Oh, interesting. I’m curious to see if we get PvP tuning notes this evening.
I think that it’s possible to get them into a reasonable spot, but I think they’ll sadly always suffer from low mmr perception issue things where they’re bullied for “no damage”.
It’ll just be a mandatory or high priority spec at upper tiers of play and bad at low tiers, which…is tragic for people who enjoy the buffer/empowerment/bard fantasy, I think.
If it’s good enough for warlocks, it’s good enough for mages…
Seriously though, this is why PI is cancerous to fun in the game, and why the decision to block augmentation evoker contribution damage being reflected ingame in damage meters was a terrible, tone deaf decision.
Just remove PI or make it a self only buff. You are continually nerfing classes around PI and it’s a joke.
These single digit tuning passes are frankly doing more bad than good. If you overshot the mark by a few percentage points just leave it. It’s not going to break anything, I promise. But these buffs followed by immediate nerfs are a bad look. Makes it seem like you didn’t do enough testing in the first place and brings out the “fun detected” comments.
P.S. Maybe look into the absolute mess that are Time Rifts atm before doing stuff like this? Again it’s a really bad look.
SORRY WHAT?!? mage is getting nerfed after two days? Was mage even an issue? but the real problem classes Holy Paladin and Augment are untouched. What is going on???
I genuinely don’t understand how they arrived at this decision so quickly. It’s Friday, most people haven’t even done the raid yet this week. What data are they looking at? I know it’s not the data from the Time Rifts, ROFLMAO!
Personally, I couldn’t care less about the damage. My issue is with how they decided to do this in 2 days time? I also take issue with this being a priority over the Time Rifts which are literally unplayable and one of the lowest points of WoW, ever. Like, literally nothing else should be worked on until those are fixed.