In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Ursin (US) in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
Your character’s name, race and class.
The name of your original guild on this realm.
The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
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Looking for AoC members with no connections to Zury, or members of AoC not part of Zury’s guild implosion. Playing classic with a vanilla Naxx experienced guild That I’ve known for a couple years now.
I remember transferring over to another server during WoTLK but lost contact with the guild. looking to see if anyone from the guild is coming back/playing vanilla. Hit me up if you are down
My name was Orphan, troll mage. The only homie I really remember playing with me on CLASSIC before i transfered was a shammy named Brownieownz. HMU BRUH IF U STILL PLAYIN.
Stormreaver - Kanazawa - warrior; Kanawaza - warlock
“XII” with Bricktop (GM), Carneloco, and a few others
“XII” merged with another guild to form to “Destiny’s XII”
Transferred to the Ursin server and founded the guild - in June 2006. We are still active; still raiding on Tues / Wed / Thur. I Think we are the only “Old” guild still active, in regard to the bigger guilds that were there from Karazhan until now…
• Crowwing - Undead Shadow Priest
• I do not remember the name of the guild
• I remember playing with a guy named ‘Agro’. I think he was horde for a while then switched to alliance.
Hey Crowwing, I remember you! you were great at 1v1 duels on that spriest. I Raided with a guy named Avocado (GM of the guild) Insomnia. I actually started the game off on Crushridge playing with a guild called Ewiges Licht and wanted to see the game from the other side, so rolled this priest and did the MC to Naxx progression on Ursin.
I currently play a shadow priest named Därkmethod on Sargeras.
Primarily did PVP until most of the guild got as far as they cared to in the honor grind, then we actually started raiding in ZG. Curious if any of those guys still play.