[UPDATED JUNE 24] Preserved Contaminants and Legendary Cloak Updates

Malefic cores desperately need catch up. Anyone coming back to the game or starting an alt now is 39 resist down on a fresh 15 cloak and counting. That’s not a number to scoff at.

Having to grind it is fine but please for the love of god remove the harsh time gating so that people can have a chance at being on somewhat even footing in PvP and PvE


Only Blizzard would timegate catch ups



I love that you can’t flag this thread.

Isn’t this literally textbook necro’ing? lol

Malefic cores additions please. I can’t play alts cause it’ll take me over 3 months to catch them up :angry: BFA = battle for alts.


What? The thread and the article were posted an hour ago.

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Thanks for the catch-up mechanics. Rank 15 isn’t where the catch-up ends though. We need a hotfix so that each full run awards a Core, so players can actually catch up.

For example, my Druid is current with her cloak but my Priest is multiple weeks behind. She might be caught up by the time Shadowlands releases.


Yes, but the information posted is old. There literally is no news here. They are just re-posting these changes again despite the OBVIOUS knowledge of how the players feel about this trash changes.


my god child, you paid hourly or per post?


Technically speaking, this is the first time Blizzard is publicly posting some of the info. Datamines and speculators may have uncovered the corruption rotation a while ago, but this is the official confirmation of it.

Pretty sure what they’re talking about with the pre-15 upgrades is also a further nerf from how it was.

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Just here to add my name to the list of people taking a righteous dump on Blizzards pants on head stupendous decision to not put a catchup mechanic for maleific cores in the game.

Im not even close to current corruption max on my main or my alt because I dont raid. I dont know if LFR gives cores, but nothing will ever be worth going to LFR for more than once. And I still havnt even done it once to see N’Zoth and his totally not ganked from LotR cinematic death.

Good going Blizzard. You have made corruption even more reviled than it already was despised. Good. Going. I hope this is being used for data sampling to learn just how much of a bad decision it is to put systems entirely based on RNG that turn the game’s dps into an RNG twilight devastation gambling simulator into world of warcraft.

Can you just release BC servers already so you have a better PvP version of WoW to learn from and copy to retail like youre doing with classic for class design in shadowlands? Not even mocking you, it legitimately is good to go back towards the games humble beginnings, because they reached 10 million stable subs organically back in BC.


Not fixing Malefic Core catch up, and now people have over 3 months if they start today to catch up to everyone else? Well that is disappointing.


I still require 4 pages for rank 9 to 10. Am I understanding the bottom paragraph wrong? Shouldn’t it only require 1 or 2?

“Now, each Rank up to Rank 15 can be achieved in a single Horrific Vision. For example, upgrading your Rank 13 cloak to Rank 14 now only requires 2 Torn Pages of “The Final Truth” (was 6), so if you’re currently in possession of 2 or more pages, you’ll turn them all in and immediately complete that quest.”


No catch up for Malefic cores. Even though you already need to invest time getting coalescing visions and echoes to run visions.
Corruptions still on this silly rotation instead of being available at all times. Even though you already need to invest time getting echoes to buy them.

It’s like they’re desperately trying to stretch our game time.
No. It cannot be.


When do rotations change? Tues and Fri?

Rotate with the small assaults, so 11am Tuesday and 11pm Friday EST.

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EVERYONE don’t panic, they will implement a Malefic core catch up system 2 weeks before SL release when is completely worthless, it’s ok boys.


If you have an alt who just hit Rank 15 Cloak starting today or are a returning player, it will now take 13 weeks (over 3 months) to catch up to players (and that is only if you can do a full vision clear and kill the raid boss N’Zoth for this week and every week that follows for your two Malefic Cores per week) who are actively keeping up with their Cloak’s Resistance. The power gap between players is widening each growing week. Soon, you will no longer be able to compete with the same numbers of others with more corruption traits than you. If you are now just returning to the game or thinking about leveling that new char for end game, don’t bother unless Blizzard fixes this big issue ASAP. With pre-patch hitting not long after that. For example, RIGHT NOW, someone now has the corruption to have another TD over someone else, and almost 2 TD ranks already. If you think that the DPS output of rank 2 TD does not matter over someone else for numbers, then you are truly mistaken. Imagine the number of TD’s someone will have for their DPS numbers over you, another 13 weeks from now. Game over man.

The only real solutions is to put Malefic Cores up on the vendor that you can buy with your echoes of ny’alotha or allow multiple full vision clears. People would still need to take the time and work to farm them, but it wouldn’t be locked behind an atrocious time gate any longer.


From what i read they havent changed anything with this other than announce the schedule. Meh.


Exactly, a new Blizzard post to keep their metrics up with no real change that is desired by its paying subscribers.

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Now, each Rank up to Rank 15 can be achieved in a single Horrific Vision.

That’s a lie. Rank 9, 10, 11, and 12 require 4 pages from the medium zone (previously 8). You hotfixed these pages to drop from the hard zones because we were farming so much on the previous system that we had almost the full tech tree unlocked and could full clear on some specs. You hotfixed on top of a previous hotfix.

These ranks take 2 keys or pulling a full clear out of your booty without Elite Extermination because you weren’t farming momentos in previous ranks that took several passes to get as well.

Rank 12 to 15 can be done in one key and only requires you to clear the two hard areas. The ranks before it require FOUR pages, a full clear. So you need to full clear so you can earn the right to not have to full clear? I’ve been bug reporting this for like two weeks now… just make it 2 pages already.