Can we get pre-cata zone leveling as Chromie Time?

While technically correct, there is an issue with the very idea of adding actual pre-Cata content to the game via Chromie Time.

Keep in mind that the world was altered going from Wrath to Cataclysm. For story purposes, Deathwing’s return was used as a catalyst for the changes. Technically speaking however, they had to do a TON of work to get flying active in Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms.

Case in point:

In short: the maps are broken, and the way I see it, they have two options:

  • Implement the Classic era quests and add new phasing for EVERY zone (likely a large scale project)
  • Implement the Classic era quests and teleport you to the Wrath version of Kal/EK, but disable flying as the maps aren’t built for it

And you know how this fanbase gets when they are told they can’t fly.

In my mind, option #1 would be the better of the two, but I really don’t see Blizzard wanting to put forth so much work to create new phasing for EVERY SINGLE ZONE on those two maps just to add a Chromie Time option to actually have all those quests and the maps as they were in Wrath. At the same time, while the second option would be easier, you know folks would never shut up about not having flight in those zones.

Classic itself proves the adage “never say never” but both options have downsides that I honestly feel like would be exceptionally minimal gains.