Using delves to shove folks into mythics

Then they would not get the gear…

Because it gave free loot or because they exist?

Oh I almost definitely couldn’t. I think the highest keys I managed in DF before I lost interest were 16s.

I can say that if they made more challenging solo content that had a gradual enough difficulty increase, I would very much enjoy seeing how close I could get.

Everything is timed content even if it doesn’t have a timer. Eventually you have to go to bed or to work.

If you don’t like m+ don’t do it.
There are so many other ways to get gear.

“Bu bu but not the best gear!”
You only need that to do the “timed content”

Blizzard won’t make delves that hard, because they don’t want to listen to all the complaining.

I think they will keep it the same because it gives free heroic loot to people who do not want to engage in group content.

I should clarify the vault gives heroic gear, I believe having a key gives 619 gear as a guaranteed drop.

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And that just disincentivizes content in that skill bracket. So they probably won’t.

This is a rather dumb argument.

There’s a wee bit of difference between “finish this dungeon in X minutes or face the penalties” and “I have to go to work 8 hours from now”.

And/or “The group I’m with doesn’t want to wait 5 minutes while I go to the bathroom and get a drink” unlike Delves when you can just stand around in an empty room for as long as you need.

It’s not “free”.

You still have to put in time doing stuff to get it. Maybe not as hard as +10s, granted, but it still takes at least some effort and time spent playing the game. Gotta do content to get keys, gotta do the delves to unlock the chest, and gotta wait a week at a piece of gear from the vault.

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Well ilevel and required ilevel for anything is just an artificial construct.

There is an easy way to fix delves.

  1. Increase rewards for a delve higher than 8. (Looking at you gilded crests)

  2. Don’t cap Delves at 11 - make them scale at higher levels like M+, but with no timer.

616 ilevel loot from great vault for a +8 delve?

What are you trying to do? Get myth track gear from delves?

Yes but all of that is so trivial it borders on free.

Time investment has never been the basis for a gearing system. It is difficulty.

Delves are inherently easy because they must be. Solo content can’t have the variety of mechanics that matter in group/raid.

It typically boils down to “move, but not too fast” and “damage this mob, but not with an actual DPS check”. They have to ensure everyone can complete the mechanic, or that the mechanic does not matter.

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You claim it doesn’t affect you yet you’re out here championing for nerfs.

Oh yea that’s right you were fOrCeD to spend two days doing content you felt was beneath you. Crawl back under your bridge.

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Wouldn’t even bother with that guy. He’s either really stubborn or he’s trolling.

My guess is trolling

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I got them a little rustled in another topic. It’s fun to completely shut down trolls like that.

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Why are so many delve threads based on a made up premise designed to make people not doing delves look bad?

People claim they dont want to do m+ because of the “toxic community”. The Delve Forum Community is becoming the most toxic there is.

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Personally, I don’t care if some people prefer M+. It doesn’t affect me in the slightest. The only thing I push back against is the seemingly constant call to nerf delve gear.

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This entire thread is designed to continue this “war” the only-delve community has on m+.

Delve gear isnt being nerfed.

But man. The Forum Delve Community definitely wants to paint anyone that participates in m+ as a horrible person.

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How many threads were created by M+ people to create “war” on delves?

I know. I’m saying there have been some extremely vocal people trolling and saying delve gear should be nerfed. That’s all I’m saying.

Could be they had some very bad experiences trying to break into M+ and that’s painted their entire perception. Not saying it’s right but it’s human nature sometimes.

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I dunno man.

I havent seen the ones that imply every person that participates in delves are bad human beings.


I am starting to paint the entire forum delve population based on my experiences.

So don’t do mythic plus.

And be happy in your 619 heroic year.

I’ve seen that sentiment from both sides :man_shrugging:

I mean you do you.