[UPDATED JUNE 24] Preserved Contaminants and Legendary Cloak Updates

The unhealthy obsession of feeling like your behind.
But Clark defends the legendary cloak, corruption thing so /shrug

That’s because you’re thinking about it entirely wrong. I don’t care what month you get to a max resistance that currently isn’t possible vs. someone else.

What matters is that someone starting just now will take a month to even get to 50 resistance then several more weeks to whatever the current cap is.

In that time they’re at a significant disadvantage in all forms of content.

In that time imagine going into a BG where some warlock has 60% haste before procs or some guy has stacked tons of vers between corruption gear and essences or damage corruptions etc. Do you think they give two effs that by September they’ll have the same resistance as you? What good does that do them now?

It should not take months to catch up. You have to think about the experience that person will have in those months, not about hitting the finish line that isn’t even achievable yet at similar dates if they started now.


Then go back to templates for BG’s, since you don’t want there to be character progression in PvP.

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Not really. Someone is on top. Someone else is on the bottom. Players will braindead copy what their favorite streamer does regardless.That has never changed, it just rotates.

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Sure I’ll hack the servers and turn templates on right away? What is the point of your comment? There are multiple solutions to power gaps in PvP but Blizzard isn’t currently implementing ANY of them.

Somebody tell me what the solution to this is.

Because you are under the assumption that Blizzard, or players believe that power gaps should not exist.

As he pointed out, this is an MMO. Character progression exists. It existed in vanilla, bc, and wrath.

Solution: Don’t make time gated content for character progression throughout an expansion and definitely don’t make multiple within said expansion. Revert to gear being the only upgrade instead of Artifact Weapons, Essences, Heart of Azeroth Level to Unlock Traits, and Corruptions / Corruption Resistance.


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Well, that would certainly remove the rewards for quitting, but it does nothing to keep people playing. Since you can easily fully gear out in a week if the only thing that’s a factor is gear.

Which is probably a reason Blizzard started adding all these non-gear systems in the first place…

There doesn’t need to be a solution because the problem you’re describing is not a real problem.

If someone quits, they miss out on the current content. When they come back and catch up it’s to participate in current content. It does not matter that they didn’t do the past content to participate in the current content. They missed out on the experience of the current content when it was current and can’t get that back.

For example, when I quit in Naxx in WotLK I did not come back until Trial was about to come out. I caught up in a week getting a full Ulduar set via heroics. Was this unfair to the people who did Ulduar? You think it was, but you’re wrong. It was not. I missed out on Ulduar. I did go back later to get the mount achievements, but not slowly progressing through Ulduar before doing brand new content isn’t “rewarding me for quitting,” it’s enticing people who quit to actually come back.

Catch up mechanics are not to entice you to quit, they are to entice you to come back after you quit by making it seem reasonable to actually play current content rather than after you quit an MMO feeling like there’s no point in going back because you’re hopelessly behind until the next expansion. Catch up mechanics were a solution to a problem that the game had with people quitting and then feeling like there was no point coming back because they were hopelessly behind.


Character progression would still exist even if they sped up the rate of corruption resistance. You’d still have to put in a lot of work, there just wouldn’t be as much time gating to it.

Except that the game’s playerbase is now in a death spiral because there’s no reason to keep playing anymore when everything can be done in a month (or less) and then you can quit for 6 months again.

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Retention was great in Classic, BC & WotLK and MoP when you didn’t have these systems. People played alts and were able to jump into end game content within 2-3 weeks of hitting max level with alts. Cataclysm and WoD had retention issues due to drought of content.

So point is, make good content and retention won’t be a problem.

You all sounds like a bunch of babies who dont want to work for the highest level gear. Just like those scrubs who want to be ripped in two weeks. Getting good stuff takes a lot time, welcome to life.

Burn out, take a month or so break, come back and see I’m nearly 30 resist behind, log out.



Retention was great because you needed to build and maintain relationships with people.

In Burning Crusade, you needed to raid.
That meant you needed a raid team.
That meant you needed to maintain a relationship with your raid team.
That meant you had to stay subbed.

As soon as they added things like LFG, the social element started to fray. And the social element was the driving factor to keep people subbed.

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Just came here to say that Horrific Visions are the most boring and tedious content you’ve released this expansion, even worse than Heroic warfronts. From the timegating, to the blatant imbalance between ranged and melee, to the unfun affixes like leaden foot and split personality I hope whoever thought of this system is kept very far away from Torghast :slight_smile:


Blizzard thinks we need constant chores to do to want to keep playing. This is misguided and wrong.

Back when the game was popular you had very little progression chores to do every week. Yet we kept playing. We did our raid 1-3 times a week or whatever and we kept playing…

We had alts or we PvPed. The great thing about the game prior to them feeling like we needed a dozen progression chores to do on a single character was that we had more freedom in deciding what we wanted to do outside of the limited progression that we felt like we had to do.

If you make everything feel like a constant chore, you drive people away. You kill the fun of the game. People play less not because they don’t have enough chores to do but because you’re trying to force them to do too many.

Try again. They had to panic add Naxx40 and Sunwell to keep Vanilla/ BC going. MoP lost what, 3.5-4 million subs in the year long drought of SoO.

You keep calling them chores. It’s questing, prof/ gather, dungeons, raids, pvp and world content. The same we have always done. The only difference is that the rewards are better. It’s not raid or die anymore.

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I have no doubt it will. It’s been clear to me for a while that the devs have been trying to turn this into the hardcore game they think the original developers should have made it instead of catering to players who like things like extra flight points and graveyards.

But the “wake up call” you are imagining is not the one those players are going to get.

“I’d better step up my game so I can turn myself into an elitist jerk, too!” Nope.

More like, “What a bait and switch this game has become. I wish I hadn’t spent all that money before finding out there was nothing for me to do in the game. I’m gonna unsub and tell all my friends this game is now trash filled with antisocial toxic elitists.”