Upgrading your gear from 346 to 360 costs

Everyone got sassy at the frog farm, but it was the Great Equalizer. Now we get to sit in the Bronze Mines.

Here’s the secret though: An upgrade now pays for the mog later.

Upgrading your gear lets you farm higher content faster and means more Bronze per day. So you should really kit out your main to the point where you can reliably do Heroic Dungeons and maybe even scrape through to Heroic Raids. Then go crazy on mogs/toys/mounts.

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I’m coming around to the idea that the upgrade costs aren’t necessarily bad in and of themselves, primarily because they represent only one specific portion of the event that necessitates upgrading and farming beyond the normal amount.

That said, the transition from low-mid level power to the late 60’s and cap does legitimately feel pretty jarring and bad, and having a lot of the upgrading time and cost dedicated to reacquiring the power you had stands out a lot more than in Retail because so much of our power is centered around a system built entirely for Remix.

It’s clear that just generally addressing scaling isn’t easy, but I wouldn’t mind if the first few tiers of gear upgrades were reduced significantly in cost, even if that nerf was compensated for at the higher levels.

Yeah, Blizz intended it as an investment for higher Bronze returns. If you’re big on alts, you can get 90% of the cosmetics you want just by leveling new characters, and reserve upgrades for your main if you want to shoot for things like Tusks.

Everything else aside, all the brand new cosmetics are obtainable from just playing the campaigns and normal content. If they locked things like Chen’s hat, the chicken pack, etc. behind high upgrade requirements, then I’d have a problem. As it is, it’s…fine. They can tune up a lot of the rough edges, but it’s not some nightmarishly unfair slogfest or anything.

Upgrades, gear, mear… f that. THANK YOU froggers for what you guys did. Because of that Blizz gave 40k bronze just like that which helped a lot of acquiring the mounts. 3 alts, 120k bronze extra. So, THANK YOU.

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just doing the daily quests in the bazaar, the world bosses and 4 sets of dailies earns me 20, 000 bronze a day there really is no need to do normal plus raiding.

if i had to change anything about the gear upgrade costs, it would have to be that there should be no cost to upgrade an item for a slot that you have already upgraded an item in. if you have a blue rare chest at 500 ilvl an you get a purple epic chest to drop at 346 ilvl with perfect stats, then that item should be free to upgrade to ilvl 500. it still costs close to 7k bronze.

that is my only issue with the gear upgrades

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I am very doubtful it is close to 7k bronze unless the system works differently once you get past 346 ilvl. Up to ilvl 346 it already works that way.

just checked in game. i still have a blue chest which is only at 486 ilvl. i just put a green 346 chest in the upgrade vendor and selected upgrade level 32/36 which would bring the new green chest up to 486 ilvl and the cost is 6750 bronze.

now that is absurd. everything else with the upgrade costs seem fine.

edit: sry let me correct that without erasing. i double checked and the 32/36 would of made the new green chest 500 ilvl. if i go back and put it at 31/36 which would be 486 ilvl the cost is 2250 bronze. so nvm, not as bad but still. should be free to upgrade to current ilvl on a new piece.

I guess the system isn’t counting upgraded gear the same way it counts dropped gear - for instance, I have a blue chest piece that is 240 ilvl and if a green chest drops that is ilvl 290, I can upgrade the blue chest piece for less than 50 bronze to 290.

It increases in cost evry level - at level 70 and all items drop at 346 (green, blue and epic - epic drops will have an additional stat). 4500 bronze for chest/legs/each weapon slot - the other slots are slightly cheaper.

You need to upgrae every slot beforee you can upgrade again eg, all items at 346 need to go up to 360 before you can upgradee anything to 372.

I know that - that isn’t what we were discussing

Yeah my bad just scrolled up, i only realised thee additional cost after thee fact because ive had most items as epic from 346 ilvl and only replaced a chest the other day and seen thee extra cost to upgrade to 500ilvl.

It appears to have min cost per rank past 346 regardless if you have upgraded beyond it previoulsy.

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nah, the majority of the players aren’t going to raid anyway. They have no use for upgraded gear beyond 346.

yeah I think that should change - pretty sure they didn’t intend that

So, choose, either play s4 or play the limited event. It is not like you are forced to play one or the other, you have a choice. As for life outside WoW, again limited timed event, it’s like stores have limited timed sales, some people are able to get them some are not, or maybe they have limited stock of an exclusive, not like everyone will be able to get it.

Get what you can with what time you are either willing to put in, or the time you have. Other than like the achievements and like I think recolors of sets, 80 - 90% of the cosmetics are already obtainable live. People just feel the need that they should be able to get everything in such a short amount of time, especially when others since a lot of cosmetics already in game, but in far more time, effort and frustration in obtaining.

You can get more than that PER DAY doing heroic raids and daily rewards, there is no science in this game mode.

I just got my druid to lvl 70 with around 100k bronze.

I did spend a little along the way on bank bags.

My plan is to wait until I have a full set of i346 that has all the stats I want and hopefully all are either blues or purples.

Once I hit that mark, I’ll start spending bronze on upgrades.

My goal is to get at least 1 full set of 556 gear on 1 toon before the end of the event.

Tho I am thinking of rolling a tank and a healer to try them out since most of the event everyone is OP and I feel it would be a perfect chance to try out a not-DPS roll for once.

Just can’t decide on what class to try.

Makes absolutely no sense that Season 4 LIVE is significantly EASIER to upgrade gear, than it is in this “for fun mode, REMIX”

Yeah, anyone who actually spends their bronze on upgrades rather than blowing it all on cosmetics will be max ilevel in a few weeks. Then they can do whatever they want and farm their bronze for cosmetics 10x faster than they could at 346 gear level.

If you plan to play Remix for the whole 12 weeks then I would strongly recommend upgrading all your gear. For people who only want to play a week or two and then dip, ok sure spend it all on cosmetics and get out. But the real power and farming speed in this game mode comes from investing into your character first, and going crazy later.


Since the event still has many days left, it seems to me that Blizzard wants us to spend time getting stronger so that we can farm these raids easily and then buy our stuff later. The feeling of being strong in raids is really cool, but it comes with the sacrifice of delaying the cosmetics.

Make your choices and keep playing. Get friends to play together and grow together. The guild I’m in has more than 150 active people; we always manage to do group content, and the stronger players don’t mind helping the weaker ones.

Blizzard could always reimburse those who upgraded at the crazy prices.