Use of addons is cheating, and it needs to be addressed

Overcook chicken? Straight to jail
Undercook chicken? Straight to jail, right away.

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Ma’am, this is a White Castle.

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Oh I agree with you completely. They should just be more relaxed.

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Sir, this is a Wendy’s.

Well, that explains why I haven’t been paid.

Uh. What? I didn’t think or say anything about how difficult the mechanics will be, if they will be the same level of difficulty or easier. Because I don’t know. All I said was, I am looking forward to seeing how people deal with them and what kind of complaints pop up on the forums once that happens. Because I most likely won’t raid, so I wouldn’t know.

And no matter the difficulty of the mechanics that they implement, assuming that people will be fine is like what Blizzard assumed with Dragonriding. People will be fine? How easy is Dragonriding, that’s a slap in the face because there are people who can’t deal with Dragonriding around in droves.

I’m not sure that I want them to be more or less lax so much as I would like them to make it clear what the rules are. Officially, FF14 doesn’t allow any addons of any kind. Period.

But even though it’s technically against the rules, there’s plenty of addons that SE simply doesn’t enforce unless you’re being stupid with them. I use log parsers and damage meters in FF14 and have for a very long time, I’m not worried about the safety of my account. Heck, Yoshi-P even has a ffxivlogs account and has basically outright said that they’re not going to adopt a hard stance on logging/DPS meters.

But it creates a bit of an issue where it’s clear that there is a dividing line, but it’s not clear where exactly that line is. Square Enix saying verbally that no addons are ever allowed while silently winking and nodding to some addons creates a kind of mixed messaging which is really difficult to navigate. In this case I actually much prefer WoW’s approach since the rules are very clear. “If it works with our API, it’s allowed.”

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True, but there are a lot of addons that either have automation or give an unfair advantage over other players that are not banned, so I don’t think Blizzard is great with enforcing their rules.

Which addons are you thinking of specifically?

This is like saying “play Skyrim without mods”.

It’s not happening.


Let me take a wild guess, this is going to turn into…

Ah, yes, I’m sure all those top-end M+ and Mythic players are totally just as skilled as the average literal pants-on-head-randomly-pressing-buttons world quest players, and addons are totally the difference. Yep, sure, totes.


I think add-ons in FFXIV is like Fight Club. You don’t talk about them and nobody causes a stink.

Jesus, the hot takes today…

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I think the thing people fail to take into account is that with this, their stance is “if it doesn’t give an unfair advantage and you’re not using it to violate the TOS/EULA/etc to berate/harass/shame other players, we don’t care as long as you aren’t telling people about it”. It’s more of not giving an official consent to addons while not caring as long as their usage is kept to personal use.

I wouldn’t call using Addons “Cheating”. Most of them are QoL improvments that should be in the game. So the fact is Addons should NOT be Needed… But sadly they are.

I’m just waiting for them to go further into their rants of “fairness” and start stating that a MMO mouse gives too much advantage over the regular player and that only basic 2 button mice should be allowed.


If something is allowed then it isn’t cheating. Also the same addons are available to everyone so if anyone is at a disadvantage it’s because they choose to be.


Not possible when everyone has access to the same addons.


I thought we beat this dead horse to a pulp already?

Let’s be real, using a feature the game has had designed in since day 1 is obviously NOT cheating. Why does this need to be explained?

It is not an unfair advantage since those same addons are available to all. Show up to a gunfight, with a barrel of free guns on the ground next to you, yet you choose to bare-knuckle it? That is on you. Calling it unfair just sounds like childish crying.

You are just getting silly now.

Wow…get over yourself already. You are embarrassing yourself.


Only to Luddites… Blizzard has coded the API under which the addons operate. There is no controversy at Blizzard.