[UPDATED JUNE 24] Preserved Contaminants and Legendary Cloak Updates

Ion and his horde Devs live in their echo chamber. But, they are smart enough to know exactly the reasons why people complain and/or don’t do content and why people quit their game.

Ion and company were willing to lose millions of subs over the flying debacle. Of course, this was more a long term decision to see how many people will stay and pay Blizz no matter what crappy product they put out and how few resources Blizz can use on WoW.

WoW is nothing but rng, now. I like collecting mounts.

I’m going back to get the mounts from Legion and great goodness, Blizz and their rng are silly. So fun to grind and grind just to get chests with crap in them.

At this point if Blizz has so few paying subs and need to milk the few remaining players to stay as subbed as long as possible, I’d wish they’d just shut down the game.


But that would mean you could quit for a few months and then come back with catch up mechanics! Blizzard wants you to feel pressured to stay subscribed so you can keep up on a weekly basis. The catcher is, I guarantee there were already catchup mechanics planned for the final two months before shadowlands. They need to get the hype train rolling again in preparation for shadowlands and thats one of the ways they will do it.

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except… your wrong. People don’t refuse to do content when it becomes a tiresome chore. As long as there are rewards at the end. People will do it. That has been proven throughout this terrible expansion repeatedly. And the problem is even for the people who are pissed and log on once or twice a week to do their weekly stuff just to keep up. They are still taking just as long as the next guy logging on for 15 hours a day. And therefore they have been successful in forcing you to extend your subscription to keep up with content. Not sure why everyone here is acting like they even give a crap about us anymore. The quarterly reports for their shareholders so Bobby Kotick can make even more money is all they care about. I promise.


Agreed, it’s not like you aren’t still gated somewhat by coalescing visions if you made the requirement be that you have to full clear a horrific vision to then get a malefic core every time until you’re caught up.

Please get rid of the core cap. Let us get as many as we want per week. Let is be done with this cape. Nobody wants to wait till September to be done.

Should be do a vision get a core, do a nzoth kill get a core.

We can be done with the cape faster try out some new corruption builds rather then waiting till September when BFA will be done.


Still took me 4 pages to get from 9 to 10…


Any chance we can just have the entire corruption collection available on Mother all the time, so we don’t have to wait several weeks for the corruption/s we want? And while we are at that, can we just spam visions for Malefic Cores on alts to catch up? I actually can’t think of a reason this would be an issue? Let people have access to catching up, playing alts, give us options to play other characters in decent lvl content.

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That’s because that warlock has invested enough time in their character to reach that point . What you are asking is to skip that time investment so you are in even footing. I will agree with Tewa on this . Catch up mechanics are great but its downside is it negates all the time investment by just quitting and skipping.

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Removing time-gates would mean you’d still have to do as many runs to catch up you’d just not be limited to how many you can do per week.

For example, removing vessels entirely as a gate and removing the weekly core cap would mean you’d still have done as many visions as some other guy, you just don’t have to only get 1 per week.

Your argument suggests waiting to do weekly chores counts as time spent progressing.

Yes , they remained subbed they logged in and invested their time to do their chores . You want to skip all that time invested to be on equal footing.

Not sure how you are not seeing this an issue

It’s just these superior complex players that will try to find any excuse possible to keep their power advantage over others. It’s funny because, it just makes them look self-centered since this catch-up mechanic is actually hurting the majority of Blizzard player base (the returning players, the new players, the players that just leveled alts, etc.). The good thing, that based on these forum replies to this topic, they are just the minority.

this is why i don’t have alts, what a sad joke.


because if you have a maxed character of course you would want to spend time farming currency for $#!@ you already did, putting it back behind gates. never change dips#@!s

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Waiting to do something once a week is not time spent.

Removing vessels does not remove the total number of runs you’d have to do to catch up.

edit: and before anyone bothers to go there again with raid lockouts, ilvl catch up and resistance catch up are two different conversations, BUT if you really want to go there you’ve been able to bypass weekly lockouts in ilvl catchup since the launch of Legion via M+


Yes it is that’s 7 days - 168 hours- 10k minutes including the time you spend doing that chore.

Even as was talk about it we are spending time talking about it . Are we not spending time?

No sure why is there so much lack of common sense.

Weird I feel that way about all the pathetic apologists trying to defend trash design.

Time spent waiting is not time spent actually doing anything. I don’t care how much /played time you have spent AFKing in SW.

Wanting people to have to wait on the same awful time-gate so there are fewer people on an equal footing is just really bizarre. Maybe it’s the D3 mentality bleeding into WoW. I spent X amount of time grinding rifts! I deserve to be the bestest forever and nobody should ever catch up!!!


They waited a week to spend time do their chore. It did not happen instantly like they logged in and it was in their mailbox :rofl:

You do not want to wait that week ,you do not want to do that chore and you want to be on equal footing which almost 4 months if you start today

This is same case with ALL catchups not only corruption resistance/ Example : Azerite power, Essences , reputations , heroic/mythic 0 /WQ having their Ilvls increased skipping raids from Uldir and over.

What are you talking about?

You could get carried to ilvl catch up in a week potentially. (IE: friends carrying in M+ gear sharing for 460+ gear)

Amulet catch up is extremely fast now.

Nobody cares about rep catch up besides the poor souls who came back without flying. Rep is useless outside of pathfinder. edit: well the new reps if you care about a couple of essences also

The only (non-cosmetic/current) things heavily time-gated are cape catch up, corruption (unless you have an enormous amount of time to farm echoes on a single character) and certain essences. edit: And yes azerite can be slow unless you got exceptionally lucky (IE: i got 460 azerite on my first heroic darkshore on at least one character)

Also if you want to compare this expansion catch ups to past expansions, many were much better and faster than cape resistance.

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What if the catch up wasn’t there and you had to start gearing from Uldir onwards to keep up . It wouldn’t be a week then

Another catchup where blizzard reduced the amount of AP needed by 30% every week. Going to 80 up is done in two hours rather than 2 months for the ppl who did it earlier.

Nobody = zero players, make up your mind

Catchups were good till WoD, you still had to invest the time in Mop to get your cloak in almost every raid likewise for the ring in WoD.