Upgrading your gear from 346 to 360 costs

Not quite, merely that to the extent that would be truly punishing ie multiple breakpoints of upgrades would typically be due to the frog farm.

I’m sure there are a few out there who have legitimately farmed 150k+ bronze in the first weekend, but I’d imagine that is in the minority (or they just have an extreme abundance of time on their hands).

Honestly, to address that issue they could easily provide a refund of the discounted amount for the first upgrade breakpoint or two to those legitimate players. The system already tracks to make sure they have all items upto a certain level before allowing further upgrades, so realistically they already can identify them.

I agree though, regular players shouldn’t be punished, but it’s also apparent the cost of upgrades is…a bit too much.
Meanwhile people who exploited a no longer available method to accrue a ludicrous amount of bronze and thus player power and cosmetics continue to win out.

Doing nothing isn’t the solution.

I mean, it’s impossible to really fact check you. But if that is the case, out of curiousity how many hours have you spent over the last 5 days to accrue that much bronze?

Also note I did say “mostly” as in I understand that through non-normal gameplay patterns it would be attainable. (Although still not to the extent of those who exploited)

For what my anecdote is worth, I’m at 402 across the board and my /played is approximately 50ish hours - about 2/3 of that at level 70.

The closest thing to a “farm” I’ve been using is the southwestern island in Dread Wastes with the Raining Blood and Battle Hymn enhancements from the Klaxxi.

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It’s insanity.

It’s why I refuse to upgrade anything. I’ll just play casually, get my mounts and be done with it. Leveling alts = more bronze. Do the dailies on multiple characters. If you want to clear raids for bronze, just lead the raid. If you make raid you can do it with your low ilvl lol

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The only issue is you need to ugrade the gear IF you want access to heroic and mythic raids and IF you want to do SoO in a REASONABLE amount of time.

Even ToT takes way too long at current average powe levels (its not too bad if you have frog carry or war of protection raids).

If they add bones of manaroth to other raids… I think it fixes all the issues honestly. People can just play what they want, how they want.

Penalize?? Penalize people who frog farmed you mean? I don’t CARE about how they do it. Gear upgrade needs to be cheaper or more bronze needs to drop. Either way would be better then the current grind fest


Disabling frog farming penalize everyone that didn’t spend hours farming it until they have disabled.

Invalid argument.


I know this is a typo, but the irony of your statement is palpable. I truly laughed out loud. Thank you.


That is quite a lot for game mode that has only been out ~6-7 days :sweat_smile:


Most people sre not choosing to upgrade. Full stop.

Also, nobody cares that you bought 2 upgrade tiers and now want everyone else to do the same even though you know full well the costs are insane.

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Frog farm in mop remix was 100% an exploit. Not a hard concept. Also confirmed by blizzard. Congrats on the confidence to be so wrong

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Exactly. I’m here thinking, “Why should I spend the next three months grinding out Bronze to upgrade gear that will not even be saved once this event ends as it’ll be replaced with 550 armor… when I can instead spend that on rare mounts cosmetics, and toys that may never be found again?”


Something to note in regards to mounts, MoP raids have daily reset on live, and world bosses and rares like Warbringers seem to respawn more frequently on MoP remix.

Not sure how everyone is planning around this, but personally I’m spending a small amount of time to do quick farming runs on a couple of characters in case I pick up a lucky drop (as well as transmog), as well as situating my MoP remix character near a warbringer spawn for easy chances at those mounts.

I only plan on spending my bronze on cosmetics in the final week or so to ensure I’m only getting the things that are less accessible.

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Yeah don’t do it right now. cosmetics aren’t working

Wait and cosmetics are broken so now you arent just sinking bronze. YOU ARE SINKING BRONZE INTO NOTHING!?!?! Im losing my mind here. Blizz. MOP REMIX was meant to bring people back. To level. Get op af. Get full 550 item level within a week. And then do it again on an alt. Not 80+ hours of game time to get 400 ilvl and grind till we die. And now our bronze going into cosmetics isnt counting?!?!!


Aren’t we having fun?

No… im not. I cant get into normals unless if i start the raid myself. I cant get into heroics to try and get purples cuz the recommended gearscore is 370+. I cant farm bronze. All i can do. Is mindless dunegon runs. And then try and raid throne of thunder but get stuck on the worst boss to ever exist the dark animus cuz people cant kill it right for 4 hours. I cant naturally obtain gear because i get 8000 per day and i just want mounts. And my transmog. Cuz i thought “oh my gear will get better at 70 and just infinitely stack the more gear i get” and then i get hard stuck at 346 perma. Unless if i put in 38000 per 14 ilvl


Surely they could do a huge reduction in the upgrade costs AND refund those who already did it the difference

Blizzard was told about this ‘exploit’ on the PTR and they let the game go live like this because they underestimated the effect it would have. This is further reinforced by the fact they nerfed goat farming too which didn’t drop charms. They just plain goofed and are too proud to admit it.


Being unemployable does have a perk or two.:blush:

(And yes, that wasn’t a typo or autocorrect. I said unemployable, not unemployed.)

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