We need some acknowledgement from Blizz here. What’s the point of spending anything on the tender shop if they’ll just be changed later.
We need to know if it’s going to change back to a large sword or if we’re getting a refund.
We need some acknowledgement from Blizz here. What’s the point of spending anything on the tender shop if they’ll just be changed later.
We need to know if it’s going to change back to a large sword or if we’re getting a refund.
I challenge some blue poster to come here and say they’re going to revert the nerf
This post has some real “Ummmmm ACKSHYUALLY” energy
Right now a lot of people are dazed by the BlizZard rug pull. But eventually they will circle the wagons and come together to push back against this travesty.
Meanwhile Worgen players:
First time?
@Blizzard…we are waiting.
Of course! The developers can do with us what they want. We signed up for this abusive behavior.
bla bla bla characters needed bla bla bla
it’s a valarjar greatsword, not a human greatsword @blizzard.
It would be funny if the sword kept getting smaller and smaller, and next month it became a 1h…then the month after that a dagger, but one of those that looks like a sword, then a regular dagger, and finally a toy that makes it look like that needle toy from Drustvar.
Anyway, yeah I wouldnt have spent tendies for the appearance we have now.
The size of the sword is why i bought it.at least offer a refund if ur not reverting it to its original size, blizz.
Wow They actually did nerf it? I mean why reduce it to almost a Mini sword?.. the main reason we got it because it was huge.
keep the pressure, guys
Bump - and I will continue bumping this s*** until it is addressed.
Don’t give up people.
They must fix the error that they made.
Now they’ve changed the Blademaster’s Stones for female characters, to have a chest wrap. Normally I wouldn’t be too upset about this, especially if that’s how they were initially delivered. But they could have just added another version so we could choose. Now my mog on my monk is ruined, because I was wearing a shirt with it. This also means people who were mogging their bras with the beads now have their mogs ruined. Blizzard gives, and Blizzard takes right back.
Revert or Refund not only my Valarjar Champion’s Greatsword, but now the Blastmaster Stones. Better yet, let us choose between 2 versions of each color with and without the chestwrap. You have the technology.
They shouldn’t be changing things we already bought with currency that’s really hard to get.
Hmm maybe “hard to get” isn’t the right phrase. I think “extremely limited” is better.
It keeps piling up like it is a treadmill of non stop unannounced changes.
can you imagine buying a super sports car and zooming around doing 180mph and park it in the garage over night the dealership changed the car into a yugo? Thats kinda what happened to this poor guy…
I’d be super pissed if I bought something that looks like X and in the end reverted to a small y.
I hope they do something for you OP. What they didnt is completely unacceptable
I think I like this better, but it’s still silly change it. Sell this version separately or make it an ensemble and give us both.