Using "Prepaid" cell service = no more custom group creation in LFG

T mobile actually since Sprint is no longer a company, TMobile bought them out

Going to a budget phone plan solution does give it’s consequences like this one and the fact that the major tower company (Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile) have the right to slow your phone down because you’re not on their major plan

You have the literal president of Blizzard as an avid run seller and the game director is a has been mythic raiding tryhard whose turned a blind eye, at best, to the rampant WTS culture for years because Blizzard is getting a cut off of most of the transactions since most are via tokens.

I legit think hell itself will freeze over before we’ll see Blizzard pay anything more than lip service to boost/carry runs. Sure, they’ll go after the real world money ones because they aren’t making a cut off those…but token sale runs? Literally free money for them.

You are no way prohibited from using the group finder, you just can’t make custom text.

I don’t disagree, I just feel it’d be a better solution to the issue. Sadly, as you said, it’s a problem they promote from the top. Boost culture is never going anywhere.

But they should still reinforce the TOS and keep boosts out of LFG entirely. Let people promote them over global channels or something at best.

Yes, you’re right. I know this is the issue…

Its funny, all these replies making light of custom text. If you all had this same issue, I doubt I’d be getting hate-trained outta here. But since it doesn’t affect many folks, I’m just SOL. Oh well, as others have pointed out, its 100% my fault, and I shouldn’t expect to do the things I was doing just days ago before 915 came out. How dare I! What a fool I am.

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It’s hard for people with their heads stuck that far up their behinds to see any view but their own.

Physical authenticators are not enough for this or to unlock the bag slots.


I have a Cricket phone, and yes my number is invalid for SMS protection. If you actually look online, you can find better cell phone providers for a lower cost. I’m dumping Cricket this month. I got a plan that is $25 a month and I got a Galaxy 7 phone and the the number is valid for SMS.

Google free phones and you’ll find some great deals.

My biggest suggestion, get away from Cricket. The phones they offer are crap, service is garbage and like said the numbers they use are labeled as prepaid.

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Google Fi works with the authenticator app and I can bet it will be even cheaper than cricket is


Clark and Thunder, thank you. I’ll look into this asap, had no idea Google Fi was that cheap, what the heck.

I think far better is them stopping with the underlying reasons people turn to boost/carry runs altogether. Content should stand on its own and be done by those who want to do it.

Putting FOMO stuff locked behind content is a good way to keep promoting boost culture…especially when they also keep nerfing the casual player means to acquire good enough gear and having ever more complicated and tightly tuned fights “requiring” pug groups to be stupidly more and more choosy over “requirements” to get in and do it.

This is done, primarily, because Blizzard leadership is in bed with no life tryhard raiders. Putting in FOMO stuff and allowing them to fleece people tier after tier helps keep their coffers stocked so the no life types don’t have to lower themselves to do menial things like farming for mats and such.

Short of that, then yeah there should be a dedicated paid run section in LFG where all that nonsense should be contained

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Look up Assurance Wireless, they are the provider the government uses for the free phone. The app works on their phones AND so does SMS protection

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  1. I think this is the wrong place for this post. GD cannot help you solve your issue, and Blizzard really doesn’t read this stuff. Maybe tweet them or put this under bugs.

  2. As for phones, try T-Mobile. They have phone plans as low as $15 per month. I’m on the $25 plan and it has been great. I do have to limit my data when using the phone, but that really isn’t an issue since I use my computer for most everything. (BTW, their $15-$25 plans are no contract, pay as you go)

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Unless you’re handing out your credentials to leveling services and shady websites you’re much more likely to lock your self out of your account then save your account from theft.

And that’s my biggest gripe. Over the last 20 years I’ve had multiple phones, phone numbers, computers, hard drive crashes, broken phones, and extended breaks from the game.

Coming back to the game just required the lost password process via email. If however getting my account back required software tied to phone that broke 5 years ago using a phone number I don’t have anymore and a rescue code I saved in text document on a hard drive that failed 7 years ago, it would be a chore if even possible. In fact it would have been a major barrier keeping me from coming back to the game.

And given nothings changed in terms of LFG adds what’s the point of this?

It’s mobile market penetration and normalizing installing Blizzard EULA’s on your phone. Don’t you have phones? It’s not like they don’t see mobile as the next profit center frontier.

But instead of making games and apps so good you want to install them they’re using age old “it’s for your protection” tactics and actively making the game worse if you’re not an obedient little customer that installs their software on your phone.


I’d wager you came here to illicit such responses. I’m sure you are aware there are dozens of these threads so why did you think yours would somehow magically be different?

There are plenty of free add-ons that very effectively block group finder spam. Not sure why Blizzard couldn’t have just baked those addons into the game, instead of what they did. I have the mobile authenticator, but I had no idea it required a paid cell plan (which I also have).


Imagine being told that you can’t use customization of an in-game feature because your phone is considered prepaid and the game company doesn’t like that.

Oh wait I don’t have to imagine that. Welcome to Blizzard 2021.


There aren’t other threads about this specific issue. I checked. You really think someone who isn’t active on the forums wants this kind of hate, no. I’m trying to get real help, which I did from a couple of users already.

Putting the physical auth an your account will not unlock the LFG tool (or give you 4 bag slots) you need both it and SMS protect, which the OP is willing to put on if blizzard would accept their number.


It’s clear your feelings are hurt and you’re lashing out, but insulting people will not get anyone on your side. It only makes people who might have had some sympathy for you turn away and report you, as I just did.

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There’s actually very few of these SPECIFIC threads.

Most are just complaining about having to get an AUTH or giving their phone to blizz in general.

It should be brought up that people with legit phones can’t add their number.