Using delves to shove folks into mythics

Zekvir ??, brawlers guild, mage tower, pandaria champions set encounters show us that solo boss encounters can be challenging, all they need to do is make boss encounters in delves that difficulty lvl and it will be as difficult if not more than group content.


Ugh I miss Brawler’s Guild

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Which is why you should also be able to customize Brann appropriately to fill in any gaps your kit lacks /otherwise compensate.

For example - if mobs in a given Delve have a hard-hitting interruptible cast, either:

  1. Brann can help kick more often (DPS spec)
  2. He can boost your defenses so you can survive it (heal spec)
  3. He can take the hit himself (tank spec)

And which one you pick will be dependent on your own build / abilities.

Also - for Delves at least, they should bring back hard CC putting enemy casts on cooldown, e.g. your Shadowpriest can use fear and MC to interrupt in addition to talented Silence.

That or they should just fix the effing class already.

Years of being the class with the worst interrupts is getting old. Give us a talent to remove the silence and reduce the interrupt’s cooldown.

Nobody outside of PvP gives a rat’s behind about the silence effect and I’m pretty sure every PvE S.Priest ever would make that trade in a heartbeat. Heck, make that the default and put the Silence (and longer CD) on a PvP talent.


Then give that default interrupt to all Priest specs and limit the silence to shadow.

GG problem solved.

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Yes. Fricken Please.

I hate being a healer with no interrupt at all. I hate watching window-licking teammates eat ridiculous crap that SOMEONE could have interrupted but nobody knows what an interrupt is.

Were I any other class, I could have interrupted it myself.

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Had that exact experience last night in a low key SV run. Nobody would interrupt on the pair of bosses and I was sitting there watching it like “Why is this the only class I can’t do anything to help here with?”

“HoLy iS tHe BeSt ThRoUgHpUt HeAlEr In ThE wHoLe GaMe!”

–some braindead response by some random GD person (which I have actually seen before)

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Yeah somebody will bring up a key range I’ve never sniffed and that only 1% of players ever touch and say “You’re already meta!”

I’m not opposed to a priest rework either (I definitely feel that pain on my alt.) Assuming they intend for that to be a priest weakness however, Brann is the solution.

This “weakness” whether intended or not affects priests everywhere, not just in Delves, so yeah, I’d very much want their interrupts to be fixed.

And no, you can’t rely upon Brann to do the interrupts for you. Half of the time he just ignores it or he’ll interrupt a web bolt instead of the commander casting aegis on himself or something ridiculous.

Again, I don’t disagree with the former, but “buff priest” is a bit beyond the scope of this thread I think.

Regarding the latter point, I totally agree that AI companion interrupts should be reserved for dangerous casts in some way. One way to do that would be to only have them interrupt casts that are 5+ seconds or something, and then make sure the dangerous casts in Delves align to that.

Or just give Brann a list of abilities he will, and won’t, interrupt.

Web Bolt? No.
Aegis? Yes.

I was proposing something a bit more sustainable than hard-coding casts across every existing and future delve :stuck_out_tongue: but yes, that’s certainly an option too!

You could instead assign a “class” to each spell.

Web Bolt = Repeater DPS Spell
Aegis = Self-Buff


Interrupt Repeaters? No
Interrupt Self-Buffs? Yes
Interrupt Fears? Yes
Interrupt Heals? Yes


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Brann tanking fundamentally doesn’t work I think. The ability to just unload your PVE rotation is anti-engagement.

We already have AI tanks (follower dungeons.) And they don’t just taunt and kick, they even do things like repositioning mobs and LoS ranged. So for Brann to tank, which we’re getting in January, all that’s needed is scaling and appropriate curios.

I think the point is more that a majority of the content difficulty is aimed at the player being in melee range / ideally being the target of the mobs in the delves and having brann be able to tank removes a lot of that.

If brann could tank they’d need to significantly up the mechanical complexity of delves, but they’re not going to do that.

Yeah. Delves simply being a way to funnel people into M+7 and higher has honestly killed the entire game for me.
I don’t want to do M+. Stop forcing it onto me. Why can’t Delves T9 actually be a challenge the rewards hero track gear?

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Yeah I will say that on my Warlock having the tank pet out makes it significantly easier. Bosses are just focused on my pet and everything is trivial.