[UPDATED JUNE 24] Preserved Contaminants and Legendary Cloak Updates

I have 120’s don’t get me wrong. I just don’t like this expansion.

Did anybody like this expansion? :sunglasses:

I think they were under the impression that everybody would put all their alts through the cloak chores, and it would keep them all busy for the rest of the expansion.

It didn’t exactly work out that way. But for people who actually would like to get a character up to snuff to play end game, there will be hardly anything to do at that point of the expansion. I tried to start RBG’s toward the end of Legion. All the RBGers were heading off to play some other game.

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Thought you would have learned your lesson from all of the complaints about Legendaries in Legion all those years ago. If you’re going to make corruptions and malefic cores a requirement for viability/functionality, and if you’re going to require several sets of those/gear per content type or spec, they shouldn’t be time-gated. Period. They also shouldn’t be locked behind a time-gated currency. Period.

The catch-up mechanics should actually allow you to get caught up, not just mitigate the time-gate in such a minor way.

If Legendaries could be bought for the majority of Legion like they could for the BFA pre-patch, you wouldn’t have had so much backlash to their inclusion to the expansion.

Should have done the same thing for BFA, especially this far into it: give us the -tools- we need to work (not literally give, single-layer RNG is fine) and let the content emphasize the need for us to know -how- to use them.

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You know what. take a :heart: Very well said.

Blizzard, we get it, you have a lot of time to kill before releasing Shadowlands and obviously there’s not much left in the tank for BFA. Please though, for the love of the game, stop adding this time gated garbage that is the literal definition of anti-fun, and such a huge barrier to entry for new players.

For the first time in years some of my close friends and relatives have decided to give Wow another shot after hearing some of the exciting new things coming in Shadowlands, only to be so turned off because of how absurd the game is to get into for a new player right now.

Figure it out.


I totally agree with you. But that’s an indictment of RNG, not of time-gating. Time-gating is fine, it’s everywhere in the game from daily/world quests to weekly raid lockouts, the whole game is designed around it. It’s the excessive RNG on everything that’s so annoying, these days.

This doesn’t even work as mentioned. I’ve done two upgrades now, and both required all 4 pages…

The requirements for further minor upgrades to the cloak after Rank 15 with Malefic Cores have not been changed.

You know what? I’m not even going to bother with this cloak anymore, since I’m 8 weeks behind because my laptop was broken, and I can’t catchup unless I start raiding, and I need to wait for 8 weeks, nah I’ll pass.

Edit: I didn’t do it last week so I’m 9 weeks behind, not 8. :slightly_smiling_face:

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That’s because they’re trying to do an entire year’s worth of content (8.2 & 8.3) overnight.

So they can… what? Quit again?

What people are asking for us VERY dangerous. You’re essentially asking Blizzard to only release a month’s worth of content per expansion, so that people can chew through it quickly and then cancel their subs again.

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The malefic cores on alts are time-gated, and I view the store rotation for corruptions from MOTHER to be as well. Why is it on a rotation at all? I’m referring moreso to catch-up mechanics as opposed to primary progression (where RNG really hits hard). I think time-gating is fine if the content reflects that, but at this point I don’t really feel it does.

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I feel like I beat BfA by not even attempting to farm this cloak.


It wasn’t this way in previous expansions. It didn’t have to be this way. There was no indication on purchasing that a new or returning player would run into this tangled mess of roadblocks with no light at the end of the tunnel.

How long did it take to get starter gear in wod after turning 100? 2 days.

I don’t understand the mindset of the people who are against this time gate issue who are saying this is a free handout. How about Blizzard puts the price for each Malefic Core (only +3 corruption resistance) on the vendor for a reasonably high price of echoes to buy only one. Unfortunately, I bet these same people will still consider it a hand out though. Grinding out echoes does take work. For example, if the price of one Malefic Core was 10k echoes. That would be 13 echoes to buy at 10k each to reach the current cloak resistance cap of 89…


In hindsight I’d say there was, and it’s all because of how awful class design is in BfA.

All of this stuff, from azerite to essences to corruption, is all trying to patch the gaping holes in the class design. Especially essences.

The problem for Shadowlands is that they’re doing it again. There are still huge gaps in class design for many specs in Shadowlands, despite all the hoopla about the (poorly done) “unpruning”.

Class design is THE MOST IMPORTANT thing in WoW, because our class is the instrument through which we interact with EVERYTHING in the game. But the current dev team just doesn’t understand that, and keeps prioritizing cranking out more stuff rather than creating a more enjoyable experience through good class design.


I don’t get why people are so bent out of shape that my cloak gives slightly more corruption resistance than theirs, and that they’re going to catch up with me already and hit the cap in September at the same time I do.

What was the phrasing that people who defended Titanforging used? Oh yes: “It doesn’t affect you that my cloak’s resistance is higher.”

Except that it does quite a lot in PvP. Anyone who’s competitive in PvE would care as well I suppose.

edit: and not just in rated PvP, people doing “casual” PvP have to face all the same people with the same gear as well.

For example, RIGHT NOW, someone now has the corruption to have another TD over someone else, and almost 2 TD ranks already and still be UNDER 40 corruption resistance. If you think that the DPS output of rank 2 TD does not matter over someone else for numbers, then you are truly mistaken. Imagine the number of TD’s someone will have for their DPS numbers over you, another 13 weeks from now.

Honestly, I could care less about this mainly because its old news but on an unrelated note, can you guys make essences just account wide. Having to use essence of nylotha for essences on alts kind of sucks…

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Essences are a 120 talent row tied to the neck. That everyone has access to. Azerite pieces are just set bonuses that don’t require raiding.

They tried to make classes easier because the content has gotten harder. They added in some grinds that aren’t required but do a decent job soft nerfing the harder content.

SL will probably be a wake up call for a lot of players.

Class design has never been “great” just different and this is one of the better balanced periods we’ve had.