Using delves to shove folks into mythics

You make that sound like it’s a bad thing.

And if enough people keep whining, it isn’t 100% impossible that Blizz might capitulate and that’s what we DON’T want.

It’s pretty unlikely, at least for the time being. Blizzard has said they are fine with delves rewarding as they do currently.

Yeah, well, Blizz has a history of being flip-floppy and they also have a history of capitulating.

Hopefully they don’t.

But I still hate all the whining from people who can’t stand to see “scrubs” get gear that is remotely relevant.

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Reward:Difficulty ratio is out of whack.

It makes content catered to them feel meaningless. (2-6 key bracket). Not everyone is good enough to play at 10+ or mythic raid.

There are legitimate complaints… by other people that do lower end content.

I didnt see anywhere that anyone is making you do m+

Then tweak that content and leave Delves alone.

If M2-6 isn’t rewarding enough, then bump it up some. Maybe give more crests or have gear dropping more often, or what-not if bumping I-level isn’t possible.

or perhaps other rewards, I dunno.

But leave us alone.

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You basically CAN’T.

Delves don’t exist in isolation.

Even if they doubled the rewards, it won’t solve the issue of delves being way more rewarding and far easier.

And if they drastically nerf the difficulty, now the top-end is affected, and I don’t want that.

Most people dont do 2-6 keys for gear, its usually the higher keys

Delves do exist in isolation. Nobody is forcing you into Delves.

If an M+ player decides to take “the easy way out” and go to Delves for gear to skip 2-6, then did they REALLY wanna do M+ or are they only in M+ because they want gear?

I mean, if you claim you like doing M+ but yet you’re skipping as much M+ as possible to go to higher keys as fast as possible, then maybe the problem isn’t Delves, but rather M2-6 not being fun enough for you.

Then WTF is the complaint, then!?

If M2-6 isn’t about gear, then why are M2-6 people whining that Delves give gear?

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If people can take stuff out of delves, and affect other parts of the game, it’s not isolated.

If it were a collection of ever-increasing Torghast powers, and nothing can be taken out, then it is isolated.

If everyone does delves, I have to too, to keep up with the skill bracket. (And there was no content for the first 2 weeks, so people did delves.)

2-6 WAS the bracket for some people, just like how the deleted 0-10 key range was.

And arguably, more players are within the skill bracket of 2-6 (12-16) than 0-10.

There’s nothing wrong with Delves giving gear.

It kinda sounds like that squishing the M+ keys is more the problem than Delves ever were.

But hey, Blizz doesn’t seem to understand that a middle-ground SHOULD exist. I mean, I myself am in that boat. I want something just a slice harder than Heroics myself, but yet something I can Q up for, but that doesn’t exist, so…


I guess I don’t get to do any kind of content like that. Maybe Blizz just thinks that everybody should “git gud” and get into M7+?

But now that people who don’t do M+ finally have a decent gear progression system, I don’t want to see endless whining ruin that. Leave Delves alone. Figure out some other way to fix M+.

After years of PvP causing PvE nerfs, I am downright sick and tired of seeing MY content being nerfed because of some other content people whining.

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It’s wasted potential.

The correct solution is aligning rewards so people can plausibly think m+6 is more or less the same difficulty as delve 8.

People are motivated by power, and the game for those people, just broke pretty much.

Like how LFR was much more of an issue before they quarantined it off with flex.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but earlier you were talking like Delves aren’t even close to M0 let alone M6? Now you’re saying that M6 = D8? Could you make up your mind?

Or are you saying that D8 should be made dang near impossible for 90% of the people who do delves?

If it gives similar rewards, it should be similar difficulty.

So either delves become way harder, or rewards are a lot lower. Don’t need to recreate LFR but with heroic raid gear.

heres the intention of delves

an optional pathway for some great starter gear for the elite crowd

and a fourth pillar of endgame for the casual solo players who do primarily world content. im happy to be capped at 616 as i do world content mostly. and old raids

delves offer gear that casual solo players would never have been able to see the way they play the game.

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Or maybe you should stop worrying about what other people get from their content and just do your content?

And if people leave M+ for delves, again, it ain’t the gear it’s the problem. It’s more that people don’t really enjoy M+ and you’re trying to force people into M+ when they didn’t want that in the first place.

I’d reckon plenty of people did M+ because it was the only game in town, and the moment another gearing path appeared, they happily took it.

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good luck. they have been the gatekeepers of gear and the karens of others way of play and how they obtain gear since wotlk


Some people want to enjoy m+ but can’t anymore because of delves.

I’m just explaining why delves are bad from a game design standpoint, and why people of YOUR SKILL level (or lower) are impacted.

It’s not the top that overly cares about delves and their rewards, as long as they don’t breach mythic.

you’re just a player not a dev. and ion said they are happy with how delves turned out AND the item level they reward.

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