Upgrading your gear from 346 to 360 costs

I checked /played and it says 1 day, 23 hrs 11 minutes, so just shy of 48 hrs

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So that’s quite a significant amount for a release that has been available 6-7 days.
It basically means ~7 hours a day which I would consider an exception and not the majority.

There are definitely others like you that have achieved those levels normally, but most people that have played normally and within standard play times won’t have more than 2 upgrade breakpoints.

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It’s funny, I just did this calculation today. Realised it was a complete joke, decided to hoard all my bronze for the inevitable upgrade cost nerf that blizz is guaranteed to do eventually. Besides, I still need 50k bronze for a toy.


why are you playing the event? I would guess most people are playing to buy cosmetics. Since most of these cosmetics are already in the game, most long time players have the majority of them. For instance, I am only missing two toys and I don’t really even use toys or care about them. I need to add things up but I am pretty close to being able to buy all the unique mounts already and I just hit 70 yesterday.

It is pointless to upgrade gear just so I can do raids (which I already did 100s of times when the content was current) so I can earn more bronze.

they aren’t going to refund people, their entire game has become based on as time goes on things are cheaper/easier to get.

What that person isn’t recognizing - if they reducing upgrading costs now the only people really punished are the frog farmers. That person didn’t fully upgrade the gear so they will benefit from an upgrade reduction for the remaining upgrades they still need.

If blizzard wants to keep people playing this for more than a month they should reduce the upgrade cost by 75% or so in the next week. That would encourage many people to upgrade instead of just playing until they have enough to buy the unique items they want and stop playing here.

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Blizz likes us to have to make meaningful decisions. While deciding not to upgrade gear to save Bronze for cosmetics/mounts is easy (not a chance I’ll do that) it is meaningful. It means less fun. One huge aspect of WOW is gear upgrades… its fun to get them. Blizz also made a meaningful decision. They decided not to have a separate currency for upgrades. None of the reasons for this decision can be good for us. A. they didn’t predict the outcome, or B. they knew the outcome and didn’t care.

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They don’t care if we enjoy ourselves, all they care about is that we keep paying. You’d think that we’d stop playing if we weren’t enjoying ourselves anymore, but subscription services are intentionally designed to trigger addiction responses, so we don’t.

Exactly this. The gear upgrades should be massively nerfed.


I can’t believe I miss Plunderstorm. At least that felt more rewarding and I didn’t have to worry about choosing between player power and the rewards I actually want.


yep took all my bronze to upgrade for nothing. awful design. or just plain meanness.


I think it’d be OK if the upgrade discount was account wide, but it’s not, so you have to shell out that much for each character.
Specifically, it would be fine with the new leveling bronze rewards. An alt leveling event where each new alt gives you enough bronze to up your max ilvl or choose cosmetics. Coulda be nice.

Instead I have to commit a lot of bronze to catch up to the character I happened to play first.

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Here’s the thing, like 1 or 2 good weeks of farming bronze doing the normal raids daily and dumping it into your armor will get you to cap easily. Then your still have over 2 months of time to farm up every single transmog and mount, which will be easy to do since you can solo mythic soo at cap…

In fact, I’m already down to just over 300k from maxing everything without killing a single solitary frog.

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Yah that’s why I’m not spending anything in gear. Just getting enough bronze to get the mounts. I don’t care about the appearances. I was under the impression this would be a fairly casual event just to get some mounts and such. It seems way more grindy then it should be.

I think you are missing the point. Some of us are still playing s4 and have a life outside of wow. If I did what you said I’d be spending way more time on wow then I have time for.


Agreed 100%

Queue the no lifers who come in the thread and defend the fact that they think 600k bronze is an OK cost for upgrades in an LTM.

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you forgot about raids… I rushed through every raid in less than 2 hours. bronze is fine

shill take if i’ve ever seen one.

Best part is, if you upgrade green items, and by luck you get an epic item, you are charged the FULL upgrade process as the higher one you would be replacing at the same item level.

Some of us “are” playing the game for the gear tho. I’m not good enough or smart enough or quick enough to play retail mythic raids, but I am hoping I can get 550 ilevel before the remix ends just to pretend to be a cool guy.

So I’m spending every last bronze I have on gear and grinding what ever I am capable of doing to hopefully reach my goal.

I’m probably going to be missing the neck though unless I can gear enough for someone to take me.

I do wish it was a little cheaper to upgrade though.

You realize that gear will go once remix ends, i.e. you aren’t going to get 550 in the standard game right?

the upgrade costs are fine. this is a 3 month long event. both me and my wife are at 437 ilvl. we didnt start playing until may 21st, 5 days after the event was already started. we have only been playing for 5 days and have only played maybe 14-16 hours. we did not go to 1 hyperspawn farm or exploit. we did every achievement and just dailies and world bosses and raids, dungeons and scenarios.

we will be max ilvl before the weekend. which will be full maxed in under 2 weeks. there is nothing wrong with the costs. they are perfect imo. unless you are one of those gimmie gimmie players that want everything NOW for NOTHING.