Use of addons is cheating, and it needs to be addressed

Not when the add ons are available to everyone.

That would be botting, and it will get you banned.
DBM telling me to move, and I move my character is not automation.

Add ons have been part of the game since the time you’re attempting to make an argument with.

Yes, they are.

If you cant play the game without looking for a scapegoat to validate your poor performance, perhaps you should take your own advice.


Nah, we want battletags so people like you can’t hide behind classic characters for trolling purposes.


disagree = troll nowadays I guess.

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Clarification: Only to streamers. “Addons are cheating” is one of the drums that Youtube and Twitch “personalities” are beating lately to get outrage clicks and views and as usual people are taking their opinions as gospel that needs to be dragged to the forums on a regular basis.

See also: The Disneyfication of WoW. That’s another streamer thing.


#sigh they’re exasperating… and then these same people that come to these very forums with this garbage are allowed to vote if they’re of age.

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damn this person is against cheat auras in a video game they probably vote wrong too!

people have an over inflated sense of self importance if they think their opinion trumps blizz’s actual rules.


The main thing is that the dialogue should occur if people want things to change. If nobody speaks up, then things will just stay the same forever. The fact that people are speaking up, the fact that you people are getting defensive, means that there is a disturbance in the force.

Things may or may not change, but we will keep talking about it until things do change. Look at the new private aura flag they added to the game too. Things are changing gradually. It’s not like turning off a light switch and suddenly addons disappear. It will happen over time at varying rates.

Yeah, I’m going to keep using bartender and Z pearl because I think the Blizzard UI isn’t my thing. I guess wanting an easier to read UI is cheating?

Also tracking bleeds is a real pain with the blizzard UI, especially if you want good snapshotting. Should I be going blind trying to find my bleeds in the sea of other debuffs on mobs?

Should certain classes be HARDER because they have things they need to track that weak auras make easier verses classes and specs that don’t have any?


I think it’s worth it to have a discussion about whether or not what Blizzard currently allows is what Blizzard should allow. I think these discussions tend to be overwrought and forwarded by people who don’t entirely know what they’re talking about, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the discussion itself.

To be clear, there is no addon that is cheating in the sense that it is against the rules for raiding that Blizzard sets forth. Any addon that uses Blizzard’s API is legal and illegal tools like botting aren’t really in the scope of this conversation.

Where there’s a bit more potential for discussion is how much certain addons adhere to the spirit of fair play as opposed to cheating. I don’t think this discussion really requires us to talk about what is or is not strictly allowed by Blizzard, and Blizzard is certainly welcome to react to our discussions in whatever way they feel fit. (Such as by changing their API). Unfortunately I also think this discussion gets somewhat marred by people opining on the matter who don’t really understand what allowed addons are or are not capable of. Which does tend to bring down the quality of the discussion a fair bit.

Addons. Are. Not. Cheating.


Go back to your weeb game


Even for a bait thread this is a level of :clown_face: that isn’t achieved very often, bravo tbh.


All I was trying to say really.

I have to appologize to everyone for reading the forums before coffee and with no glasses this morning.
I see I kinda made an a*s of myself(which is nothing new really but I am trying to be different)

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Yes. It is cheating and should be harder.

Good thing you don’t dictate my gameplay. There are already hardly any ferals around and a change like this would make the spec even less popular… and it’s already rare as all be.

Absolutely. Blizzard’s UI is incredibly lacking when it comes to bleed snapshotting specifically. And given that it’s an issue that affects basically only Feral and just about no one else, I’m not sure that they’re in a huge hurry to address it.

If we’re being as objective as possible, no they are not cheating. Cheating would be doing something against the rules. Blizzard has been very clear that any addon which uses their API is not cheating. They’re the ones who make the rules. You may not like it, you may think that the current rules are too permissible, but the rule makers say that it’s not cheating. That doesn’t mean that the rules won’t change in the future or that you discussion won’t influence the way those rules change… but it does mean that as a matter of hard fact addons are not cheating.


I take it some streamer is back at it raging about addons again. :roll_eyes:


No it’s not.


There is no controversy.