Use of addons is cheating, and it needs to be addressed

Oh boy… This is the lowest quality bait I have ever seen… And I’m amazed you have a few bites with that low quality bait…


That’s all fair enough considering i didn’t know Ultimates are the hardest and such.

But maybe the reason why this addon or hack exists is because of the said frustrating experience, and i’l say this, an experience being done deliberately frustrating, doesn’t mean it’s not still frustrating.

And seeing how Squenix doesn’t want Addons, or at least not to a degree with how WoW is at, maybe they ought to look at what they’ve made in ultimate and see… “What’s causing them to use such a hack?..” and tweak from there to make sure they don’t use the hack? :man_shrugging:

Idk, just a thing i would do personally.

How is it bait though? How is it a troll thread? Addons are extremely out of hand at this point in the game.

The people responding aren’t being trolled, they are desperately clinging to cheats in the one game they can succeed in that isn’t candy crush saga.

I mean, in this case the answer was pretty obvious. They were using it to see information about the encounter that SE was trying to hide, because knowing that information made the encounter much easier. It was a case of a team trying to get a competitive advantage in a world first race.


FFXIV absolutely does have addons, and so long as you’re not using them to flame other players you won’t be banned for it. Hell, WoW world first raiders streamed doing FFXIV raiding while using addons and were never banned.


You must have not heard much if something objectively intelligent and correct is the “dumbest thing you’ve ever heard”

“dumb” doesn’t even exist in any of the words I said lol. Get a clue.

For World Firsts or competitions… sure, i can see why that be on the people using the addon. And only there.

No, my reply to you is your comment is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. But hey, keep up with the trolling why don’t you. I got the popcorn here to watch you fail.


No Blizzard doesn’t need to look at anything just because that is how another game is played.

That is just ridiculous imo.

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??? right back at you again.

I didn’t say “Blizzard need to look at anything”, I said “Squenix need to look at anything”. The “They” was referring to Squenix. :point_down:

WoW doesn’t have ultimate. FF14 does.


Blizzard explicitly exposed their api for use for addon development. Therefore addons are not cheating.


I think FFXIV could be better with the use of addons to help with the classes and stuff. Sucks that you can’t really use addons and not get punished unless you don’t get caught.

Yeah. I don’t think it would have blown up into such an issue if it weren’t a world first race. In this situation it was brought to light after SE had already named and congratulated the world first winners, and a big part of their response to the addon was based on, “you kept asking us to make it harder and harder and when we did you used hacks to beat it.” So with the whole issue being so public they kind of had no choice but to conduct a bit of a public execution.

For the most part SE doesn’t handle addons with so much severity.

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Tbh, i think some of the people here are saying the Squenix is pretty laxed about this stuff along it’s not being used to be a jerk to others, essentially. At least, that’s going by what they’ve said.

Cheating is now normalized, but that still does not make it right.

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Can’t really blame the addons for people’s behaviour.

If it was cheating, Blizzard would not be exposing their API.


I wasn’t blaming them. If anything, i do agree that FF14 should be more laxed with the addons and allow more of them. As it is right now, it’s pretty much on a lightly shaked table. As much the proverbial milk glass didn’t spill over, it’s all fine. But how much shaking is too much shaking is where the uncertainty comes into play with all that.

or the very least for Squenix, provide more of customizations and etc themselves.

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