[UPDATED NOV. 16] Shadowlands Preview: Cleanse the Scourge in the Shadowlands Pre-Launch Event

Yeah, not fixed. Just did it with my Cleric and another BM Hunter. Cleric got no loot, BM still got a Polearm.

Wow, a whole whopping ONE quest, kill Nathanos, and like 3 dailies.

Amazing prepatch, just, wow. This prepatch event is just awful. Blizzard really needs to actually try, put forth a modicum of effort here.


This event is bad, WoW team you should feel embarrassed with this steaming pile of garbage you call a pre-patch event.


Nathanos is still got some bugs. I died and he was killed before I could get back to my corpse. I got the quest complete for killing him and the cut scene but no weapon. Abansoning and redoing the quest did not allow me to get teh weapon so i’m SOL as they say.

For an event that lasts two weeks, the rare spawn timers and drop rates on items is just really low and unfun. I would like to be able to farm up some stuff, but at this rate it’s basically just farm tokens and that’s all for gear that I don’t use. It’s a cool event, but needs faster rare spawn timers and higher drop rates on items. One thing you did great was that warning before rares! I love having time to get to someplace before the boss becomes active. This is something to keep for important rares!


Those armor sets look exactly like the crap ones we can already get in BFA, what a waste.

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so is the gear from the argent bugged? it’s the same model as warfront gear and i thought it was said it would be a new model. its not even recolored

Blizz, please change these horrible spawn timers. 20min between kills is ridiculous when it takes easily less than 5min to get anywhere in the zone. Asking people to wait 6+ hrs to farm the bag on an alt is just silly. The loot is good yes, but wasn’t this meant to be a catch up mechanic for alts? Drop the spawn rate to 5 minute intervals, let us get all this done in 90min-2hrs, move to an alt, rinse and repeat. Let us stay ACTIVE, because spending 90% of our time hovering and tabbed out while we wait on a spawn is just dumb.


This event is trash. Good job.


This event seems really poor for gearing up more than one alt. yet seemed like it was intended to be good for them. So much grinding. More than one week of dailies to gear one character? Even if I do multiple each day, its a lot of work.


Lame event is lame, sadly…

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Only problem is because its the only boss spawning in the zone lag and framerate go to hell because 100 other people are there. I’m guessing there was like 20 guys on the test server.

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You know that you can keybind to ‘Interact with Target’, yeah? So if you type /tar (partial or full npc name) and hit your Interact with Target button it will let you get your quest or w/e.

Looks like they added a barrier this time, but in the future if you have that problem, set the keybind.

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Can you please give the drop or reset the quest for those of us that completed it and didn’t get any reward at all?

Please either halve the timer on rares or double the scourgestones dropped


if your dead when Nath dies you lose the wq and get no loot :frowning:

Event is lame, speed up rare spawns.


I expected to get gear for alts at a reasonable rate, but this is hilarious.

Do you legit not want people getting gear unless we raid or M+?


ThE sCoUrGe Is RaMpAgInG aCrOsS aZeRoTh

Great prepatch event, I’ve had pet battles more entertaining than this.


In years past, pre expansion events usually came with some kind of memorable items, be that a toy, a tabard, or just some kind of achievement. What do we get this year? A reused armor set, a broom, and some crummy companion pet. Very disappointing.