to this weapon. I just disagree with you personally on principle.


Well it used to be worse as they would coordinate via discord. But their power is loosening.

We have the strength and momentum now as WoW positive gamers.

Bring back big SWORDS.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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You got shot down with facts and policy when you tried to ask for a refund.

Just keep this thread going without attacking people and push for it to be changed back. Continue on your path to trash others and you’ll instead get this thread shut down.

None of us wants this thread shut down. We want the sword changed back to its original size.



How many times are you going to make a large show of ignoring me and then later return to reply to me?

Pick a lane, please.


I purged the few on on my ingore list, as I always do a few times a year to give people another chance.

Stay on topic and stop derailing the thread. We want this sword fixed. If you cannot focus on that, then I’d suggest finding somewhere else to personally go after people on the forums. This thread is about the sword. Not your personal vendettas.

Change the sword back to its original size. Or give us word on why it was changed or if y’all have any plans to change it. We need some communication, Blizz!

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