I originally was responding to another post when I realized what I was writing was veering away from what had been said there. Rather than straight up retorting what was written there, I was writing something new. So, here we go.
So, why has classic been doing so well? This is the first question you need to ask if you want to figure out what is going on. What is the upside that HAS brought people back? I know I would still be unsubscribed if I could not do Kara or look forward to playing the best version of feral in my book. So, why does it attract so many people?
Is it attracting different people than those that play retail? If this is the case, then there is no downside to promoting both. Right now you have promoting, and frenzy, over Wrath and DF. This means that it is not a downside to have both to a corporation.
I have seen people say that post-Vanilla classic content is in Retail. I am always mystified by this. Take a character that is the right level into the Karazhan raid. Have the right number of players for it. And the one time I have heard of a group doing it, they slept through the whole place. You cannot actually play it, you more watch it. I mean, for the content to really be playable in retail, you would need to make Chromie Time allow you to play stuff even at max level with it.
Even if all the old content becomes available, it will not attract everyone who plays classic right now. The reason is that the gameplay is different. I love Kara in TBC. I love the original heroic Cata dungeons. But the main reason I will be playing Wrath is the version of feral it has. The gameplay it has is my favorite. It is not perfect, but it is the one I have liked the most. I cannot get that gameplay in retail.
For me, having the old content and gameplay available is amazing. I do not understand why some people say that Classic and Classic expansions is such a bad thing. Does it hurt Retail? If it does, then that says retail has a problem. Does that mean you should not play Retail, no. There signs that Blizz has decided to go closer to the Classic games. The return of talent trees could be because of Classic doing well. I say “could be” because I have no clue one way or the other.
I will say this, I like some of the QoL changes WoW has had added over the years. This is why I am an advocate of an upgraded Chromie time. However, I would like to keep playing the content in its original way. Even if the balancing is perfect, it will still play different from the original game. So, to me, I think they should keep at least on server for each of the older expansions and vanilla.