Ursin Horde Reconnections

Hey Shape! I remember playing with you in TBC, Thaltos Undead Warrior.

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Hey hey,
A couple of friends and I are running on Fairbanks. We’ll probably focus on PVP to start and then transition into PVE.

Hey man, how’ve you been? I’m hoping to run into the old crew again too lol

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Was hoping I would find Griefer on here

Anyone from Bloodbath and Beyond?

Character: Extermina
Race: Undead
Class: Mage
Guild: Onslaught

Anybody from Onslaught out there? :slight_smile:

Character: Alaya, Gankana
Race: Undead
Class: Priest, Rogue
Guild: Insomnia

did you play under the name skeletor aswell?

Originally Thaltos, and switched to Skeletorrior later. Started on Ursin Back in 2006.

Hiya Vomit, Pangean
Nice to see some familiar faces! I raided with you all in AoC a bit at some god forsaken hours (my time lol South African time)

Character: Spinx
Race: Troll
Class: Mage
Guild: AoC

Hey Spinx! Long time no see. Crazy seeing some old AoC-ers again. Since Herod seems to be so full I’m actually probably switching to Stalagg but I’ll be on horde still. Let me know what you guys are planning to do.

I am willing and would join if a guild was being thought of…if my below average dps was needed. I have a char ready to go on the rppvp realm (cant remember the name) but would roll anywhere besides pve …bring on Vanilla already!

Hey Saph, this is Masisoar - undead warlock. I remember you and Hobb and the crew from blackflag when I joined towards the end of vanilla. Are they of those dudes still around?

Hey guys. Playing on Atiesh with a bunch of guys I played with on private servers. Raided through Naxx on Darrowshire. will definitely be raiding heavy on classic.

Sorry posted as Yoda instead of Vomit. All welcome to join us on Atiesh, very late night/early am raiding though.

Runs with Scissors was my guild! I was Dementia, 19 twink rogue and guild leader.

Sure. Add me Sapphic#1511

Woo, add me! Sapphic#1511

Hey Monte,

I’ll most likely be playing on Herod, (Crownus/Tauren/Druid) but I also have that character/name reserved on Whitemane, & Thalnos. Hope to see you there!~

O BABY YOU… GOT WHAT I NEEEEEEEEEEED! Smokestacks-Kil’jaden or Smokestack-Whitemane for classic Btag: Smokestack#1665