Using delves to shove folks into mythics

Only time I get defensive is when people want to nerf stuff I enjoy because they think it’s “too easy” or “too rewarding” or, worse, they feel like they have to run stuff they don’t like because “it’s better than what I run” …

Ok, then petition Blizz to increase the rewards for M+ then. Leave my delves alone.


But that would encourage more people to try it which is the last thing they want. They just want you paying to fund “their” content while they consistently demand that everything else is nerfed into irrelevancy.

Again. I do enjoy M+.

The M+ community I don’t care as much for. Every problem they have is driven by their own expectations and unwillingness to accept that their mistakes can begin before the font is even tapped.

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Well, personally, I think the M+ Gated Community Elitists should just sod off/pound sand/whatever because they don’t own the game, and they don’t own M+ and if they don’t want us “scrubs” in their groups, then they can just run with their guilds and/or doing join our groups in group finder.

Well, I say “our”, speaking from a standpoint of someone who does M+, which I don’t, but you get what I mean.

I mean, that’s what they always tell newbies, right? Join a guild, run with guildies, etc?

Same applies to them. If they hate “scrubs” ending up in their groups, they can run with guildies.


Preaching to the choir on this one.

I’ve set aside my complaints about M+ and mostly chalked them up to puglife and my own mistakes. If you can’t roll your shoulders then get out of pugs. It’s not for everyone whether it be delvers or those who bring expectations of perfection to the pug door.

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Who’s going to tell him?

if you don’t like raids or mythics, there’s no reason to have a higher ilvl than what you can pull from delves…

What would you do with more power?

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I need every advantage to get my void blimp on arms or fury. Im not even 610 yet, and just barely managed my t11, so i would like more crests to upgrade…

…but well, im still not doing M+.


I’m glad to just have some gear progression that I can work towards should I feel the gumption to. 610+upgrades is more than enough to give me content to work towards, and strong enough gear that I feel noticeably stronger than I did when I first arrived at 80 and doing my first few dungeons.

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Yep. We get the gear we need to run the Delve tiers we have. And that’s all we need and that’s all most of those I’ve spoken with want.


Delves are exactly what they said they’d be. Solo or group content that caps rewards at hero track.


Are we looking at another astroturfed problem created by the alts of M+ players that want delve gear nerfed?

I’d say the chances of that are above 0.

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Using the same (il)logic:
why would Raiders or M+ers need flying mounts from rewards?

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Making delves easier. Some of these tier 11s are tough, i got mine via fungal folly. Still havent gotten the void blimp, but im doing this on my warrior

The OP needs to hop in a DeLorean and revisit the days of expansions old where the soloist got to max level and then did a few reps and maybe Q’d up for RDFs which ended in Heroics, or if you go back far enough, you’d get your 45 badges a day and what was that again, 500/week? and you could buy something for 800 off of a vendor of the previous raid tier, but not a whole suit. Only like 4-5 select items.

What’s really illogical is that you are equating aesthetics with item-level.

That doesn’t work. They are not the same thing.

I’m sure if someone whips out a mount that you can only get from AOTC or something, you KNOW that person was “the stuff” (or they paid for a carry…)

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I earned my carries to KSM legitimately. Thank you very much! (sarcasm)

By making sure I invited people that would make it easy on me. Like everyone else does/should be doing.

Lmao what? :rofl::rofl:

8+ is 616, which upgrades all the way to 626, right?
That’s plenty high enough to trivialize all delve content once fully geared

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If it’s any consolation, I preferred playing with bad players in season 3/4 of Dragonflight to playing with anybody in season 1 of TWW.
I’m serious. Give me Fury Warriors dual-wielding agility weapons with a smattering of mail gear or Fire Mages that think Pyroblast spam is the play in an enjoyable iteration of M+ over this garbage blizzard cooked up.


I did my time but you aren’t even a little bit wrong Maurdeth.

All of DF > this garbage we currently have. M+ needs a look more than anything else does in this game right now.

Is TWW M+ really that terrible?

Maybe all of the M+ people whining about delves are just simply faced with terrible content and that’s why nobody wants to do M+ any more than they absolutely have to.

Don’t blame us delvers if your content sucks. Go talk to Blizz. And don’t ask Blizz to punish us just because M+ apparently blows.

We are probably both exaggerating a bit but yes. TWW S1 sucks. It is compounded by several factors such as tank nerfs and isn’t just a result of the current system and dungeon design but if you ask me, personally…the worst season in my admittedly very short career in M+.

But I don’t think Maurdeth was blaming delves either.

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agree i play this game to relax not compete and run like hamster on a timed wheel

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