Use of addons is cheating, and it needs to be addressed

then i wasn’t referring to you.

Oh no, i meant the website.

This is what i use to check alts.

Oh I just do it the old fashion way… pets and mounts.

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That’s fine too. :stuck_out_tongue:

Question, say we banned all add-ons tomorrow and you’re still bad, what then? Do you just move onto the next scape goat? create a new boogeyman?


micros might be next lol


The game was, is, and probably always will be, designed to support the use of addons. Ergo, doing so is not cheating. Blizzard knows about them and monitors their capabilities. Any time, one does something they think it shouldn’t, they neuter it. Thus, the addons currently available are, by extension, sanctioned. You may not like it (and for the record, I did prefer the early days when players relied on skill alone) but that’s irrelevant.

Logic is your friend.

You have a choice my friend - use addons or don’t use them. You make statements as if they are fact when really they are your own opinions. Addons are not cheating. Bag management, AH help, mail alerts for all your characters, being able to look at your alts inventory or compare new gear to equiped gear are quality of life addons. Addons like weak auras only tell you when something is available in a display that is easier to see, IMO. The shot rotation is something each player has to get comfortable with on their own. I don’t know of one addon that ATTACKS AUTOMATICALLY! As far as ruining the game for everyone, at least 90% of the players use addons and all raiding guild I know of require DBM. What are you going to comedown on next, Mr. Troll? Macros, just because someone is good at writing them and you suck at it? I think there is something we can all agree upon and that is Trolls like you should be banned.


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One of the main reasons I won’t play FFIV along with the fact that I HATE Anime.

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It is but not to the extent that they were doing it. They were zooming out far enough that they could see the entire instance zone from a bird’s eye view and were using that to identify certain mechanics. The mechanics weren’t intended to be solved that way (you were supposed to get the information a different way) so it was pretty clearly cheating since typically the camera isn’t supposed to zoom out anywhere near as far as they did. (I don’t know of any MMO which allows you to zoom the camera that far out.)

That would be an instant quit for me. The default UI is HORRIBLE even with recent changes.


I don’t consider that cheating, typically. Especially with those who get sick at Low FOV angles and such.

Trust me, low FoV with low framerate, doesn’t equal fun time. :face_vomiting: Don’t even get me started if you added motion blur to the mix.

Equally though, i don’t think people are going to set it on 180 degrees any time soon, it would be massively disorienting to play that way, unless you’re an ant.

Plus with other games like Tf2 and such, they don’t seem to have too much of a problem with high FoV’s and what not.

The issue wasn’t FOV, it was zoom.

For reference this is what their screen looked like.

Oh the Fov was just from a quick google search of that addon.

I guess for this here, i will say that… for zoom like that, i can see how it’s useful and honestly, FF14 should have this zoom. Every MMO should imo. Though maybe they should have more exaggerated models at a far away zoom mode like that.

Maybe somebody felt like their too cramped with the normal zoom out which, i would imagine it just be enough to touch the ring arena. Or given how FF14 fanboys always say that savage raids are much more harder, maybe the problem lies in being way too many mechanics or things to dodge or keep track of, even simple ones. At least for the latter here is what i assumed would happen.

This is true I moved and ended up going from my 32” curved gaming monitor to a 15” gaming laptop and there is so much krap on the ground I can hardly decipher what to stand in and what not to. I wish blizz was more creative than just putting more krap in the ground. It’s like their go to encounters…”what should we do with this boss?”….everyone thinking…”more krap on the ground!”

Anyways. Addons like dbm help me move out of the way so I can decipher what’s a good thing to stand in like dk ability or boss stuff


No it’s totally fine that world first raid guilds hire professional coders to make secret encounter breaking WA that they keep private.

If you respect anything anyone has done in WoW as is, you’re a meme. Except for me though, I got KSH without addons I’m basically kil’jaedan.

Also you fools, if I was going to make another anti-addon thread I would do it on the only character I post on the forums on. This is just another legit player posting about cheating in WoW. Times are changing.

This actually wasn’t even for a Savage fight, it was for an Ultimate. For reference, the way difficulty works in FF14 is that you first have Normal, which is the story difficulty comparable to our LFR. After that you have Extreme Trials, which are specific bosses in a given patch that are harder than their story mode version, probably somewhere between our Normal and Heroic. Then you have Savage, which is a collection of four raid bosses introduced every other patch where are the hardest end game content in the game that provides rewards. I’d place them somewhere between our Heroic and Mythic. Perhaps around the difficulty of Heroic end bosses. Ultimates are a separate beast entirely outside the normal difficulty curve. This are fights especially designed to be maddeningly difficult. They offer no loot rewards (only titles and weapon appearances) and will sync your character to a specific level/gear level. You usually only see a single new Ultimate boss once per expansion given how much time goes into making them. I would say that the hardest Ultimate bosses are comparable with out hardest Mythic bosses.

Which means that as far as this goes…

This was done deliberately. The whole point of Ultimates is that they are going to be the most frustrating content players ever run. They don’t offer gear rewards or story specifically because it’s not content designed for the average player. They had kept ramping Ultimate fights up because the players running them kept saying they weren’t hard enough, so when this incident happened, part of why Square Enix was upset was they didn’t see the point in them going through the effort to make such a difficult fight if the players were just going to use hacks to get around the difficulty.

It’s amusing the op probably uses questie in classic among others. but yes add-ons are bad. Why y’all constantly whining about wa’s and such while using other add-ons in wow why to make the game easier. You guys are great

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How is my bartender and plater cheating anyway I would like to know since alll they do is cosmetic things.

And the only reason it is getting brought up so much is because of the FFIV thing that just happened.

This isn’t that game, those devs dont work here, none of it works like you think it does.

Something fully supported by the game studio and the fact that the game encounters get designed around the use of timers and such there is nothing you did here but waste your time posting all of that.

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