Valarjar Champion’s Greatsword - Blizz changed it after we bought it

Blizzard, return the sword to its original size. We didn’t buy it for this!!!

related :


Exactly. This is classic bait-and-switch.

They need to either change it back to its original size or let us refund it. I would have never bought a 2h toothpick.


Let’s go @Blizzard, do it.


Really now, changing things after people bought them is a line they shouldn’t cross.

I realize its their game and they can do whatever they want, but it’s still a really bad idea. As a player it feels awful to have an item changed on you, to the point your entire collection suddenly feels meaningless.

Seeing as a game is already an illusion and an impermanent thing, you shouldn’t mess with whatever facade of permenance people have, the facade they need to maintain their immersion.

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We are waiting !

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Change it back I didn’t buy it for it to randomly change sizes on Tuesdays!

I want it BIG and HUGE and I liked it like that! Why does Blizzard do weird things like this?


let’s not forget it.

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@blizz , you need to change this

I tried to use this sword on my Tauren, thinking it would look big, but even on her, the sword ended up looking very small.

They altered the deal. Pray they don’t alter it any further.

Quit while you’re ahead, before you log in and find a flower sheathed on your back.

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