Upgrading your gear from 346 to 360 costs

I was willing to buy The War Within because of this quick leveling event, now these stupid changes discouraging me from doing it!
how this discouragement benefits Blizzard?

Now, if this situation doesn’t change in month (my current subscription)
Then i would be the stupid if i continuing supporting this kind of liar company!


what? no it wasnt, the frog spawn farm was viable all the way until WoD was released…


lol imagine ignoring people because they disagree with you (on a topic you’re wrong about btw, because its not an exploit)
let me guess, irl you think free speech only applies when it doesn’t hurt someone’s feelings?


It very much is. An exploit is using an unintentional system to gain substantial benefit over others who don’t do it.

The hotfix notes make it crystal clear it was not intended.

As such, it was an exploit. Get over it.


Frog farm was a timeless coin farm since Timeless isle was released in 5.4.0 and was used to farm coins all the way up until WoD was released. And to this day is used for people to farm tokens for old content mounts. The hyper spawn is literally not an exploit. The loot drops were not an exploit. I didn’t even get to participate in the farm, but to think that players were somehow breaking ToS because blizzard doesn’t test their own game for a known farming spot is a laughably moronic take.


I have a question about this. My items say 346…yet my character information tab shows an item level much lower than this. What’s that all about?

It’s 100% an exploit.


Probably missing rings and stuff so the average is pulled down


That’s it. Thanks. But I am guessing the cost of rings, one trinket and a neck will wipe me out. HAHA.

You earn them via Achievement and hitting 70. Raids/dungeon/scenario


Just for reference, I haven’t even hit level 70 on my remix toon and have done no frog farming. Truth be told, I am salty a bit but thats because the farming has been shut off not because of the existence of the farming…but let’s be real here.

The idea of farming frogs for lesser charms has existed since I was playing this game cutting edge during mop. The Timeless Isles, at the time of release, was intended as a catch up mechanic(even dropping BoA purple pieces of various types that could be mailed to alts and turned into 496 purple gear) and there was one thing that was a 100% certainty at the time…
That you could go into the LFG tool and find multiple groups farming frogs at all hours of the day and night. Whether it was for the bonus rolls for the raid week so you didn’t have to do the dailies for the 1000 time or to farm out the 100,000 charms you needed for the heavenly mount you got from the vendor on the Timeless Isles.
Everyone did it.
The only thing different here is that bronze also dropped from them, and that the charms could be turned in for boxes. Directly affecting player progression. That is 100% a Blizzard mistake and has nothing to do with an “exploit.” It worked as it always was intended, Blizzard just didn’t think things thru and evidently didn’t implement the game in the way they envisioned it to be done.
A grind.

The only reason this was nerfed is Blizzard being worried about sub numbers and quarterly earnings. It has nothing to do with it being “an exploit.”

If this has been an exploit, than why has no one over the last 12 years been banned for using the LFG tool to form a frog farming group…oh that’s right, because it isn’t an exploit.
Grinding mobs for loot, whether it is gold farming, rare item farming, currency farming, has existed in this game since its inception. Hyperspawns have existed for how long now, and they never have removed the concept…in fact they have added more as the expansions rolled out over the years.


Sorry but an exploit is anything blizzard defines themselves. Remember the potion exp stacking exploit? It worked and people did it and blizzard banned them.

If the player knows it’s not intentional then it’s an exploit and they did it for hours on end.


Ok let me spell it out a bit easier.
You are assuming malice where there is no proof.
You are saying that something that has always been a thing, even in the testing from what I hear(no idea, I wasn’t there), is retroactively magically an exploit.
Something that shouldn’t be happening aka, something being able to be stackable when it shouldn’t be =/= a tried and true method of acquisition of a currency that has a foundation of being fine on Blizzards end for over a decade. To use another example, Saronite Bombs regrowing the platform on Heroic Lich King. That was unintended, so unintended that it affected the world 1st race when it was live content. The saronite bombs were often used in peoples rotation at the time if they were engineers because why not, it was off gcd. It was claimed by the guild that did so(and had their achievements nuked by blizz) that they didn’t realize it if I remember right. In Blizzards eyes, that didn’t fly because it negated an entire part of one of the hardest fights of the expansion and there was no way they would actually believe that was how the fight was supposed to go. Then again, I am fairly certain they came back and killed it the next week, proving their World First after the saronite bomb glitch was hotfixed. There is a difference between an actual glitch in the way something is coded, like stacking pots that shouldn’t be stackable and this. This is more akin to going around WoD and “almost” complete a bunch of the bonus quests in multiple zones and then use one xp buff pot from the expansion.
That was hands down the fastest way to level during Warlords. You would take the pot go and finish the quests in like 20 minutes. It would take about maybe 2-3 hours, compared to however much it took to level normally.

Blizzard said unintended because they didn’t intend people to gain that much power week 1. That I can understand, I never intended on gaining that much power that quickly but again that is on Blizzard, not the people that did something that has been around for more than a decade.
This isn’t the fault of players, this is the fault of implementation by Blizzard and them releasing something half cooked out the oven.


I’m not saying it’s the players fault but it’s still an exploit . All exploits are blizzards fault for allowing them to occur. The problem is it’s created a huge disparity now and needs some consequence or response in one from or another. The patches have not closed the gap at all.


I edited the last post to add something but I will just copy it here for ease for you.
To use another example, Saronite Bombs regrowing the platform on Heroic Lich King. That was unintended, so unintended that it affected the world 1st race when it was live content. The saronite bombs were often used in peoples rotation at the time if they were engineers because why not, it was off gcd. It was claimed by the guild that did so(they had their achievements nuked by blizz for doing so) that they didn’t realize it if I remember right. In Blizzards eyes, that didn’t fly because it negated an entire part of one of the hardest fights of the expansion and there was no way they would actually believe that was how the fight was supposed to go. Then again, I am fairly certain they came back and killed it the next week, proving their World First after the saronite bomb glitch was hotfixed.
in my eyes, there is a difference between an actual glitch in the way something is coded, like being able to stack pots that shouldn’t be stackable and this. This is more akin to the fastest way to level in Warlords of Draenor.
Which was going around and “almost” completing a bunch of the bonus quests in multiple zones and then use one xp buff pot from the expansion.(you would leave a single kill or a single item left to grab)
You would then take this pot that lasted 15 minutes but increased your exp gains by a ludicrous amount and go finish the quests in a flurry before the pot wore off. It would take about maybe 2-3 hours of setup, and 15 minutes of rushing to finish. Mind you, compare that to however much it took to level normally…that 3 hours was nothing.
Is that an exploit?
I personally would say no and did it multiple times during that expansion. I would say I used the tools I was given by the devs(I honestly forgot how you even got the potion to be honest) to minmax the time I had to spend leveling. I instead got to spend that time on gearing/repfarming/etc.
I regret not frog farming now, but it was a choice I made. Mind you I also didn’t expect the frog farm to be nuked from orbit by blizz so shrug

Good luck to ya with the remix even though we disagree here, I do feel you.
Personally, all this did was make me no longer care about getting a single new FOS because I was not doing this to grind another set of gear that will be useless in a few weeks time. I was doing it to get the heavenly mount, a few cosmetics and have fun.
Not grind more than I would do in retail to gear an alt out. Like this toon for example, it took me 3 days(not played time, just 3 days of playing casually) to gear her enough to do awakened heroics on horde side and start getting best in slot gear. That wasn’t grinding either, that was just doing some world quests, time running dungeons a bit, and doing a bit of pvp/lfr to fill in some pieces.
This is going to be far more than that to do Mythic Siege. I already did mythic siege when it was current, I only was going to do it for another FOS. I am not fomo about it though.


Yea, the patches are bandaids over the wrong wounds in my opinion.


People who ran the numbers already determined that even if somebody played 12+ hours a day throughout the entire event, they still wouldn’t have farmed enough to buy most of the upgrades OR items. This was done on purpose.


Yea, this wasn’t what I thought it was going to be so my goals for it have changed personally.

The cost to upgrade is way to much. When you compare upgrading one level to that of super rare mounts like Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent that are coveted being equal in cost, you really don’t see any appeal in spending bronze on your gear at all.
I feel super squishy and weak on my Priest, but if I spent all my bronze this Priest has, I’d only move up to 360 and my Weapon to 376.

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Wrong. I haven’t killed a single frog, nor been to any other farms, and my gear is upgraded to 388 or 402 across the board. My character name is Fiendor if you care to look it up.

I haven’t much bronze on me rn though, due to using it on upgrades.