[UPDATED JUNE 24] Preserved Contaminants and Legendary Cloak Updates

The catchup became everything eventually. Sorry you dont recall. But I did as I did it on my mage. 1 day got the cloak done.

So… you are saying… that in in-order to “catch-up” a new player or alt would have to do dungeons, raids, world content, and pvp? In WoW? No way…


I was in the same expansion as you but it wasn’t possible expect maybe chapter 1

And the worst part is, can you imagine alts lol? So you gotta get your alts into various pug Nzoth kills each week to catch up? Psshhh

I never questioned if you where or weren’t I stated you dont recall the end of the expansion catch up system.

Regardless it doesn’t matter what you think on this. It’s a bad system. A better system that would have been the same is.

Everything you do gives you a core. Oh you completed an emissary ok here’s a core. You killed nzoth here ya go. You opened your weekly pvp chest ok your weekly mythic chest alright. That alone would be far more reasonable and makes people still have to work to get it.


Please Blizzard, pretty please.
We have to wait for SL, and BFA is pretty much dead at this moment, just let us enjoy our alts.


No, in order for a new player or alt to catch up, they would have to do time gated content for months in order to be min/max.

“It’s an alt you don’t need to be min/max”

Maybe for the content you do, you don’t need to min/max. But some of us play at the tippy top.


What? I love my new alts that I rolled being impossibly far behind my main and everyone else’s characters!

Oh, also new players just starting now are definitely going to love being unusably bad for 10+ weeks!


Because clearly my point is that doing content to catch up is the problem, and not that you’ll only be truly caught up in about three months.

Big brain take.


Yes. Content is gated. Or, if you’d like, we could remove all gates and your alt would never catchup…

Your alt catches up in half the time. How quickly do you think it should catchup?

You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.


its only june guys, september will bring the uncapped malefic core acquisition and they’ll probably remove the corruption rotation in october


In as much time as the player is willing to invest.

I’d personally love if the following happened:

  1. Malefic Cores can be farmed infinitely (up until Corruption cap, which this week is 89, or 13 runs, once you hit 15). That’s 27 runs total to go from Cloak 1 to Cloak 15, 89 Corruption. If someone wants to go that hard, more power to them.
  2. Vessel Cost with Echoes is reduced to 750 (so completing a full run will give you another key).
  3. Memento gain is significantly increased to both power through the tech tree and reduce the socket grind. (Increase the mount cost proportionately, to not diminish that particular grind).
  4. Reduce targeted Azerite cost to 4750 Residuum (to mirror the random cost).

The expansion is basically over. There’s no point in making it ridiculous to for alts and new players to be end-game ready anymore.


With how late it is in the expansion. With how terrible BfA has been overall. And with how terrible corruption balance has been. Blizzard should do the following:

  • Vendor sells all corruption scrolls all the time.
  • Malefic Core now can be farmed up to current cap.
  • Echoes for Essences have been reduced by 75%.
  • MOTHER now sells all Rank3 Essences to everyone.
  • Cost of Azerite Gear vendors reduced by 50%
  • Cost of Warlord Trophy (Quartermaster’s Note) Reduced by 75%

In the right places, time gating is fine. But with Horrific Visions as they currently stand, I think it could use a bit less. If people want to burn through all their currency on keys to increase their corruption cap, I say let them.


Can somebody who makes decisions for this game explain why it should take a new character/alt character 10+ weeks to catch up the cloak?

This just doesn’t make any sense whatsoever that you can’t earn more than 2 malefic cores per week while everyone else still earns one per week.


Better tweet @WatcherDev, not likely to get a response here.

Because Blizzard still can’t decide if they want to reduce barriers to re-entry or to reward people who played from the beginning of the patch.


its simple really, this patch needs to last until november when the shadowlands prepatch comes out (assuming they’re still on a december release date which given them cancelling their news event last week seems unlikely). in a month or two you’ll see them either make malefic cores farmable or make every corruption available on the vendor at all times. A month after that you’ll see the other change. Add an essence cost reduction here or there and they’ll feel real smart about how much they managed to milk this awful patch

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This is so unbelievably stupid. Why would you ever design a system so convuluted that it requires official explanation to make heads or tails of. I thought you guys said you wanted to move away from designing systems that require people to look up info from external sites.