Upset about customer support stance

Ok, so from what I can see in the tickets you created -

1st ticket (Created July 5th), you claim that you were transferring gold between characters. The recipient of the gold was supposed to be your level 120 Pandaren Monk. The 2 sending characters you indicated in your first ticket was:

  • Sender1: 120 Night Elf Death Knight: Sent ~3,300 gold
  • Sender2: 120 Human Paladin: Sent ~25,000 gold

When the Game Masters reviewed this claim, they were able to verify that Sender1 did send gold to Recipient and that gold was successfully claimed from the mail.

However, Sender2 had not logged into the game since June 9th. The next time they would log into the account would be on July 6th (after your initial ticket was created).

So the claim that Sender2 had sent gold to Recipient doesn’t seem to line up with the records of Sender2s login activities.

In your second ticket on July 6th, you indicated that you were transferring gold a week or two prior in order to buy heirlooms. However, as I mentioned previously - Sender2 had not been logged in on the account during that time frame.

In your third ticket, on July 8th, you attached a screenshot of a Plain Letter with the text “25000 from, Sender2”. This doesn’t actually serve as proof since you can write anything in these letters that you want. We can only based our ability to offer restorations on what our logs show actually happening in-game.

Unfortunately, due to the amount of time that has passed since the last time Sender2 was logged into the game, we cannot verify if they ever had that amount of gold to send, or if it was sent to the wrong character.

What we can verify is that Recipient logged into the game, and claimed 3,300 gold from the mail. That appears to be the only gold that was waiting for them.

This does not appear to be a case of expired mail, and does not appear to be a case of the game “eating” the gold - that is just not something that happens. Since the Game Master team could not verify the loss you reported within the game logs, they are not going to be able to provide the restoration you are requesting. And since this issue was reviewed multiple times by different Game Masters, as well as a Game Master Supervisor you have been warned against submitting further requests for this restoration. The final answer on this matter has been provided, and further tickets would be considered spam and in violation of the Game Master interaction policy.

I understand that you have an investment in the outcome on this request, and that you believe you recall events happening a certain way. Our inability to assist with this is not based out of spite, but out of policies regarding what can and cannot be verified.

I’m sure you could imagine the types of requests we’d receive if we did not have to support restorations with evidence from the game logs. To be fair to everyone, each restoration request is handled with the same requirements.

Seeing as this request has been reviewed by multiple reps, and a supervisor as well as my own review in order to respond to this thread, I’m going to keep it closed.