Spud do you remember me Nost Rest Orc Shaman?
I played and merged on every singe guild you went too. Do you remember me Nost Orc Rest Shaman?!!! I remember everything in your post!!!
I’m looking for
Omnideath and Alashani
Guild - Postmortem
Hey Everyone, there’s not a single name I don’t recognize or remember in this thread.
I was a rogue named Leaf, who was in Blackflag, TwiceBaked, Teh Slax, Perpetual Death, Pretending to Work, Reapers of Doom. I also played a druid named Foggy, who was in Mutiny, Divide and Conquer, Pretending to Work, and Teh Slax. And finally I played this priest Doppelganger.
Was a bit late to the Horde party on Ursin, but lot of memories thanks!
I’m currently playing rogue and druid on classic.
Leaf-Whitemane, Doppelganger-Smolderweb, and Doppelganger-Benediction.
Always looking to reconnect to an old friend or make a new connection with anyone to share some old stories! Good to see everyone here alive and well. Take care <3
Character: Wotcher
Race: Forsaken
Class: Rogue
Guild: Insomnia
I’m playin ally on bigglesworth.
Looking for a priest i played with back in 2006-ish. His name was Raviamp. Also looking for a guy named HeadDaWicket. I can’t remember what my old rogues name was unfortunately. We were all undead/forsaken. Hit me up if you read this please.
Name: Briangriffin (BG)
Race: Cow
Class: Shaman
Guild: Death Squad
Looks like I’m one of the few on here, but then we never had a huge forum presence. Any of my boys or girls out there?
Charecter: Barm
Class: Druid
Race: Tauren
Guilds: Onslaught, Ganked, a few others.
Name: Jobu
Race: Orc
Class: Rogue
Guild: Nemesis
hey, I was Tehpown the rogue in Nemesis before I had to change my name to Prntscrn.
gotten in contact with anyone else From Nemesis?
Whats up, good to see you’re still around! Playing on Sulfuras, Just wanted to say hi!
Character: Antaran
Race: Undead
Class: Warlock
Guild: AoC/Lethal Shadows/Mutiny/Death Squad
Character: Tehpown/Prntscn after a forced name change
Race: Troll
Class: rogue
Guild: Nemesis
Anyone else from Nemesis still around. I rolled horde again for classic
Character: Lyshakamar
Race: Tauren
Class: Druid
Guild: Onslaught
More commonly known as Lyshakamararararar on vent.
Sup Exterm and Methos, ltns! Miss raiding with you guys but don’t miss the suppression room runs!
Character: Vezzil
Race: Goblin
Class: Hunter
Guild: Game Grumps
Back in the day the official Game Grumps guild wasn’t made in the best of the expansions, but hell, did it have a great guild community as it was really an enjoyable experience made out of some of the most boring gameplay this game ever had.
I really hope I can find some of the people from back then, although I’m playing Alliance right now.
Hey metro do you remember me. I was a shaman named Mooshoo we were in i think portal togeather
Hello, I was on Ursin originally Mooshoo enhancement shaman, though my dad was well known. Mooder, played in adversaries I believe he was the most geared resto druid on the server had 13 splinters of ateish.
Anyone from Adversaries, Portal, Mutiny, Frostwolf Regulators?
Character: Deadstealth
Race: Undead
Class: Rogue
Guild: Bloodline Empire - Left for a BWL raiding guild but don’t remember the name as it fell apart right before BC… Bloodline was home though.
19 Twink Orc Hunter names Yokie as well.
Mate you lived in Perth right?
Name: Mongatsuya
Race: Orc
Class: Shaman
Guild: Legion of Forsaken, Crimson Aeon
I’m Looking for Aztecwarrior, Jsteel, Makro… I used to play with them back in the day before i had to xfer off to another server due to my RL friend on my shaman whose name was Mongatsuya. i would really love to reconnect with them if possible. i miss you guys very much!!! i havent stopped thinking of you guys.
Hi, im really hoping this is the Mak that i played with in Ursin back in the day.
i was a orc shaman named Mongatsuya. Hopefully this rings a bell.