[UPDATED JUNE 24] Preserved Contaminants and Legendary Cloak Updates

meh It feels useless tbh as blizzard relies more on fansites to catch news then weeks later announce "oh hey guys this stuff we have known for about 3-12 weeks is happening now.

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And the schedule was already datamined lol. This post should’ve gone up day 1 to allow people to plan when they buy corruptions. I bet they only posted this because people figured out the schedule on their own.

Also give us a better way to catch up with malefic cores. Let them drop endlessly from 5 mask or something until youre caught up. It shouldnt take months to catch up (or never catch up if you dont raid).


Honestly i personally want them to just make all the essences buyable for alts and mains without requiring you to acquire them through normal means.


You know, there is shilling and then there is you. Jesus Christ, get over yourself already.


Will we ever be able to buy Flash of Insight? I know that it only drops off N’zoth, but I would like to be able to buy it.

Genuine shame that Malefic Cores have no change and are still gatekeeped for alts/newer/returning players for literally no reason.
“Oh but if you do the two a week, you’ll eventually catch up in 3 months (when the expansion is LITERALLY over and it doesn’t matter) :)”

Out of all the expansions, out of all the patches to just let people farm as much as they want and have fun, it feels so needlessly restrictive to limit the most important part of the corruption system (cores + resistance) so harshly and literally impossible for people to catch up in a meaningful way.

Corruption vendor shouldn’t have a rotation, it should all be there for us to choose from. Essences should be unlocked for all characters without grinding after r3/r4, to keep you grinding for stuff you literally already grinded weeks or months for.

Quality of life changes for awful systems to make them decent and playable shouldn’t be withheld just for /playtime metrics. C’mon Blizz. This is THE TIME to be alt-friendly, especially now since progression is over and people are just trying to clean up their goals for the expansion.


This, I stopped retail because I have no way to ‘catch up’ with people anyways so what’s the point? They played longer than me, they just… get to be more powerful. Rather play Classic where that doesn’t happen.

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Not the kind of news you want to see when you’re hoping to catch your alt or even your main that you stopped playing because corruption was trash before the vendor. People doing tens of thousands of dps more then you because your don’t have optimal RNG is bad enough. At least make a REAL catch-up mechanic.


When I do a vision and get 2 pages, it isnt letting me turn the quest in. Still says I need 4. Anyone else?

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Flash of Insight is like Lash of the Void and Obsidian Skin, specific to only 1 drop in the raid, respectively. As such, not gonna show up on vendor.

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When I do a vision and get 2 pages, it isnt letting me turn the quest in. Still says I need 4. Anyone else?

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Did you complete the vision (full clear)?

LFR doesn’t give cores only normal, heroic, and mythic sadly.

No, Do I need to do full clear? Post said only 2 pages would work.

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When does this start? I still need 4 to go from 8 to 9

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I dunno about that, there’s still a good 5 or 6 months left before Shadowlands comes out.

My concern is that it increasingly feels to me like WoW is a game that rewards you for quitting.

  1. Blizzard puts in some grind or long time delay on new things.
  2. People who stay subscribed have to deal with them.
  3. People who quit come back and are REWARDED by having everything accelerated for them.

Cloak: It keeps getting easier and easier to level up your cloak.
Gear: All gear is instantly invalidated by catch-up gear with each new tier. There no building, no progressing, no time to sit enjoy what one’s done.
Flying: The onerous part about pathfinder is the unnecessary year-long delay. People who quit and resub a year into an expansion don’t have to deal with that.

Blizzard needs to be VERY careful because they’re creating a game where players are practically encouraged to quit the game. Relax, everything will be easier when you are rewarded for quitting, later.

In fact, we may already be at that point.

I’d be ok with catch-ups for Alts, but I don’t think they should continue to reward habitual unsubbers.


A full clear will net you the completion for 4+ page steps. The quest will say 4, or 6, or whatever pages but a full clear should still complete the quest. Blizzard’s design is wonky, it’ll complete the step but they didn’t update the quest texts.

If you are on a step that requires 4+ pages (ranks 8-11 I believe) and only do enough zones to get 2 pages, you’ll only receive those 2 pages and still need additional zones/pages for completion.

Their article specifically lists going from r13 to r14, as those last three ranks were changed to only require 2 pages regardless of full clear. This article is totally /lawyered in it’s text.

Thank you homieeeeeeee. That helped me a bunch

they mean if you do a full clear corrupted and lost zones then you can turn it in, but if you only do the first 2 mini-bosses you have to still do 2 runs for turn in.

This is why we can’t have nice things. You complain about retail, its “lack” of alt catchup and the impact of items in pvp.

Then you ask for TBC, which had no catchup but still included timegates like shadowweave and items like Stormherald, Dragonmaw, Runestone and Arp that hugely influenced pvp.