Big agree here. I want to see the solo content flourish into a truly comparable content pillar, it’d be disappointing if it just ended up languishing as is or becoming a pinata for gilded crests / myth track gear.
That’s a CRAZY take. Torghast was so bad and braindead I LITERALLY paid my 11 year old kid to run it for me and even he refused $40 for three runs after the first few
Torghast was 10000x more interesting than delves. The powers and big pulls were at least fun for a while. Delve was boring after the first 5 or so
Im not sure what’s going on that you need to be 628… on my shadow priest I was able to complete +11s at 600 ilvl. You just have to use no AoE and take your time. I used dominate mind a lot for packs of 3 or more
I didn’t use dominate mind and I never went back to do them once I started doing keys or raid. I just went back on a whim one Sunday night after about a month and knocked them out one after the other
Torghast is quite literally the most boring and worst thing they’ve ever done. Every single other version of that content was better….
Scenarios, Islands, and now Delves are LEAGUES better than walking down 9 featureless hallways for hours smacking trash that does absolutely nothing. There were too many floors, too much trash, zero terrain diversity, and the abilities were RNG and so impactful you weren’t even playing your character or class anymore
Torghast is impossible to balance as a form of progression. Either you got lucky with high-roll anima powers and steamrolled it, or it was a huge slog with a massive difficulty spike in the middle. Delves actually work as a pillar, they just need a way to progress your gear incrementally without switching you over to a hard “M+ or GTFO” wall.
All of those criticisms being true, they were still infinitely better than delves which are just mini scenarios with nothing interesting once you run each one the first time
idk i had no problems getting through torghast regardless of the powers. the mounts and other rewards made it a fun thing to do for a little while. not all expansion, once i was done with it i simply moved on.
delve is just a baby dungeon with a bad AI partner making the worst decisions imaginable.
Priest’s torghast powers were a literal embarrassment and the specs were so bad at solo content the only way to do the higher gauntlet levels was to roll a specific epic power and common power off the first 3~ mobs, and even then that power was miserable to use and didn’t even increase your damage.
that’s a shame. the hunter ones were great. end up being able to basically pull the entire instance onto your pet or into a trap that makes them all but unable to move lol
To put it into context, priest’s best damage power was just a stacking int buff. There were zero mechanically interesting or flashy powers. You couldn’t make your character do anything it couldn’t already do outside of torghast.
The issue wasn’t getting through Torghast, it was that anima powers were impossible to balance. A significant number of them made your class basically irrelevant, while others were just useless.
It’s true that more could be done to increase the variability of Delves, but we have a framework for that, it’s called affixes. People grinded solo rifts in Diablo 3 for years and years with those. That’s the kind of thing they could do to make Delves into a workable third pillar.
And I agree that Brann needs work as an AI partner too, but I want to see how his tank spec functions in January before suggesting changes. (His healer spec is definitely annoying in that you have to move to pick up the potions he drops, which screws over certain builds.)
Not only that, but the potions stop being effective a good 5 seconds before they actually disappear.
Cue you taking a hit, walking over potions that don’t heal you and potentially getting killed because you expected a heal from touching a potion but didn’t get one and then immediately died.
Totally agreed. They need to either redo his abilities, add more companions, or preferably both.
I will have to say, that it’s better than the few weeks after launch where we had a Brann so ridiculously OP at first, to Brann being unable to keep you alive, to a Brann that died every time something looked at him for more than 2 seconds and now a Brann that does kinda work, even if he has flaws.
Dude’s new at his job, gotta give him awhile to settle in I suppose.
For me, affixes don’t make the gameplay more dynamic or fun, just more challenging. Which has its own place but the anima powers in torghast balanced that out with allowing for some crazy builds that made things fun. I guess it was just better for some classes than others
Delves feel no different than a follower dungeon for the most part. If they are just supposed to be more challenging a la mage tower, that’s a different niche to me that is touched on by zekvir
I have nothing against crazy builds, they can indeed be fun. The problem is that they don’t work as a means of progression. We saw the results of that in BFA with Corruptions, where we ran into situations like somebody’s pants doing more damage than the entire rest of their class rotation. The results were bonkers and unique, but led to your class feeling irrelevant.
It was also a very inscrutable system for newcomers - you spend a bunch of time in WoW getting to max level and then handed over the reins to your Essences and Corruptions to do the vast majority of your damage instead of the thing you’ve spent weeks practicing (your rotation.) For some classes, Corruptions even threw their normal rotation out the window. It’s unsustainable.
What Delves should do is have scaling difficulty but make it so you need to use more of your class’ toolkit to succeed, not less.
i wasn’t really a fan of the bfa corruptions much either
then again i really had fun with shadowlands legendaries. some classes got handicapped bad not having their BiS playstyle piece, but it was great on the class i played
This would be really hard to balance as different classes have different toolkits.
S.Priest having the worst interrupt in the game, for example. Any nasty Must-Interrupt spell that any other class could keep locked down, S.Priest can’t, and you can’t rely upon Brann’s interrupt either.