Upgrading your gear from 346 to 360 costs

38,530 Bronze.

That’s more than one of the “rare” mounts (AKA World Boss Mounts).

That’s enough to buy out the entire world content transmog vendor.

This is just one level. There are 14 more after that, and I’m pretty sure it gets more expensive as you go, but not 100% sure.

Upgrade costs need to be cut by 90-95%. We shouldn’t have to spend all of remix to gather bronze to upgrade gear that’s being taken away from us at the end of remix, especially when the selling point of Remix was the cosmetics you can earn, which we won’t be able to buy if we have to spend our bronze on upgrading.

To put this in perspective, doing your daily normal scenario/heroic scenario, daily normal dungeon/heroic dungeon, and we’ll be generous adn say 4 wings of LFR, you only get about 5000 bronze from the items, and about 1000 from killing things.


Yep, it makes no sense unless… you have infinite Bronze, like say from exploiting a hyperspawn farm. I’ll probably never upgrade anything.

When the choice is between mostly or entirely maxing your gear for no real gain in an LTM or spending that same amount of Bronze to get every cosmetic, which are peremanent, it should tell you the upgrade costs are way too high.


I noticed how bad I am compared to people who have upgraded their gear even 2 tiers and went “It can’t be that bad to upgrade the gear, maybe it’s just the weapon that’s expensive” - Yea, no, all gear is expensive. The weapon is 3x as much as others, but the others are still 3-4k per piece. :confused:


Lowering prices would penalize the people who’ve already spent bronze.
They should just increase the bronze. Who cares if people buy all the collectibles. Isnt that the carrot for Remix? That and leveling alts. They’re the only things exiting the event.


They had no problem penalizing those who didn’t frog farm, and penalize those who did the achievements prior to them adding legendary threads as a reward for them.

Also, I’d wager well over 90% of the people who have upgraded exploited a hyperfarm in some way or form. So they should just be happy they aren’t getting banned.


Those people almost certainly exploited (eg frog farmed) to get that Bronze so it actually would even out.


na thats them the 450+ boys. I spent my first 55k on gear upgrades to feel less weak soo went to 360 with like 2 other pieces upgraded past that… But didnt work still weak as hell.


Leveling alts is also slower than retail because of the cape changes, so that’s out too. They have killed both the leveling aspect, and the fun collecting cosmetics aspect of it entirely. There is now no point in this mode other than to waste time until things are fixed. It’s just that simple.


Farming frogs was not an exploit. It was actually a “thing” in MoP.
But, also not true. I havent killed a single frog and have chosen to upgrade gear first. I know quite a few people doing the same.


Yup, now that theyre cutting back on farms, exploit or not (they all are), really dont have much joy playing the game mode. I finally got the rings and trinkets. Have not done a raid because i just dont want to spend all day doing raid bosses and wiping… not to mention having to raid every day just to have enough bronze to buy everything I want.

I have 1 70 I havent touched after leveling first and an alt i wanted to play in tww. One has 40k bronze, the other 60k. I looked at the cost to upgrade a 346 weapon… and it was 9k… i aint spending what little bronze i have on gear…


Yep. I didnt farm frogs and went after the achievements while leveling.
But Ive also upgraded gear first…so…would rather not be penalized yet a 3rd time and they just put more bronze in.


It was, and they stopped that early on as well…

Yeah. I glanced at the upgrade vendor and walked away. Those rates are obscene.


Of which probably 90% had abused frog farming because otherwise the values have been mostly unobtainable.
So why are we worried about penalising them?

They already took advantage of an oversight and then still benefited when threads and bronze were increased on single acquisition sources like achievements which players who played normally miss out on.

Also it’s not penalising anyway, it’s fixing an issue which should have already been addressed.


You assume anybody who chose to upgrade gear first abused…anything. Not true at all.
You have to end of the event to buy the vendor items. Many people are choosing to upgrade gear first and buy the items later.
Not looking forward to the next step. The first round cost me about 1/3 of the bronze I’d farmed so far. But like the achievements…it is penalizing people if the cost is not refunded or offset.
Not everybody killed frogs.


Not bannable.
Not an exploit.
So please stop it with this nonsense talk.
I am on the same boat as you having not even dinged 70 yet because I work for a living.
I am not out here spreading misinformation like you are and saying people were “exploiting” and are lucky they don’t get banned.


It was an exploit. Hope that helps! Also, onto ignore you go for defending exploiters!


Just because you guys keep calling something an exploit =/= it being so.


I don’t understand why are they nerfing farming spots and at the same time making this farming bronze farse of a event.

Yes or No!

And if is Yes.

Why the farming has to be painful?


Microsoft has to make back on their acquistion one way or another