Enough time to censor Trading post items but can't fix HOR

You cannot buy Trader’s Tender at all.

What you can buy are say, Collectors Editions and other bundles which may include Tender, but that’s not remotely the same as buying Tender by itself.

They do offer refunds, when you actually purchase something, within a set timeframe. You can’t buy tender, there’s no record of a ‘tender purchase’ so you cannot claim a refund for something you didn’t buy.

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Huh, I like that a lot better. I might actually use them now.

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ugly bandage top , if they censor these items put some damn effort into it, game is still paying for what their employees did in the office, pathetic.

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Which is fine, I’m just saying if they want to make changes like this, make it an additional option. Don’t go replacing what people already bought.


Bluzz made an epically large sword smaller and didn’t say anything about it

Blizz changed the valarjar greatsword too…

Helps to read the thread. That’s not what this one is about.

They copied my gosh danged look!!

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I hope they fix it for y’all who don’t like it.

I also hope they add that specific wrapped chest as a shirt. The current one also wraps the arms and is ok looking. But I actually love how that looks.

I want to be 100% clear though: blizzard should fix it to allow shirts again. I don’t want people’s mogs ruined for this weird change.

I don’t think it’s a double standard so much as it is the bra kinda always looked silly because it used the default model for your race. I’m not even sure what you mean though because the chest was covered already, they only changed how it was covered. It has changed yes, but calling it sexist censorship is hyperbole of the highest ordr.

They didn’t do the best job on the wrap texture, but I like the concept better than what we had. A sarashi not only looks more cohesive because now everyone looks the same and you don’t have to build around your race’s underwear design, but it also fits aesthetically with the design of Blademasters which are heavily based on Eastern swordsmen like Japanese samurai.

Yet I can also understand why people would be upset at the sudden and unannounced change. If they gave us both the old and wrapped versions, that would be best. Or at least fix it so the wrap doesn’t overlap shirts.


Maybe it’s just me, but I like this version better. Still, there should be both options available not just one.

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Yeah in isolation, it’s fine. Might even have bought it if had had a wrap to begin with. It’s the fact they changed it months after I bought it that ticks me off.


I don’t get why Blizzard just will not give the option for both looks. People would be far happier to find a bonus look in their transmog then a changed look they never asked for. This could have been a win…it could have been a contender. Instead it is a bum.


“We accidentally replaced the previous texture with a new one.” I mean, I can see that at least some things happen by accident. But this? Somebody had to go in there and change the image linked, just as with other items you have previously collected that no longer resemble what they looked like when you first got them.

Yep, same with my bank toons. At least I only bought one color. Gonna have to add a new adage for Daddy Blizz.

“Skin detected, skin covered up!!”


It has been bare-chested for male and female. Now it’s covered only for female. Sexism at it’s finest. Rather it’s not covered for both male and female, or for non.

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nova amazon skin hots buyers:

we’re still waiting for our 5-15$ refund BLIZZARD!

For those who are wondering, Hor stand for Horizon. So this must be something about the Horizon choking Jaina / Sylvanas, what ever that means.

People need to get over themselves Sheesh it is pixel video game.

It was not bare-chested for females because they always had their chesticles covered up by their default bra. It’s going from a bra to something bra-adjacent that makes more sense aesthetically and thematically. Not really censorship and not sexist either. You lot would have a point if Blizzard changed the top to something that covered the entire torso, but it’s a huge stretch to say going from a bra to a cloth binder is puritanical in any way.

I’m sorry for the people who don’t like it, I really am. Blizzard should have given us both versions. But can General try for once not to engage in hyperbole when complaining about something?