Upgrading your gear from 346 to 360 costs

You understand that we’re paying for this product with our subscriptions, right?

Should I turn a blind eye every time they make some wretched alternate mode, bill it as a fun romp through content for some giggles and a shot at some toys, then dump all over it like some diarrhetic dog?

There is clearly some massive disconnect between what Blizzard thinks we want and what actually matters to some of us.

They will never be able to please everyone, but you can bet your house I’m not going to sit here and let them dump on the community with their inept responses to their own mistakes without letting them know how I feel.

Keep your bs analogies in your pocket. This isn’t about time, this is about treating the players poorly due to Blizzard’s own oversight.

They need to fix this properly before the whole community because irreversibly divided. Frog farming personalities don’t really care about your feelings. If Blizzard makes this a contest of wills the soft casual do-gooders will get bullied into submission by players lashing out against Blizzard.

The more the whiners and Blizzard push back against other players the more those players will retaliate against anyone they perceive to be a frog hater. You will get into even less groups than before. The gate-keeping will increase and the fallout could be devastating.

Blizzard needs to stop antagonizing their paying customers and find a proper solution.

I think I’m on tier 4 of upgrades and I’m broke. I kind of want to try to upgrade fully to see what it’s like and I am having a lot of fun but I’m guessing if I actually want cosmetics I’ll have to make a new character.

Also every single raid group has been carried by a few people doing 99% of the dps. I ain’t gonna complain because it gets stuff done fast but it does get kind of old when you really are just tagging along for loot

I was fine with the upgrade costs, since who’s playing Remix to upgrade gear anyway? It’s all about the mog farming, and I love it for that.

However, since froggers have ruined the game for everyone by being pretty much permanently ahead gear-wise, I’m now all for nerfing upgrade costs into the ground. Make it like 50-100 bronze per upgrade level and be done with it, Blizzard. Remix is ruined unless you scale back all of the gear upgrades of froggers.

SOO mythic having a title and the content requiring upwards of 500 ilvl gear to reasonably contribute to / clear meant it was effectively a cosmetic reward with a 500k bronze cost.

Fun, is subjective, as you clearly stated here

That means some people will not find the event fun, where others will. So, what if you don’t find it fun, that it must not be fun for anyone else? So, what they should have let the frog farming in? How does that work with what was advertised? Do you go through the content of Mists, and its entirety, with frog farming? Because that’s what they advertised… They advertised going through ‘the content’ at an accelerated pace… Not frog farming

That seems to be the case for a lot of people, that there isn’t enough time for them to get everything or do everything (as per my response to Earthwurm, that some of us are still playing s4 and have a life outside of wow), so they want further increases to bronze acquisitions, they can’t just accept what has already been done, they want more and more and more, because they don’t have the ‘time’… It isn’t BS if people are complaining about ‘time’

What you don’t think that Blizzard isn’t run by humans, people make mistakes, and they are trying to compensate for it, but for you and a handful of people it still isn’t enough… This is a new thing Blizzard is trying to do, mistakes were made, and hopefully they’ll learn from this experience, if something similar to this is done again…

This confuses me, are you for froggers or against? There are a lot more non-froggers than there are froggers. We got little less than 3 months, for everyone to do the content, but hey, if you don’t think it’s about time, then Idk.

Again, the event was advertised as casual friendly and really at this point in wow, aside from mythic raiding, what isn’t casual friendly? I’m not asking for this to be an event we can all complete in 3 days but the fact you have a very large number of people able to solo raids because they took advantage of a very broken system and then the rest of us stuck barely able to out DPS healers in lfr says there’s something very wrong. Fixing these issues would make this event more fun and not feel like I need to grind 4 billion bronze over the course of a month just to compete with the people that essentially cheated over the first few days to accomplish the same thing. Meanwhile these people that are now sitting at max item lvl they were able to achieve in a few short days now have nearly all of the cosmetics or close to it. Now your rebuttal is tough luck, choose to play this or that it’s on me. I don’t really care about what’s fair or not fair but it makes sense to make the event easier to obtain the items we actually want to get out of the event instead of forcing us to spend a ridiculous amount of time to obtain the same thing these people got for a fraction of the effort.

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In the LFRs, I have seen 1 maybe 2 per, out dpsing miles above everyone else, but who is to say they are froggers or not. They could have done something else; I feel maybe at most 5% of the playerbase playing are froggers, who can say, I am just going off the LFRs I have seen. So no, I don’t think it’s a very large number of people in comparison, and that is gear that can with ‘time’ allow you to do as well.

But I see no reason to make things easier to obtain, when for the past 13 years nearly everything but a few select cosmetics, are still obtainable Live, that would essentially trivialize those who did put in time, effort and frustration in obtaining. There are 30 exclusive mounts which I believe is just recolors, a toy and ofc, the no longer obtainable heirlooms and Garrosh Shoulders. It shouldn’t be making things easier to obtain, it should be setting those who ‘exploited’ and setting their gear back to 346 and removing any cosmetics they purchased. Not making things easier for everyone else.

This is the standpoint I am looking at.
Would you feel it alright that everything was obtainable by everyone, when those who took the last 13 years; time, effort and frustration, to obtain? Or those who thought that the item was never going to appear again, only for the item to reappear 13 years later, and be easier to obtain?

Okay sure it may not have taken, people 13 years, maybe they got lucky, but its RNG live vs Do some activities, skip the RNG for the event…

I’m not asking for everything to be obtainable. I’m asking that for the course of a limited time event that offers x amounts of cosmetics doesn’t it make sense that they should be able to obtain them? The problem right now is you have a very large number of players that took advantage of a broken system and are leagues above everyone else in terms of damage and obtaining these cosmetic items. Then blizzard said hey we fd up here’s 40k bronze while these people farmed hundreds of thousands in just a few days. Im not saying these people should be punished because I understand they only took advantage of a system that was broken, and should have been recognized by blizzard before launch. However the response shouldn’t be telling players to just deal with it. Fix the system and make gear costs lower. That’s it. That way more people can be on an equal power level and not feel cheated. That’s not asking for hand outs or doing anything that would screw anyone over. As it currently stands a very large portion of the player base feels alienated because of 1 broken system that we didn’t all get to take advantage of.

Gear upgrades is only crucial if you plan on farming the higher raids for thr SoO currency and even then I’ve seen the bronze rewards is barely better than LFR and not worth the effort.

But farming bronze for mogs and mounts, there’s a strong chance every piece of content at LFR and below there’ll be at least one super OP player to carry you through.

But guess what most of those x cosmetics are obtainable live… you do understand that right?.. there is only a select few that are not, 30 exclusive mounts, a toy and the longer obtainable, Garrosh Heirlooms and Shoulders. All the exclusive stuff is pretty cheap with a few mounts being 6.6k bronze, all others are below that price. Again, buffing bronze acquisition or lowering costs to make it so everyone can solo all but the hardest content, is not the way to go about it, that would again trivialize, the time, effort and frustration people who have obtained the stuff already live.

It would also trivialize that for the no longer obtainable things as well since people at the time 13 years ago thought they would no longer be. This standpoint is clearly beyond you, I have been playing way before, since the end of OG WoW/Start of BC and I wouldn’t feel right if I was able to obtain all the things people took time, effort and frustration to obtain, and with very minimal effort obtained as well. That’s why I said it’s better to set those who ‘exploited’ back to 346 ilvl and remove the cosmetics, because it in fact isn’t a large amount as you say, because I’d be seeing way more than 1 or 2 per LFR wing doing crazy DPS.

I’m for players not being penalized for Blizzard’s mistake and then being made social pariah’s at the behest of a bunch of whiners complaining about player power in a one-off mode where that eventually was intended.

I don’t condone frog farming, but I think Blizzard’s response was reckless. They set a dangerous precedent.

I understand that they’re humans, doing their best and I’m confident they care.

HOWEVER, this is a 19 year-old game, suffering from the same short-sighted, low quality implementation that has plagued it for many years now.

I am sorely disappointed that with all this time and experience under their belt, Blizzard, as the developer of WoW could be so poorly managed that this is the best they could do.

I believe Blizzard owes all sides of the problem an apology.

I believe their oversight of the Timeless Coin opportunity is their fault and they should have taken responsibility. Instead they chose to punish players, either to virtue signal, or penalize them for rushing through content. Neither of which are acceptable.

I’m on the side of players who want a fun experience without the game causing friction for no reason other than to satisfy Blizzard’s need to artificially overstretch content that doesn’t hold up to the hype.

They should have raised their hand, acknowledged their oversight and worked with the community to find a suitable solution.

Never punish your players for your mistake. How is that not self-evident?

Let’s make this clear once again… Noones asking to trivialize your mount collections or cosmetics you got prior to this event. The mounts and cosmetics are now available. What does it matter if someone spends 30 hours collecting or 30 days at this point. The fact u apparantly spent 13 years collecting doesn’t compare to the max of 90 days so what’s the difference. I get it your an “OG”. Grats. There’s lots of us out here that have been playing since vanilla and have an embarrassing amount of hours sunk into the game. I don’t feel the proper response is to punish people but instead make it easier for others to reach the same power level. Its the most reasonable response and it shouldn’t piss anyone off. Again this shouldn’t have any bearing on obtaining the cosmetics so I don’t even know why you are against this. People will still have to farm up a couple hundred thousand bronze for cosmetics instead of having to sink a million into gear first. Makes sense.

Errrr, bronze rewards go from 250 per 3 bosses in LFR to 750-2500 per boss in heroic depending which fight. Heroic is significantly better ROI than LFR.

So, you are saying that the froggers, should have been left off scot-free, because of the fault of Blizzard, that the frog farm should have been left in? So, any other game that happens to have an unintended game mechanic, that the players who abuse that, they should receive no punishment?

Never did I say it was my mount or cosmetic collection, I was saying from the viewpoint of those who did take the time, effort and frustration to obtain. Making it easier for others, or for most of the player base easier to obtain is pretty much trivializing, that time, effort and frustration. Just because YOU wouldn’t feel that way couldn’t be said of others.

But it is pretty easy, again little less than 3 months left, the more time put in the easier stuff will become. As I told Deevax, so the proper response would have been to keep the frog ‘exploit’ in or allow the froggers off scot-free, does that happen with other games? Where people who abuse an unintended gameplay mechanic to not be punished? Then how do all the other players feel, when Blizzard advertised being OP, because I don’t feel very OP at all against those who frogged. Sure, I felt OP at some parts while leveling, but in comparison to those froggers, nope.

That’s exactly what I’m saying.

The activities in which froggers participated is fundamentally well within the confines of fair, acceptable play in the context of this game.

I don’t agree with their farming behavior, but ultimately I believe that Blizzard should have found a better solution.

Blizzard made the mistake and has done NOTHING to accept responsibility. They have deflected everything at a small portion of the players whose actions technically fell within the confines of the ToS, until it didn’t…

I think it’s totally inappropriate to retroactively declare something illegal and apply punishment. It’s a terrible precedent and has done more harm than good.

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is though? 10 hours to 70 seems pretty quick to me i got more in a toon on retail and it is only 64.

what’s the “exploit” part, people are trying to get powerful in game and hyperspawns exist, sorry its something other than what the raid finder window offers but there are players better than you that play at a different level

the real gain is being able to gain extreme power fantasy and solo almost anything, i can carry a full normal run’s dps by myself now and it feels awesome

This is exactly how any sane person should view it, But I guess it’s easier to view anyone who killed frogs as moustache-twirling villains who steal babies instead of simply another player who was enjoying the game and did something to progress their character.

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Wouldn’t upgrading your gear make bronze acquisition that much faster? I can just go solo dungeons now to get threads/bronze. Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if by the end we were all soloing raids or something.