Ursin Horde Reconnections

Character: Peonyou/Monte
Race: Orc
Class: Warrior
Guild: Twice Baked, Relinquished

Looking to connect with any individuals from the Classic/Burning Crusade era.
Played a lot with Smokestack (druid) and Steamroll (rogue) and other TB members…also a few from DeathSquad. Former GM of Oprah’s Book Club.

Crowwing I remember dueling and grinding a few dungeons with you… was an Orc Warrior, Peonyou switched the name to Monte.

I think I remember you mate, though we didnt run in the same guild. I had a hunter named Lotarina.

Character: Lotarina
Race: Orc
Class: Hunter
Guild: Rebels Without Cause, Lazer Guided Taco, Carebear Refugees (short time), Oblivion

Still play and very much in love with the game, and just cannot wait to hit up Classic fulltime !! Running a Classic chapter of our guild, I am leading it. Would love to relive the good times with people from Ursin. We are OCE servers though.

what server are you guys playing on? @tranq @munte I think I’m going to play on Grobbulus

Are you going priest again? I’m likely taking my “classic role” of Prot warrior—Fury perhaps

'll play wherever I can find a group to start with–there is a third party website called vanillafriends which is also trying to connect people to their old Guildies

Character: Methosage
Race: Forsaken
Class: Warlock
Guild: The Cursed Legion, Carebear Refugees, Teh Slax, Adversaries

My Vanilla WoW history:

On Ursin I was the first a member, then an officer, then the GM of The Cursed Legion; we were trying to move into endgame. The Cursed Legion downed Snake, Bat, and Raptor boss in ZG. But we were unable to move into MC.

Due to this, I had us merge with Carebear Refugees, where I was an officer. I wanted to ensure a smooth transition from The Cursed Legion to Carebear Refugees and make sure all of my guildies had a place to go. I accomplished this, however, the Carebear Refugees were not quite what I was looking for. They did not raid enough for me.

After I knew that my guildies had a place to go and were on their way to endgame, I felt freer to go to a guild better suited for me. Which is why I joined Onslaught (MC on farm and while I was part of Onslaught we got Razer and Vael on farm). I worked my way up to Warlock Class Leader in Onslaught. Unfortunately, Onslaught lost several of its key members and was not raiding nearly as much as I desired.

Because of this I joined Teh Slax (BWL farm, on Huhu in AQ40). I was only in Teh Slax for a couple months before it too fell apart :’-( I was really disappointed when this happened as it was a great group of people.

Then I was with Adversaries (BWL farm, on Twin Emps in AQ40, while I was part of Adversaries we got three bosses down in Naxx).

But real life got too hectic and I needed to stop raiding (I could not maintain playing 30 hours per week). I intentionally transferred off of Ursin so I would not be tempted to raid.

I played on and off through the expansions but haven’t played in a few years now. I am interested in trying Classic again when it comes out to see if it can re-inspire that awe I first had paying vanilla WoW.

Anyone that was in the guild “Infinity”

Character: Savagebeasts orc warlock

Name: Andito
Race/class: Undead warrior
Guild: Wraith (disbanded somewhere during BWL)

Played in Ursin since the server came out up until a few months before BC.

Here’s my btag: Gorejaws#1592

Yeah. I’m starting with priest and warlock. Another friend is rolling a rogue.

Character name: Thaltos
Race: Undead
Guilds: Artifact and Legacy mostly. Anyone in those guilds will remember Arator! Played a little with Teh Slax and BioHazard later in BC and Wrath. Good times on Ursin.


Blood Elf Priest
Guilds: Infinity, Legacy, Released, Portal, Teh Slax

I’ve run into so many cool people while healing during BC and Wrath, there’s too many to list. Hopefully some of you are picking up Classic.

I miss the good ol’ days on Ursin.

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HELL YES, I ran Nephros and Teh Slax!

Undead Rogue, do you recall?

Hey man can I get that Teh Slax Discord? I ran with them for a year or so!

Character: Kahain
Race: Undead
Class: Rogue
Guild: Nephros, Teh Slax, Horrible

Anyone hear from PuffTrees? he’s was my man as were all the rogues in Teh Slax. What about Icey? Frost Mage?

I’m going to roll on Stallag Human Warrior… hate to run alliance but I’m going human simply for the rep grind racial

Hey Charre. Its Spudman. Maladi & Vivyiane are planning on playing. I’m currently going alliance w/ some RL just super casual. Sadly I have not heard from Blakthorn or Clia. CJ I have not talked to since bc. They have been off line for 4 years on battle.net. Pig & Hog I played a few expansions with but they have also not been on in a couple years. Spud#1540

What server you rolling on? i played savagebeasts and lyss from infinty

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Hey Vomit! I figured I might find you and some of the other rogues (Kevashatak? sp?) on here. I don’t know if you’ll remember me but I was Pangean (Troll rogue with bright red hair) in AoC around MC/ZG/start of BWL era. I’ll be rolling horde on Herod with some real life friends. Let me know what you’re up to/if other AoC people are around.

Also just to go with the flow here:

Character: Pangean
Race: Troll
Class: Rogue
Guild: AoC

Character: Shapestalker
Race: Taruen
Class: Resto Druid
Guilds: Infinity, Legacy and a few others

Seen a few names I remember, Hoping to find some others that I used to play with! I remember, Metro, Jaedon, Morganus and many more.

Hey Monte, it’s Crownus: Horde, Druid-resto/balance. I played with you in TB back in the day (was an officer & later became GM) i’m gonna be playing on Herod: Whitemane: Thalnos: Horde (of course): Druid for life!

Crownus! I remember you for sure-- My Fiance and I are looking to roll with old friends.

I’ll be looking to MT or go fury when 60 raiding comes… which server should I Join you on?