[UPDATED JUNE 24] Preserved Contaminants and Legendary Cloak Updates

Or, you know, you could have just made the level of your cloak an ACCOUNT WIDE THING. And do that for your heart of azeroth amulet as well for that matter. It would work just like paragon levels in Diablo 3.

The way you have designed these systems is very unfriendly towards alt characters. And maybe that’s something you wanted to enforce while everything was new. But at this point in the expansion what is the point anymore in artificially making sure alts will never be as powerful as mains.

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Still no malefic core catchup?


If by “fine”, you mean to say, “This will affect no one as it will inspire no one to do the content who has not done it yet,” then you are right.

The more time passes and the closer we get to the end of the expansion, the less reason there is even to bother with 8.3. But they keep putting in ineffective “catch ups” that won’t catch anybody up ever.

Or even taking away the catch up for essence purchases from players who want to get essences before doing the cloak quest, AS IT WAS TUNED FOR.


shhhh don’t speak about paragon levels, or in D4 they will get rid of it entirely…

There is a malefic core catchup: You acquire them at twice the rate the cap goes up.

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lol, the World of Altcraft’ers have spoken.
No thanks.


I started playing WoW on day one, quit during Legions and am now back to playing full time. I have to say I absolutely HATE the corruption line! It’s a royal pain. I so wish Blizzard would do away with it altogether. I hope Shadowlands doesn’t have any of this nonsense in it. fingers crossed

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I think the cloak rank upgrade changes are new information.

And if it isn’t, it’s information places like wowhead hadn’t updated yet as of a few days ago.

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Corruption will be gone. But the devs are addicted to flashy gimmicks. Flashy gimmicks are fun to create and require no testing before inflicting them on the playerbase in the beta, which is now live. Class balance requires a skillset and work ethic that doesn’t seem to exist anymore.

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We lost a Shadow Priest who had been with us since Blackrock Foundry over corruption.

Her parting comment was: “At least in Legion you couldn’t get the same bad legendary twice.”


They’re also key to the marketing.

Blizzard’s marketing always focusses around things like artifact weapons, azerite, and now covenants for Shadowlands.

However, “hey we finally fixed our messed-up class design!” doesn’t carry the same marketing ring.

It’s the marketing driving the game design, feels like.


Catch-ups that are time-gated aren’t really catch-ups, are they?


When they’re twice as fast as what characters who did it from the beginning got? Yes.

Nah, not really.
A catch-up allows you to catch up in a meaningful timeframe.
Two cores a week still takes months to get to the current corruption resistance maximum.


It feels to me like they’ve got a one button “create game” template. Plug in all the parameters and they have the next expansion. None of that inconvenient trying to integrate the present with the past.

Each expansion is its own mini-game.

Will you continue to post on this character after you go full BM on us?

You realize that people who started in January won’t finish until September, right?

It’s SUPPOSED to take months. For everyone.

That people who started in March will finish at the same time I did means that there is a catch-up mechanic.

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actually nvm this won’t end well, imma just head out


That’s a good question. I don’t know. :cry:

No thanks I don’t wanna grind literally almost three months for the catch up game. See you all in Shadowlands.


All chores all the time to keep you subscribed. You reach “end game” only to find everybody else has unsubscribed and it taking a break until shadowlands.

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