[UPDATED JUNE 24] Preserved Contaminants and Legendary Cloak Updates

I agree, but as I have laid out, you cannot have both LFG/group finder and not have chores.

This is a long continuous development cycle that WoW has experienced, from the introduction of LFG, to the resulting “seasonal players”, to Blizzard’s shift to constant chore systems to try and combat that.

They’re all connected.

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I agree with this- there is no catch up method here. I didn’t even find out I could do this until 5 weeks after it had been out so two per week- (boss + vision) – can I ever get the 10 I missed back? Please let us buy these with coins or something? Thanks

I’m sure they already know this. They’d be stupid not to know this. Time gating items is another way to keep the player base within the game.

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I don’t understand the mindset of the people who are against this time gate issue who are saying this is a free handout. How about Blizzard puts the price for each Malefic Core (only +3 corruption resistance) on the vendor for a reasonably high price of echoes to buy only one. Unfortunately, I bet these same people will still consider it a hand out though. Grinding out echoes does take work. For example, if the price of one Malefic Core was 10k echoes. That would be 13 echoes to buy at 10k each (for a total of 130,000 echoes needed) to reach the current cloak resistance cap of 89.

Furthermore, to WOWs elite, the 1%'ers. If 130k echoes for casuals, to reach your current cloak cap, still seems like a hand out to you. How about we up the time gate for you and Activation Blizzard’s revenue quota. “Would having to buy the Vessel off the vendor and then having to full clear your Horrific Visions runs to get a Malefic Core for each full clear that you complete instead of only being able to do one per week (until you are caught up to the cap of 13 Malefic Cores needed currently) satisfy you?”

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Clark is the worst poster in these forums by far. He bragged about spending his stimulus check on the Brutosaur mount. His opinions are consistently terrible and his mog is just icing on the cake.


How does it effect you? What’s wrong with just letting players catch up?

You can catch up, you get corruption at twice the rate that I did.

I fully understand your point and even agree with you. LFG has been severely detrimental to WoW over time. I agree that if there’s a catch-up mechanic that it shouldn’t overwrite everyone else’s hard work and the alt would need to put in some serious time to be up to par. My problem would be just to make it reasonable and doable within a month or so. Not 3-4 months.

I love to push rated PvP. That’s the end game content I like. Currently, I just leveled a shaman to 120. Even if I geared him in H Nyalotha, and Mythic+ in 2-3 weeks, got the cape to level 15, I still can’t push anywhere past 1800 without proper corruptions. This alt is completely useless this season and I’ve accepted that. I just believe that I should be able to compete if I have the skills and ilvl, but not the maxed essences, and fully corrupted out.

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Yea but what’s the problem? Why are people so concerned about others? Why does this effect you?

You call 13 weeks starting today if you have a max ranked cloak and if you do a full Horrific Vision clear + a N’zoth raid kill every week from here on out) a reasonable catch up for new, returning, and casual players?


As I’ve repeatedly said, faster catch-up for alts would be fine with me.

What I object to is rewarding people who canceled their subs.

Honestly core catch up such allow a player to catch up to the current resistance. There’s really no reason why a player shouldn’t be able to it. Considering the lack of current content.

I will have grinded the cloak since January, and they get it in October vs my September.

Cutting the time BY HALF.

Yes. I would absolutely call that a reasonable catch-up.

It’s great they added this post showing what the rotations will be an all. but i would have liked it more when the vender was put in. so i had an easy way to tell when i should save or take the short gain. Doesn’t matter much now that we already know what the rotation is. But good for people who just weren’t paying attention.

That’s 3+ months of having rank 4+ TD over someone else. You didn’t even have to do a raid for your “grinding”. Lol what…

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Everyone I know either quit after a month (which is when they figured out what the game required of them) or didn’t come back altogether because of this garbage. Some people, like me, will keep playing a fun game even when I ‘finish it’ because the game is fun - not because it’s done.

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It’s like the people crying that old pathfinder is being removed and not realizing they enjoyed their flying many months more than the person being able to fly.

This is a stupid catch up that amps the chore list 1000% while others are already playing with their main’s set up or whatever.

Blizz really out did themselves with this idiotic system.

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Funny how blizzard comes up with all these systems to keep people playing the game for as long as possible, like timegating just about everything. But the only thing that makes me want to keep playing the game is making alts and trying out different classes. However even with getting a rank 15 cape faster, the fact is that it will still take me AGES to catch up to my main’s cape resistance (which isnt even capped and I’ve been playing the game since april). The mere thought of the fact that my alts are completely not able to be nearly as strong as my main due to timegating alone makes me not want to play alts whatsoever.
I see some people in these posts defending time gating, and saying “how does my cape rank being higher than yours affect you?”. Your cape rank doesn’t affect me, but knowing that my alts cannot be nearly as strong as my main, unless i decide to play this game for another 4 months is extremely discouraging. Maybe i end up finding that i like playing another class more than my main? Too bad so sad, should have been playing that character longer if you want to be competitive with it.
This is a fun game and i like playing it, but at the end of the day blizzard has just made playing on anything other than your main feel like a complete chore.


thought this was something useful but nope another desperate post of: “please do our content, join the hamster wheel today!”

rank 8 up to 11 is still a big joke considering that certain classes can’t get them done without another timegated currency mementos to further improve the research.

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Exactly. If Ion Hazzikostas talks about how he is listening to the players about how alt unfriendly BFA is and he is changing it in Shadowlands. Why isn’t he listening right now?

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