Upgraded Chromie Time

I have to say this first, do I even expect to see something like this, no. If it does happen, do I think it will happen in less than a year, no. I would consider it amazing if it did happen.

I would love an upgraded Chromie Time.

At the least, it would allow you to queue for old world heroic dungeons. I would not expect to get heroic level gear, I would be happy enough if it just was current normal dungeons ilevel. The point is not progression, but content to play.

The reason comes from a simple fact, WoW has a lot of lost content. There are more than 100 dungeons in WoW and that is just the current ones, not the original versions of those dungeons. Why do I say they are lost? It is because you will never see most of those dungeons when leveling. Some are heroic only, which you have no reason to do since you get worse gear from them than you do in the normal difficulty. Then there are the level limited ones that you can only do at the end of the leveling, but you usually will not be able to do them since most of the players can only do the early ones. LFD will throw you into the low level ones for that reason.

I loved Cata’s heroics. I am one of those people who enjoyed the difficulty. Having the difficulty set to heroic lets for more challenge than the normal or even timewalker difficulty. There is also the fact that it opens up heroic only dungeons. This means more content and hence more reason to play the expanded Chromie time. As a quick comment about difficulty, I would definitely disable any borrowed power and decrease ilevel to the one the dungeons are expected to have in them. Dungeons are REALLY boring when you outgear them.

Now, why so many comments on content? There is always going to be lulls in content. This is because it takes time to create new content and test it. By opening up old content, you can choose to do it to have something different to do than just run the same stuff over and over. There are people who prefer the older content and hence would be more likely to play retail if they can do their favorite stuff. I am definitely in this category. Or to put it bluntly, you can take a day and just do dungeons that you have not seen in a decade or have never seen at all.

In an even better world, I would not limit it to just dungeons. I would allow you to reset all quest status (but not necessarily quest rewards) so that the areas you liked a lot could be done again. For me, it is Howling Fjord and Grizzly Hills. And to make a problem clear, I almost always hit max level before I finish Grizzly Hills when leveling an alt. I actually had to exp stop a character so I could do more. Once again, there are THOUSANDS of quests in WoW. You can either redo places you liked or new ones if you never played the old content. And doing them as a movie rather than a game is really boring. And it does feel like a movie when you play it at max level. You one shot everything and never get a feel for the gameplay behind the quest. A lot of the same comments on rewards and difficulty as dungeons. Set an expected ilevel to the player and ilevels rewards that do not override current content.

If they would be willing to go even further with that, allow Chromie to send you to the Classic overworld. Aka, you can play on it with modern gameplay mechanics. They now have that overworld updated to the modern engine, so it should be less problematic than before WoW Classic came out.

And now for the least likely item. Apply it to old raids. One of my favorite raids of all time was Kara. It was about 90% of the reason I played TBC Classic. If I could do it with the difficulty of blue gear, I would do it every week. And yes, that includes no real gear upgrades. I would run raids of it just so people could see and do it.

There is even more I would love to see, but that is getting into the range of a remake than just making old content a way to fill downtimes.

Regardless of all else, I just want to do heroic dungeons at the difficulty that they came out with.


I think the Fated experiment should be expanded to all raids, and add bonus npc mobs from current content in addition to the added mechanics like the Timewalking Mythic Plus does.

In a perfect world for me, all raids would be equalized such that they would remain relevant for the entire lifespan of the game, not just a single patch. Think Chromie Time, but for all raids and dungeons. Raids (and their loot) haven’t been designed with this in mind, so for raids where the gear wouldn’t stand the test of time, I think new cosmetics (or new recolors like TW Mage Tower), or meta achievement mog and mounts like Fated has, should be added.

And Time Walking shouldn’t be on a rotation- always accessible with perhaps weekly bonuses instead.

This would be an overhaul of the entire game that would effectively merge the idea of Classic servers with Chromie Time / Time Walking and probably won’t happen. But a death knight can dream.


i like the ideas

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Chromie Time should NOT be exclusive to low levels. If you high levels group up with a lowbie friend (in Chromie Time), you get level squished (for the dungeons, anyway). Why not keep that system, in place, for high levels and cut out the lowbie middle-man?

Whatever that level cap is for Chromie Time needs to be removed. They say it’s 50, but that’s not true. I had a 49, and I reverted back to the “main timeline”, briefly and tried to use it, again but couldn’t. To play it safe, I turn off my XP at 40, just in case.

And, we already have level scaling (kind of), but as soon as you hit 50, they all get scaled down. I think if you’re playing that timeline, they should scale with you, or you get squished down.

Also, Chromie Time should access pre-Cata old world. I love pre-Cata old world.


I wish I could use Chromie time on my level 60 to finish low level quest and old zones at a reasonable difficulty. I hate 1 shotting things.


Right, “level scaling” should remain, as long as you’re in that timeline. If you’re not, feel free to one shot things :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


This is literally the third time in a week I’ve seen this. I’ve made two posts on the matter.
Bottom line: they can’t do it.

Can we get pre-cata zone leveling as Chromie Time? - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

The Cataclysm Survey - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

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I’ve been told this, several times. There’s a difference between can’t/unable to and “a lot of work”. I waited 10 years for Classic, what’s another 10 years to wait for Blizz to make it happen through Chromie Time?

I’d rather wait for them to make it work right then rushing it out to us and it being all messed up.

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That aside, why is it high levels need a low level in order to access old world dungeons at a level squish? Why is there a cap for Chromie Time? Come on, Blizz, meet me halfway, here.

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Just watch the video I’ve posted in both of those links. Five minute mark is where to start.

That is of course assuming you haven’t seen it yet. After all, you’ve posted in at least one of those topics after I’ve already explained and broke it down. If they actually try to reverse engineer the Cata maps into working pre-Cata maps with flight, it’s a massive undertaking. If they just straight up port the existing pre-Cata maps into the game, they’ll be no flight, and you know how childish many folks in this playerbase act when they are told they can’t fly.

Either way, it’s really a minimal gain, and in both cases it’s absolutely redundant. As I’ve previously noted in one of those topics:

Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to see Chromie Time expanded upon and able to be used at max level, but at the same time I’d rather them put energy and effort towards stuff that makes far more sense as opposed to a very vocal minority of folks that just seemingly cannot comprehend why they cannot just plop the existing Classic maps back into Retail as they are. This goes way beyond a phasing issue.

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I thought so. As usual the retort is always this:

“Far more sense” to who?

Again, I don’t want to argue. Obviously, it’s not impossible for them to do. It’s just a lot of work, and IK and understand how lazy Blizz is, so if I have to wait a very long time for it, so be it. At least start building upon on it instead of just saying “oh well, it can’t be done”.


Like, I said, at the very least, make Chromie Time accessible for ALL levels and not just low levels. What sense does that make? Even if we can’t pre-Cata old world, lemme “level scale” the old world that is out there. As the system is already in place for all of that. Especially since Blizz took the time to destroy the old world, in the first place.

But carry on. I got an OB appointment, to go to, now. Talk to everyone later.



Even Molten Core?


Even molten core.

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The Classic maps are already in the new format, specifically, Classic is based on 7.1.5 Legion. There are only a small handful of changes needed. Most of those are to allow access to and from it. If you are assuming the maps will overlap, then that is a bad idea. They will need to transfer you to a new instance, like they do when you go to pre-BfA Darkshore.

The point of having Classic maps in retail is for people who want to do them. You are right, people will complain, but this is one of those instances where they can be ignored, either because it would break the point of the maps, or because it would take too much work. And just to be clear here, I am someone who would love to have some QoL stuff, like AoE looting, in Classic mode, but even I did not want flying in it. I know how the maps were designed and I even got into the non-map areas on occasion. Specifically, I fell behind SW once. Heck, I know a way to get on TOP of SW right now in Classic.

Effort aside, the whole point of a post like this is for people to say what they would like and dream of. I would love for even more effort to be put in to make things work better, like redoing dungeon drops to the stats are better and more balanced. I scratch my head over why this has not been done in Timewalk dungeons. But, if you look, I do not mention that dream. This is because I know it would be very unlikely to happen.

If you do not like the idea of expanded Chromie Time, then just say that. Saying that a dream is wrong is just going to annoy people. And, something to keep in mind, Blizz is completely redoing talents to being back talent trees right now. That is a pretty hefty change and would be “too much work” according to a lot of people before it was reveled it was happening.


Even if pre-Cata old world is a “no go”, Chromie Time could still use some imorovements:

  • Remove the level restriction/cap
  • ALL levels can use it, to que for whatever old dungeon, they want
  • When in a timeline, level scaling continues. So, you actually feel like you’re in that timeline. And, if not in that timeline, level scaling doesn’t happen.
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Another thread makes me want to say this to be clear.

The whole point of this is to add more variety to WoW, especially at max level where there will be times of monotony. It would be nice to just queue up for a dungeon (or better yet, heroic) and do something you have not done in a decade. Will it be new, no. Will it not be the same thing you have been doing everyday for the month, no.

WoW has an amazing amount of content that is off limits to us now. I could go into heroic Grim Batol right now if I wanted, but it would not feel heroic at all. In fact, it would feel boring as I could just let brambles and barkskin do most of the work.

There is some old content I would love to play again and actually play it rather than go on a guided tour of it.