Using delves to shove folks into mythics

It’s been really great for all of my guildies. Their jobs, their kiddos, etc. and they can still get together with us to group up and run a quick Delve in like 10ish minutes before dinner or kiddo bedtime and the like. They love it.


I don’t think anyone has claimed Crest acquisition would need to be nerfed. It is already very slow at 2 crests per run. I don’t think anyone has suggested it should be 1 crest per run or none at all.

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In today’s episode of “delvers bashing mythic+”

Gotta be its 100th episode?

I dunno.

I know for sure some are reruns. So I lost count at unique episodes.

I already covered why it would be.

Huh, I never paired the two together in that way. It caught me so off-guard in that Bellular video the other day. I do not know anyone personally who feels this way, but I understand now. Thank you!

(Note: Community Council reps different communities; mine lacks die-hard M+ enjoyers with folks who love Delves and accept its gear ceiling, but would like more challenging content for fun.)

From all that I heard about Zek and the ?? difficulty, I wonder just how fricken hard you want it, lol. But that’s just me I guess.

You not enjoying something isn’t the same as it being broken. Hell I dislike mythic+ but that doesn’t make it broken either.

Not even close to being true. Matter of fact they basically replaced low key mythic+ for people who didn’t enjoy them.

Yea, people read about the game instead of playing the game they paid for, it’s kinda odd, really.

So… what, you’re trying to insinuate that the toxic M+ community only exists in posts on the forums or something?


Pretty much yea,

the vast majority do not experience it.

But because like 0.5% do, the forums have posts about that, and some people repeatedly read those posts.

The other side of the spectrum is people with unreasonable expectations. If you accept failure is possible, and can occur, then you’re much less likely to be disappointed.

I love Delves, I hate Mythics. If that was Blizzard’s plan, they failed.

If it really only 0.5% then the talk about toxicity in the M+ scene wouldn’t be so prolific.

It isn’t so prolific.

People complain, but people experience good runs just go next.

Also depends on how established you are. If you’re some guy who has had KSM in past expansions, or in this expansion you’re on +5, +8 what-not, then yeah you probably mostly get good runs because people know you, you got IO scores, etc.

But if you’re a newbie? You’re trash. Nobody wants you. Nobody knows you. Why would anybody pick you instead of somebody who has an IO score and experience?

Group wait times are not toxicity.

Failing also is not.

The few people that flame each other, sure count those.

M+ is content with failure conditions.

I’m talking about people refusing to accept newbies into their groups, and/or people being quick to talk trash to people trying to learn.

Never said it was. However, if someone makes a mistake and fails, then you get the “git gud” “scrub” “you suck” etc stuff thrown at them which is toxic.

“Few” lol. Ya ok. Sure.

And something elitist players can’t stand, is a human who makes the occasional mistake that might cause a wipe, or worse, the loss of one of their precious keys.

Not at all. Delve rewards stop at where they are because thats where they decided is the max a pure solo player should be allowed to achieve. I think you’re smoking crack if they even thought about M+ at all when designing Delves.

Though I could careless what Delves give you in the end. Let it give Myth track gear provided its scaled properly.

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Everyone seeks the best chance of success. No one runs a charity, hence the “make your own group” thing over and over again.

Yes, few.

The so called “elitists” are mostly chill because they understand mistakes happen. Any time flaming occurs is when people perform vastly below expectations. And even then, it’s not a guarantee.