[UPDATED JUNE 24] Preserved Contaminants and Legendary Cloak Updates

can’t agree more with this. I’m not sure what blizzard is thinking driving new players away with the current system. I don’t want players to just be handed everything for free but dont time gate them 3 months behind everyone else…


BFA is just a series of bandaids and knee jerk reactions.

Azerite Armor RNG and traits not spec specific? Changed due to player demands.

Essences introduced to give players buttons to hit and not more passives.

Corruption introduced to replace titanforging gearing.

On one hand they are listening more to player feedback which is good! But on the other hand you are supposed to listen to player feedback during alpha/beta. Kind of hard to change things mid expansion.


False. My alts without the cloak are still not getting echoes from emissaries.

What else is not true in the article?

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New Players and older veterans (like myself) just don’t grasp the visions as well as the players that have stayed in the game or the younger guys whom get in there and just get stuff quick ya know? However, vision grinding must be a thing and I do get the dailies to buy horrific visions and all. I’ve been lucky enough to have friends run me through visions, but for those that have been solo’ing it without knowing what’s going on, I can imagine their chairs have pucker spots in the near-center of them by now and most likely dented keyboards…visions :confused:


Not sure what you mean by, “Ion and company” but I think it’s safe to say that World of Warcraft is not controlled by a small group of developers lol. There may be spokespersons on matters of subjects that they could be experts in! :slight_smile:

It is also a way to frustrate people and make them quit.


Sadly they used to, when they changed to allow people to buy corruptions they removed the ability to get echos for characters without the cloak quests finished. Seeing how long and boring the quest is it just means some people just stop bothering with alts.


Oh I saw that this thread was from only three days ago and I thought it was something new, lol.

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Tell you the truth,it’s a little to late so I gave up on upgrading the cloak and corruption effects with a few months before sL to come out.Forget it.


LMAO if you haven’t been playing a character since week one for malefic cores you might as well shelve it until Shadowlands.


well. not only am i calling this bs, but a straight out lie. it didn’t get easier but doubled, if no quadrupled the amount of cores needed to upgrade. what? we weren’t “woke” enough for you so you folks decided to “punish” us some more? well whomever published this aught to be both ashamed, and pissed., because now you are a lying SOS. and the devs made you look like one. My main needed only 2 cores per upgrade. my alts now need 4 per upgrade (7 to 11) is this blackmail so we purchase the “woke” insignia in your shop or are you folks really thinking we wont notice?


well not only did i catch you folks in a lie, it turned out to be so huge you went the other way. whoever posted this garbage aught to be ashamed. What you think we really wouldn’t catch it? my mains upgrades on the cloak were 2 cores per (7 to 11) all my alts that were at the same point went to 4 cores. whats next? 8? 16? what, did you actually think we wouldn’t notice? do better.

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If you have 4 alts with rank 15 cloaks, then you would need to do 52 N’zoth kill raids (not counting the Vision full clears) to catch up to other players corruption resistance, and then it increases next week. That’s crazy.


In all honesty, I quit caring after SoO when Blizz started putting gates on gates on gates on gates where no one could raid or do dungeons because their IO wasn’t right, even tho they cleared Mythic content before IO… the whole profession gating, essences, locking bis behind raids/pvp, having to run constantly to keep up when the new expansion is around the corner… is like waiting for your weekly chest and it be something you got 10x before… wake up, you are playing right into their continued daily grind, over and over and over… take a breather… enjoy your family, friends, cook, workout, you will still be living tomorrow if you do not kill yourself in wow today.

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Guys, PLEASE see this for what it is. The ONLY reason they pace out the corruptions on the vendor is to keep you subscribed. That’s it. Why else would they introduce this convoluted rotation system?

Respect our time Blizzard.


I couldn’t be happier for BFA to be over.


It also says that every 120 can purchase corruptions using echos. What it doesn’t say is that a fresh 120 has no way of getting echoes until after they get the cloak. Nor essences earned on a main. And they can’t cleanse their backlog of low ilvl corrupted gear until after they have run a horrific vision.

As usual, what they are saying is less important than what they are leaving out. It can and should be safely ignored.

If it seems like this isn’t really a catch up. it isn’t. I fully expect to see more “catch ups” in the future that are of no help to anyone needing to catch up.

Exactly, it doesn’t offer ‘‘content’’ as some people think. It’s just you being held up through human psychology to keep you ‘‘working’’ on chores.


What makes you think Shadowlands will be different?

Probably would be the best to simply ignore it. This player thrives on being infamous, so the more hated he is, bigger his ego gets.

Thankfully due to his gaudy transmog it’s possible to quicky identify and filter his posts out.