[UPDATED JUNE 24] Preserved Contaminants and Legendary Cloak Updates

Hey, I’m just using the logic that was common General Discussion for ages to defend Titanforging.

Or did everything suddenly change?

Fresh alt today. only 13 weeks behind on the cloak. can we get rid of the Malefic Core 2 a week gate? D:


SO blizzard wants ppl to grind until ya die?

Brewmaster Monks that have killed Mythic Nzoth: 1,692
Guardian Druids that have killed Mythic Nzoth: 109

You were saying?

What do you actually think this implies?

I think it shows that the best players in the world (the ones clearing Mythic Nyalotha), who know how the game and classes work, think that Brewmaster is at an absurdly higher power level than druid tanks.

Lol, the denial and shilling is strong in that one my guy. :rofl:

Doing visions is already time gated by the amount of Coalescing Visions that you can farm. So why am I only allowed 1 core per week from visions? There’s only going to be so many visions I can do per week. The limit on 1 core from vision runs per week needs to be removed. It’s already such an uphill battle for players to close the gap in terms of gear, essences, neck level, etc. There really is no reason to keep this restriction in place.


At what point in wow’s history has fotm not existed?

There’s a huge difference between “fotm” and outnumbering all other tanks combined like Brewmasters have, this expansion.

Stop time gating the cloak corruption upgrade. People who get the cloak now will take 11 weeks to catch up, including alts.


In other words, people who started 5 months late will finish 1 month after people who started in January.

Seems like a pretty efficient catch-up to me:
Me: 8 months to max cloak
Person starting today: 4 months to max cloak.

oh god was i the only one who thought that was a dwarf/orc hybrid?

Again, how is that different than Emerald Nightmare or ToV? When it was guardian on top and brew on the bottom?

You need to better way to catch up on corruption resistance. Having to do nzoth and HV just to catch up is just bad. Either let us have the choice of doing 2 HV or 2 nzoth kill

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It’s actually 13 weeks starting today. The cloak resistance cap is now 89. If your cloak resistance is rank 15 it is +50 corruption resistance. You would then need 39 corruption resistance to reach the cap of 89. 39 / 3 = 13 Malefic Cores.

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Because in, say, Tomb of Sargeras, Guardian was slightly over 40% of the Mythic tanks, with Blood DK’s right behind them.

There’s a big difference between being the most-used tank, and being the majority of tanks.

Prot, in EN, or Guardian, in Nighthold, had nowhere near the domination of Brewmaster in BfA. Furthermore, the mob broke out the torches and pitchforks in those cases, and Prot & Guardian were heavily, heavily nerfed. Brewmaster is actually getting buffed in Shadowlands (incredible, yet true).

Stretching this out as much as possible, gg blizz.

What does that even mean? This isn’t a race. No one is going to “win” anything by being the first person to max out their cloak’s corruption resistance.

Just leveled an alt to 120, but I’m benching it til SL due to these garbage catch-up mechanics. Feels bad.