[UPDATED JUNE 24] Preserved Contaminants and Legendary Cloak Updates

Uhh lol.

Definitely not. Think about it like this. A piece of bread is a basic commodity to many people. But if you are a starving child in Ethiopia, a piece of bread is probably something to get very excited over.

They are basically starving the community with obviously terrible content. And then 3-4 months before the expansion comes out, all the corruption will be available in the vendor for reduced, reasonable prices. The amount of echoes you earn will be increased so that an hours worth of your time doesn’t net you 1/30 of a large corruption. And azerite vendor prices will drop so people can actually buy specific pieces without having to grind a +15 out for 2 straight months just for a single piece of gear. This is all basically the equivalent to bread… basic things that should already have existed. But because they have starved us for so long, the community will get super hype and ready for shadowlands when it all comes out 3-4 months before expansion release…

This is a tried and true strategy they have used repeatedly.

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Side note. I wonder if making pvp the best way to farm echoes was either a sideways way of saying “sorry” to how much they have screwed pvp’ers this expansion… That or the more sinister conspiracy theory I have that this was an attempt to encourage high lvl pvp’ers to start selling carries. Selling carries inflates the market and sells a ton of WoW tokens in the raid/M+ scene. I’ve noticed a large increase in people selling pvp carries for echoes recently.

I implore everyone that hasn’t already replied to the post that has thousands of views titled “Blizzard! Your Malefic Core Catch up Mechanic is Becoming a Growing Concern For Every Further Week!” should do so instead to help give a better chance grabbing the attention of Blizzard. I noticed that a lot of Blizzard replies is based off at least 6k views for the post.

WE did it BOYS!

It was my post (with the 4k+ views) that got a Blizzard response to it about the malefic core catch up mechanic. Everyone in this thread redirect yourself to my post that Blizzard is replying in.

Link here: Blizzard! Your Malefic Core Catch up Mechanic is Becoming a Growing Concern For Every Further Week!

“For example, upgrading your Rank 13 cloak to Rank 14 now only requires 2 Torn Pages of “The Final Truth” (was 6), so if you’re currently in possession of 2 or more pages, you’ll turn them all in and immediately complete that quest. The following quest to upgrade from Rank 14 to 15 will then require that you go get 2 more new Torn Pages (was 8).”

Why did it take me 4 pages to get from 9 to 10? I abandoned the quest first and picked it back up and it still said 4 pages… what am I not understanding?

The race has been over for a while now Limit won!

Why is there an 8 WEEK rotation to something that is basically going away entirely in 4 months. Just make all the items available all the time.

8-12 is still 4 pages. Only the people who were close to max deserved a catch-up.

Edit, I also noticed that when I got more pages than I needed to finish a level, I couldn’t loot the extras, to use for the next one. So don’t do more than you need to.

Rearrange that a wee bit and ull have an awesome haiku

Well, crap …i came back
I’ll find something else to do.
Thanks for the heads up!

there u go …haiku

Remove the rotation and lower the core cost! There are only a few months left of the expansion. Let us enjoy the time we have left and stop time gating it. We want our alts to be ready for the new expac, but its so painful to get cores, cloak, neck, essences.

Give us the core on every full clear, 5 mask it if you want a “harder reward”

Stop the rotation, by the time I farm enough echoes to unlock essences on my alts, then grind enough echoes to fully upgrade the cloak, and then grind enough echoes to buy the corruption, it’s already shadow lands. This is ridiculous.

We play the game for fun. Dailies are not fun, full clearing normal/heroic/mythic on our alts before the new expansion is fun. PvP is fun when you’re not 100 cloak resist behind, or dont have rank 3 essences, or don’t have enough resist to use the right pieces.

Let us enjoy the game! You already let the balance of corruption get out of hand, so let us enjoy it will while we can. PLEASE

You can get 10k echoes a week doing virtually everything, including some pvp.

So do the math on an alt… Cloak needs 22k echoes to catch up, and more weekly. You need at least 4 rank 3 essences so another 10k, then add in that most pvp classes need verse x 9, tentacles, or gushing (I know there are more options) and pve need 9x haste/mastery/crit… so on the LOW end if you only play one spec and have all the gear (so no upgrades needed) thats another 45k echoes minimum. Hence, 45k + 10k + 22k… get a couple upgrades that need new corruption, or need to change the neck for different pvp opponents/pve situations and you’re literally at 100k echoes, soft… divided by 10k/weekly… thats 2.5 months…and if you get unlucky on the vendor rotation add another month… 3.5 months to play the game when the expansion is coming out in how many weeks??? Common sense Blizzard. Let us enjoy the “death throes” of BFA and get our alts ready for Shadowlands. Lower the costs, remove the rotation… world first race is over, pvp is already insanely imbalanced with corruption. The expansion is over so let us have fun!!!