[UPDATED] Mage and Paladin Tuning Incoming - July 18

Yeah, but I’m bad. I saw a frost mage do 210K overall in a key. He’s really good. That was on details though, so I reckon his WCL parse was a bit lower.

(As a side note, overall DPS was the context I was missing. I do agree all the nerfs were warranted.)

I’m just talking your run of the mill average parsing Mage. Also I’m not sure what the ilvl bracket was.

Why are PvP players getting punished for PvE issues?

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Yeah, it’s a bit tough to get average DPS ranges for keys on WCL. It relies heavily on people actually logging keys, to begin with, and their parse scoring system is points based, rather than DPS based. I’m sure it’s possible to get a decent idea of average damage numbers, but I’m on my phone at work and I don’t wanna, lol.

I was happy to be able to handle more than 2 mobs like every other class can. Nope back to 1 at a time or running away…




Find out.

So should they keep going or should we let some data collect before any rash decisions are made? :wink:

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Good. Now wheres the augmentation changes so its not mandatory in every single aspect of the game?

i’m not sure it is necessarily the numbers alone that bugs people so much. it is the fact that, for anyone who has been following the issue, blizz has been handling mage tuning in a way that i could handle it. or anyone off the street. basically, what are they paying the devs for? cause it sure looks like nothing at all. it makes us feel bad, to watch people get paid for low quality work and then to have to watch them be completely oblivious to the fact of how obvious it is they don’t know what they are doing.

go read the mage threads, if they still exist, tracking all the changes since the last PTR cycle began. its just depressing


So what are you saying is that you need to play an overtuned class to feel good and have enjoyment instead of just enjoying the class for what it is? Id say you need to get good.


I imagine there will be more nerfs in the future. I can’t speak to fire since I don’t really play it, but these frost nerfs are a big ol nothingburger. Less than a % of my total overall.

Edit: My math is off, it’s a bit under 1.5% of my overall.

i mean, you’re an unholy dk, so should you really be calling people out for playing something that parses high. i mean sure, you can but…no self-awareness on how this looks?

You come to looney conclusions. Lay off the grass

Thats pretty much what you are saying there.

HAH! Welcome to the world of the Retribution Paladin.

(Grabs popcorn and pulls up a chair)


No that’s exactly what you are saying. I said nothing of the sort.

Uh what? Theres like 4-5 other classes with better damage than unholy in raids and they arent dependent of having 5 pis in a fight to parse(okay demo lock is). And im not even gonna mention m+.

Thats how it comes out. The numbers a class can pull should not have impact on the enjoyment of said class.

That’s how you comprehend it.

I don’t know if you noticed but numbers have a large part to do with the gameplay. So yea people care about numbers.

But since you say numbers shouldnt have an impact on the enjoyment of the class then so be it! Lets just get rid of the numbers aspect of wow then

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GOOOD! NO FUN ALlOWED! MORE NERFS PLZ I am rly not happy w/ how OP Healing is.

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