Use of addons is cheating, and it needs to be addressed

There’s one aspect of the game that has been the subject of much controversy: the use of third-party add-ons.

Lets be real, using add-ons in WoW is cheating. It’s a way for players to gain an unfair advantage over others, and it ruins the game for everyone else. Why should someone who uses an add-on to automate their rotation or track enemy abilities have an advantage over someone who doesn’t? It’s unfair and goes against the spirit of fair play that WoW was built upon.

Furthermore, many of these add-ons are not even sanctioned by Blizzard and could potentially be harmful to your computer. By using them, you’re not only cheating, but you’re also putting your computer at risk. Is it really worth it to potentially compromise the security of your system just to gain an unfair advantage in a game?

Using add-ons in WoW is just a way for players to compensate for their lack of skill. It takes away from the challenge of the game and ruins the experience for everyone else. If you can’t play the game without relying on these crutches, then maybe you shouldn’t be playing at all. So let’s all agree to play the game the way it was meant to be played, without any unfair advantages or shortcuts. That way, we can all enjoy the game to its fullest and create a fair and fun gaming experience for everyone.


Seeing as they designed some new encounters on Forbidden reach with a lot of telegraphed attacks, I might think that wow already plans to push back against the Addon situation.

The already privated Auras from new Boss fights in Abberus seems to confirm that too.


It’s not Sunday


If the game was “meant to be played” without addons, Blizzard would’ve banned them in 2004.


Cheating is doing something that isn’t allowed.

Addons are allowed.

Addons are not cheating.



Is it you who makes these threads every 3 months or is it like every 3 months 1 out of a million has an epiphany to make one of these? Either way, please don’t mind me. Carry on… :dracthyr_love_animated: :cry: :blush:


You know those add-ons are enabled by Blizzard, right? That there is a published API on how to call functions from Lua code thst let you get all kinds of information about NPCs (RareShare), auction pricing (TSM), the user interface (Bartender4), and most importantly, combat (DBM), and a host of other things.

Blizzard could kill it all by making the API private/inaccessible, but they made it public. They essentially encourage users to develop their own Lua code as an add-on to enhance their gaming experience and to share their personal efforts with the community.

Pretty difficult to get behind a claim that add-ons are cheating when their very existence is enabled and encouraged by the game developer.


Counterpoint: my friends have used addons to help me DPS better. So, we could just see them as a tool that can help out.

The only addon I use is weak auras which is kinda necessary for a lot of builds because Blizz just won’t add clear visual indicators always.


It’s totally possible to play w/o addons.

So if you think it’s cheating, consider not using them.

Blizzard allows them for the rest of us. :dracthyr_shrug:


I know for a fact that blizz have made mechanics alot more harder due to the fact of add ons helping players instead of banning add ons


They’re making certain mechanics untrackable with addons. Come, 10.1. I think that I read up on this earlier a few days back. Should be fun to watch how people deal with that.


Hopefully the hidden auras thing they are adding in 10.1 will signal a change toward less mechanic bloat and making players feel less like addons are needed.


I also think anyone using a spoon to eat a soup is an unfair advantage and should be regarded as cheating. Using a microwave? double cheating. You buy groceries at the store and don’t harvest your own food? Triple cheating. You even make people deliver it to your house? Straight to jail.


That honestly read like a chatGPS written essay!



Please make an exception for the Roleplaying addons, makes RP in WoW just a bit more easier


They are also good for a laugh reading the less then lore friendly profiles


RP addons are fine. I mostly am just talking about addons that make in game mechanics easier.


No. WoW was designed to be played with addons. The base game offers the most basic UI elements, with the expectation that gaps are filled by addons.

The game is fair and fun; you have access to every addon that I do. If you choose not to use it that’s up to you, but that doesn’t make it unfair anymore than it would if a Tennis player chose not to use a racquet.


Since it will immediately lead to a massive reduction in mechanical difficulty of mechanics, players will deal with it just fine. If you think they are going to keep adding the same mechanics as now, only with no addon integration, you’re outside your brain.


I do think there is an argument to be made that… we are in a time where the devs could just be making the game accessible without addons?

Kinda silly that I need addons for visual effects in a rotation when they could just be present in the game itself.